A Glance at the Life of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) Posted: - TopicsExpress


A Glance at the Life of the Holy Prophet of Islam (PBUH) Posted: 03 Jan 2015 06:36 AM PST Prophet-Muhammad-The-True-Face-of-Islam JAFARIA NEWS NETWORK: 3 JAN.2015: Among all the Prophets, the Holy Prophet is the only Prophet about whose life even ordinary matters have been recorded in history and this is a great accomplishment of the Muslim nation because the biographical sketches of other Prophets have been written after a lapse of considerable time with alterations and incorrect accounts by some of their followers. However on the life and attributes of the Holy Prophets many books were written in Arabic language some details of which have been mentioned in our discussions on the signs of the Prophets. Thus it seems pertinent to give a brief account of the conduct and character of our Holy Prophet. It would be profitable for all the Muslims to know the details of the Prophet’s character, morals, and private life. Whatever is written in the following pages has been derived from Biharul Anwar, vol. XVI; Sirah-i Ibn Hisham, Kuhlul Basar, Tafsir al-Mizan, vol. VI and other authentic books. Name and Genealogy Amongst the progeny of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) (Abraham) was Prophet Ishaq (AS) (Issac) whose descendants were Bani Israil (the tribe of Jews). In this tribe were born the Prophets Musa (AS) (Moses), Isa (AS) (Jesus) and many others. One of the twelve sons of lsmail (AS), the other son of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS), was Qaidar whose descendants came to reside in Hijaz. Amongst them Adnan was the most famous. The Prophet of Islam belonged to this pedigree. His genealogy upto Adnan is as follows: Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Abdul Muttalib bin Hashim bin Abd-e-Munaf bin Qusayy bin Kilab bin Murrah bin Kaab bin Luayy bin Ghalib bin Fihr bin Malik bin Nazar bin Kinana bin Khuzaima bin Mudrika bin Ilyas bin Muzir bin Nazar bin Maad bin Adnan of them the descendants of Nazar bin Kinana were called Quraish. The Prophet’s (SAW) mother was Amina bint-e-Wahab bin Abd-e-Munaf, This means that the Prophet (AS) belonged to the distinguished tribe of Quraish both from the side of mother and of father. Birth The year 570 A.D., in which Abraha, the Abyssinian, attacked Kaaba with an army of elephants, was named by the Arabs as Aamul Fee! (The year of elephants). It was in this year that the Prophet (SAW) was born in Makkah on Friday, the 17 th Rabi-ul Awwal. Orphanhood As recorded in history, it is unanimously reported that the Prophet (SAW) was deprived of the protection of his father very early. His father Abdullah died when, according to some. He was still in the womb of his mother or as other reports say. He was of two months, or of seven months, or of two years or of two years and four months, which is the longest period mentioned in the traditions. As historians differ in the determination of his age at the time of his father’s death, a satisfactory decision in this regard is difficult to make. The intensity of sorrow increases alt the more when we find that he lost his loving mother also at the age of six. It seems that it was the Will of Providence that the man who was to shower his love and compassion on the entire world should himself be deprived of the affection of his parents in his childhood. Upbringing Haleema was that fortunate lady from the tribe of Bani Saad who was engaged as his wet-nurse. During this period she kept him in her village. Thereafter, he lived with his mother till the age of six. After the demise of his mother his grand father. Abdul Muttalib took him into his care and brought him up with greater care and love than his own off springs. After two years he also expired. In his last moments his only anxiety was the protection and safely of this child who, he was sure. would in future attain a high and prominent position in the world. When he lost all hopes of his life he called his son Abu Talib (AS) and entrusted Muhammad (SAW) ‘ to his charge. He had other sons older than Abu Talib (AS) but he had an inner perception that none of them would look after Muhammad (SAW) with as much care as Abu Talib (AS). Abu Talib justified the trust reposed in him and to the last breath of his life helped and supported the Prophet (SAW), thus fulfilling the commitment he had made to his esteemed father at the last stage of his life. From then onwards, that is. when the Prophet (SAW) was eight years old. his uncle Abu Talib (AS) continued to bestow greater love on him till the end of his life than on his own children. His aunt Fatima bint-e-Asad, the wife of Abu Talib (AS), also gave him as much affection as he would have got from his own mother. That is why on the demise of Fatima binl-e-Asad the Prophet (SAW) uttered the following words. “She was like my mother after my own mother.” Journey on Business When the Prophet (SAW) was twenty-five years old he went to Syria on a business trip with the merchandise belonging to Khadija bint-e-Khwaylid. This venture proved so