A Glance at the Lunar Myth ; Phoebe, Deus Lunus Daughter of Sin, - TopicsExpress


A Glance at the Lunar Myth ; Phoebe, Deus Lunus Daughter of Sin, she is pre-eminently the secret deity of the Christians, through the Mosaic and Kabbalistic Jews, though the civilized world may have remained ignorant of the fact for long ages; in fact, ever since the last initiated Father of the Church died, carrying w/ him into his grave the secrets of the pagan temples. the Moon was the living symbolic representation of Jehovah / Allah : the giver of Life and the giver of Death, the disposer of being who presided over child-birth and life : w/ the Egyptians, she was Heka(s) (Hecate in Greek / Ereshkigal of Sumer) in the underworld, the goddess of Death, who ruled over magic and enchantments. More than this : as the personified moon, whose phenomena are triadic, The Triple Goddess of Freemasonry Diana-Hecate-Luna. For she is Diva triformis, tergemina, Trimorphos — three heads on one neck,* like Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva. Hence she is the prototype of our Trinity, which be viewed as entirely male. The number seven, so prominent in the Bible, so sacred in its seventh (Sabbath) day, came to the Jews from more ancient Antiquity, deriving its origin from the four-fold number 7 (as in the double letters of the Phoenician Hebrews) contained in the 28 days of the lunar month, each septenary portion thereof being typified by one quarter of the moon. It is worth the trouble of presenting in this work a bird’s-eye view of the origin and development of the lunar myth and worship in historical antiquity, on our side of the globe. Its earlier origin is untraceable by exact science, rejecting as it does tradition; while for Theology, which, under the guidance of the crafty Popes, has put a brand on every fragment of literature that does not bear the imprimatur of the Church of Rome (global Christendom), its archaic history is a sealed book. Whether the Egyptian or the Hindoo religious philosophy is the more ancient — and the Secret Doctrine says it is the latter — does not much matter in this instance, as the lunar and solar ‘worship’ are the most ancient in the world. Both have survived, and prevail to this day throughout the whole world, w/ some openly, w/ others — e.g., in Christian symbolics — secretly. The cat, a lunar symbol, was sacred to Isis, herself the Moon in one sense, as Osiris was the Sun. The cat is often seen on the top of the Sistrum in the hand of the universal goddess. Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky youtu.be/r9Kl19nadRU
Posted on: Sun, 24 Aug 2014 06:03:41 +0000

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