successful that the profit earned this year was the double of what she used to get in the previous years Marriage In connection with the business transactions the admirable behaviour, the honesty and integrity, the lofty personality and noble qualities of the Prophet (SAW) deeply impressed Khadija. At the same lime Khadija’s fairness in business dealings and her upright character had much weight in the eyes of the Prophet. Consequently, when a suggestion was made to him to propose to Khadija for marriage the only excuse he put forward was that she was very rich in comparison to him and therefore she may not agree. But when he was assured of her consent, he readily agreed to propose to her. As expected, Khadija gave her consent immediately- A suitable date was accordingly fixed for the marriage. On behalf of Khadija her uncle Amr bin Asad and, from the side of the Prophet (SAW), his uncle Abu Talib (AS) – performed the marital rites. Although Khadija was much older than the Prophet (SAW), he had so much respect for her excellent nature and manners that he never even thought of having a second wife in her lifetime. His Compassion and Sympathy: Before the advent of Islam, it so happened that people were worried about the apalling conditions of famine. Abu Talib, the uncle of the Holy Prophet was also equally perturbed because he had a large family to support and his resources were limited. The Holy Prophet decided with his uncle Abbas to go to Abu Talib and in order to lessen the burden of his daily expenses, each one of them should take one son of Abu Talib. Thus Abbas took Ja’far and the Holy Prophet brought Imam Ali to his house and became his guardian from his very childhood. This was one example of the compassionate nature of the Prophet of Islam. His Morals: The Holy Prophet used to sleep on the floor on a simple mat. He cobbled his shoes and patched his clothes himself. He smiled away any disgraceful remark. He would go to buy things for himself. Anas bin Malik says, “For years I was in the service of the Holy Prophet but never even for once did he reprimand me on my fault. The Holy Prophet milked the she-goat himself, greeted the children first and accepted the invitation of his slaves. He would never make a disparaging remark about the food which was not of his liking. He was particular about cleansing his teeth with Miswak,applying perfume and taking bath on Fridays. While going out of the house he put on white dress. While taking his food, he would never lean upon anything so that there might not be any sign of pride when he was sitting before Allah’s bounties. His Family Life: Despite the fact that most of the wives of the Holy Prophet were of advanced age, mothers of orphaned children, and were of varying nature and disposition, he treated them nicely as is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an: Treat them kindly … (Surah an-Nisa, 4:19). Though some of his wives treated him so badly that his companions used to advise him to leave them for the good. But he used to say that the shortcomings of a woman should be weighed with some of her good qualities also. One should not divorce one’s wife on her minor fault or slight unpleasant behavior because women possess some good qualities and noble attributes also. The Holy Prophet said: “Anyone who is affluent with regard to wealth and property but still remains stingy with his wife and children, is not amongst us”. (Mustadrak, vol. II, p. 643) After the passing away of his beloved wife, Lady Khadija the Holy Prophet treated all those ladies who were her intimate friends with high esteem and favour. The Holy Prophet used to say: “I treat my family members better than anyone else”. (Wasa’il, vol. XIV, p. 122) 285 The Holy Prophet observed justice with his wives so strictly that even during his serious illness his bed was made each night by regular turns in every wife’s chamber. His Feelings for the New-born: A newborn baby was brought to the Holy Prophet for blessings or for giving him a name. The new-born passed urine in the lap of the Holy Prophet and the parents as well as the people standing around became very much embarrassed. At this the Holy Prophet said: “Don’t mind. The little one is getting frightened of your making a noise. I shall have my clothes washed”. (Kuhlul Basar) His Initiative in Greeting the Children: The Holy Prophet used to call the name of the boys and girls with respect. He gave special instructions about respecting the girls. In his code of conduct the injunction for giving respect to the females is present. This is the view of the Holy Prophet. But once when on the birth of a female child the father of the child became so furious that his face turned black. The Holy Qur’an says: When the glad news of the birth of their daughter is announced to them, their faces turn gloomy and black with anger. (Surah an-Nahl, 16:58) Under such ghastly condition of the society, respect for the sons and daughters particularly of the daughter was a conspicuous thing. The Holy Prophet said: “The best of your offsprings are the daughters, and the sign of a woman’s auspiciousness is that her first-born is a daughter”. (Mustadrak, vol. II, p. 614—615) A companinon of the Holy Prophet was sitting with him. When he heard the news of the birth of his daughter he became displeased. The Holy Prophet then said to him: “When earth is her abode, the sky is her shelter and her livelihood is secure with Allah, why have you become so unhappy? She is like a flower spreading its fragrance and she will stand you in good stead”. (Wasa’il, vol. XV, p. 101) A man told the if Holy Prophet that he had never kissed his child. The Holy Prophet said: “This is the sign of your cold bloodedness” . In the matter of giving equal treatment to all the children, the Holy Prophet said: “If you kiss a child before another, you should kiss the other one also”. He Was Not an Opportunist: One of the sons of the Holy Prophet was Ibrahim who expired early in his infancy. When after his death there happened to be a solar eclipse, people thought it was as a consequence of the demise of the son of the Holy Prophet. At this the Holy Prophet assembled the people and said: “The occultation of the sun was not due to the sad demise of my son, Ibrahim”. Thus the Holy Prophet got the people saved from falling into ignorance, superstition and undue love. On such an occasion if there had been a politician in place of the Holy Prophet he would have given a wrong interpretation of this incident and would have aroused the people to maintain undue love. He Was Always on the Lead: In the Battle of Ahzab all the enemies of Islam, including the infidels, idolaters and hypocrites decided to wipe out Islam altogether and for this purpose they prepared to make a heavy attack on Madina. The Holy Prophet decided to fight against the enemies and with the consultation of his companions it was decided that a trench might be dug around the city of Madina as a first measure of defence. On this occasion the Holy Prophet took the lead in digging the trench and he engaged himself in this task until the trench was ready while some of the Muslims had taken leave and some others had gone away without taking permission. His Hospitality: Salman Farsi, the loyal companion of the Holy Prophet said: “I happened to visit the Holy Prophet at his house. He offered me the same pillow which was the only one in his own use”. Such a treatment of his visitors was not particularly shown to Salman Farsi but it was for every Muslim. One day each of the foster brothers and sisters of the Holy Prophet separately came to the Holy Prophet. He treated the sister with greater respect than the brothers. When the people inquired about this distinction, the Holy Prophet replied: “As this sister used to respect her parents, I have greater regard and love for her”. (Biharul Anwar, vol. XVI, p. 281) Sometimes the guests of the Holy Prophet overstayed their welcome even after finishing with their meals and got themselves busy in conversation but still he tolerated it. At last a Qur’anic verse was revealed saying: If you are invited, you may enter, but be punctual (so that you will not be waiting while the meal is being prepared). When you have finished eating, leave his home, and do not sit around chatting among yourselves. This will annoy the Prophet and he will feel embarrassed to tell you. (Surah al-Ahzab, 33 53 ) His Extreme Dedication: The Holy Prophet used to wake up from his sleep after midnight. After prostrating himself before Allah, brushing his teeth with Miswak, and reciting a few verses of the Holy Qur’an, he got himself busy with the worship of Allah. Some of his wives used to say to him: “You are innocent and infallible and yet you do a lot of imploration!” The Holy Prophet would answer them by saying: “Should I not try to be a grateful servant of Allah”. During the month of Ramazan, the Holy Prophet used to free his slaves. While offering prayers he trembled with fear. When he offered his prayers alone he prolonged his bowing and prostration but in congregation he shortened them. One of his companions who was appointed to lead the congregational prayers was instructed by him to recite a short Surah after Surah al-Hamd so as not to prolong the duration of the prayers in congregation. His Insight and Sagacity: While solving any problem, the Holy Prophet used to apply his foresight, and sense of justice. When the different tribes of Arabia rebuilt the Holy Ka’ba, the dispute arose as to which tribe should install the sacred Black Stone (Hajar ul aswad) at its original place. This dispute was going to create an ugly situation. A man suggested that whoever came to the Masjidul Haram first of all in the early morning should be made to arbitrate between them. The following morning the Holy Prophet was the first to come to the Holy Ka’ba and hence he was accepted as an arbiter in this dispute. The Holy Prophet then ordered them to bring a sheet of cloth. When the cloth was brought he placed the sacred Black Stone in the middle of the sheet of cloth and asked every chief of the tribes to lift it from each corner and carry it near the Holy Ka’ba. Thereafter, the Holy Prophet picked up the sacred Black Stone and placed it at its original place. It was because of the Holy Prophet’s insight as well as the sense of justice that the dispute was settled amicably. The Holy Prophet in the Battlefield: Imam Ali says: “The Holy Prophet used to be always on the forefront in the battlefield to face the enemy. And in the Battle of Trench when it was decided to dig a trench around the city of Madina, the Holy Prophet was the first to pick up the pickaxe for digging the earth and he continued digging the trench along with his followers until the trench was completely ready”. The Holy Imam further says: “In the battlefields whenever we Muslims were faced with some difficulty, we took shelter of the Holy Prophet and sought his help and protection”. His Decisiveness: The Holy Prophet was never prepared to ignore his ideological programme or any of its principles for the sake of increasing the number of his followers. Some people from Ta’if came to the Holy Prophet and said: “We can profess Islam provided that you give us permission for idol-worship and exempt us from offering prayers”. The Holy Prophet rejected their conditions straightaway. He did not care to increase the numerical strength of his followers at the cost of the fundamental principles of Islam. The Holy Prophet was not like those who would compromise on principles. His Piety and Devotion: Once the Holy Prophet gave twelve Dirhams to Imam Ali to buy a dress for him (the Prophet). The Holy Imam went to the bazaar and brought a dress costing the some amount of money. The Holy Prophet seeing the dress said: “If the dress had been more simple, it would have been better. If the shopkeeper agrees to take back the dress return it to him”. The Holy Imam returned the dress and brought back twelve dirhams to the Holy Prophet. This time the Holy Prophet went along with Imam Ali to the bazaar. On the way he saw a slave-girl who was crying. The Holy Prophet asked her the cause of her trouble. She said: “My master gave me four dirhams to buy things from the bazaar but I lost that amount of money. I am afraid of going back home because of my master”. The Holy Prophet gave that girl four dirhams and bought a dress for himself for four dirhams. On his way back home he saw a man who was without proper clothes. The Holy Prophet gave his dress to this man and came back to the bazaar to buy another dress for the remaining four dirhams left with him. On his way back again the Holy Prophet saw the same slave-girl still standing there. She lamented that since she was already late for home she was scared of her master who would beat her for this. The Holy Prophet accompanied the slave-girl to her master’s house. In deference to the Holy Prophet’s coming to his house the master not only excused the slave-girl but also freed her. The Holy Prophet then said: “Those twelve dirhams were so auspicious that they enabled two needy ones to clothe themselves and a slave-girl to become free”. (Biharul Anwar, vol. XVI. p. 215) Indeed if we care to cut down our personal expenditure we can help the needy to procure some of their basic needs. The Holy Prophet owed a few dirhams to a Jew. One day he came to the Holy Prophet and demanded his money but the Holy Prophet had no money with him to pay off his debt. The Jew said: “I will not leave this place until you give me my money back”. He stayed there till it was the Zohr (midday prayers) time. People offered their Zohr prayers. Then the time for evening, dusk and night prayers came and the Jew was still there to pester the Holy Prophet. At last the people became annoyed. But the Holy Prophet said: “We are not supposed to be unjust to him”. Consequently the Jew who shadowed the Holy Prophet until the following day embraced Islam, and distributed his money in charity in the name of Allah. He said: ‘I was not actually meaning to harm the Holy Prophet, for my intention was to test the Holy Prophet’s high qualities of character “. His Loyalty: Ammar Yasir, one of the celebrated companions of the Holy Prophet narrates: “Before the announcement of the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet, he and I together used to tend the cattle. One day I suggested to the Holy Prophet that a certain place was most suited for tending our cattle and we should go over to that pasture. The Holy Prophet agreed. On the following day I found that the Holy Prophet had already reached there but he was holding his sheep off and was not allowing them to graze. On my asking the reason for this the Holy Prophet said: “There was an agreement between us that both of us together would graze our sheep and thus it was not proper on my part to graze my sheep without you doing the same at the same time”. His Method of Teaching: While teaching the people Islamic faith and moral conduct or answering questions, the Holy Prophet used to repeat his instructions three times so as to drive the idea home. His Sheltering the Enemy: In the eight year of the migration, when the Holy Prophet left Madina at the head of an army and conquered Makkah? he entered the Holy Ka’ba and smashed up all the idols in it. Safwan, one of the chiefs of the idolaters, who belonged to the tribe of Umayya fled away to Jeddah which was at a distance of a few miles from Makkah. Some people interceded with the Holy Prophet for his pardon. The Holy Prophet then sent his head-gear to him so that he should be under protection while entering Makkah. Safwan returned from Jeddah and asked for a grace time of two months until he could think of embracing Islam. But the Holy Prophet gave him the grace period of four months instead of two months. Safwan remained with the Holy Prophet on his many travels and after finding himself enchanted by the personality of the Holy Prophet and move by the powerful force of his preachings, voluntarily professed Islam as his religion. The Holy Qur’an says: If the pagans ask you to give them refuge, give them asylum so that they may hear the words of Allah. Then let them return to their towns for they are ignorant people. (Surah at-Taubah, 9:6) According to Islamic jurisprudence in Jihad (the Holy War against the infidels) the giving of shelter and asylum to infidels have been stressed. His Behavior with the Enemies: On the occasion of the conquest of Makkah, the Holy Prophet pardoned even his blood-thirsty enemies and not only that he even pardoned the unbelieving woman who had conspired to kill him by cooking for him a poisoned meal. Once an enemy of Islam happened to come to the Holy Prophet and instead of greeting him with the celebrated Islamic Greeting “Assalam u Alayka” (Peace be in you) he said “Assamu Alayka” (Death be on you) and insolently repeated these words several times, but despite possessing the means for revenge, the Holy Prophet replied back by saying “Wa Alayka” (Same be to you). Some of those who were present there became very furiousat the insolent behavior of the enemy. They said to the Holy Prophet: “Why did you not retaliate upon your enemy?” The Holy Prophet replied: “I reciprocated his greeting in his own words that is, “The same on you” which he had wished for me”. Affectionate Treatment of His Friends: While on a journey people used to divide work among themselves and the Holy Prophet, too, had his work to do himself. He used to collect the firewood for cooking food. Despite his worthy companions desire not to let him work, the Holy Prophet would not agree to it. Once when the Holy Prophet alighted from the camel’s back and went to tether the animal to a tree, some companions rushed forward to do that little job but the Holy Prophet did not accept the help of the companions and instead said” “You too should not throw yourself upon the help of other”. Some Special Traits of the Holy Prophet • The Holy Prophet readily accepted the invitation of the slaves and he considered it necessary to hold them in high regard like other notables of the tribes. However he would entrust their leadership to those who were held in respect by them. • The Holy Prophet was not mindless of good or bad behavior. He used to encourage as well as admonish people as the occasion demanded. He was always much concerned about the proper guidance of the people In this context the following Qura’nic verse was revealed to him: We have not revealed the Qur’an on you that you should be burdened, but as admonition for whom who fear. (Sura Ta Ha, 20:2) • In a gathering the Holy Prophet gave so much individual attention to each other and every person that he thought that he was the only favorite of the Holy Prophet. • Sometimes the companions suggested to the Holy Prophet to curse the enemies but he never agreed and instead prayed to Allah to show them guidance. • Whenever he shook hands with somebody he would not withdraw until the other person withdrew his hand first. • Whenever he went on riding he never allowed anybody to follow him on foot and instead he asked the people to go separately until he met them on the appointed place. The Holy Prophet never disappointed a beggar. A woman sent his son to the Holy Prophet and asked for his dress. When the son came to the Holy Prophet he gave him his dress. On this occasion the following Qur’anic verse was revealed to him. Do not be niggardly nor extravagant that you may later feel reprehensive and constrained. (Surah Bani Isra’il, 17:29) • Whenever he happened to attend a gathering he always seated himself at a lower place. He would readily accept a present howsoever humble it was. • Whenever he found any Muslim or a companion missing in a meeting, he would immediately inquire after him. If he happened to be on a journey, he would pray for his safe return and if he happened to be sick he would pray for his speedy recovery. • He would ask the people to sit in a circular seating arrangement so as not to give any distinction to anyone over the other. • In matters of enforcing laws, he never showed special favour to anybody. Once one of his companions interceded with him for a woman of a famous tribe to excuse her punishment. At this the Holy Prophet said: “By Allah! I am not the one to relax the punishment ordained by Divine commandment in favour of anybody. If
Posted on: Sun, 04 Jan 2015 04:32:30 +0000

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