A Good Read..... >>"“NO!”" "There are some on my friend’s - TopicsExpress


A Good Read..... >>"“NO!”" "There are some on my friend’s lists who might remember the dark days of October 1962 clearly yet. A critical point in Space/time that global nuclear war almost erupted between Russia and the United States. I was born then on October 19th or so, nobody is real sure as I was abandon. While I can probably rattle off much of the history, incidents, reasons, and gross tactical and political errors on both sides of the Super Power Iron Curtain that stood between my home the U.S. and Russia. I see little point and no logic in assigning fault or blame for the incident, as it holds no solution for the future. Peter, a Russian I met while in the Ukraine, my friend, comrade agreed with this assessment and both concluded it was essentially is childish insanity as Russia was Peter’s home and he had been born in 1962. Neither of us were innocents nor blissful pawns on the political chessboard of our days who blind simplicity move only forward at the Kings bidding. We discovered this while engaged in the very same tedious and cryptic metaphore, each tactically probing the other with veiled questions. As ferocious predators equally matched and having only just fed, we gave neither sign nor signal of weakness, Peter was of the rare sort that either brilliantly masks their fear or no longer influenced by it. My solitary wilderness wanderings, Grandfather’s cultural teachings and hunting skills have all enlightened me to “presence”. One could say I am fluent in multi-species non-verbal catalysts that stimulate territorial attack from the dominate one. Therefore, over shots of the most magnificent vodka I have ever encountered, Peter and my battle of wits unfolded as we sat in the dimly lit common room of the inn we were lodged. Between us that first evening was ideology, distrust, ignorance and a small table sat actual armies of ebony and alabaster. No pretence as each game piece fought for position of advantage on a 64 square field of combat so too did each of our interrogation of each other. I was the intruder into Peter’s home, in many cases that alone is enough to warrant death in Russia and these very same conditions would apply to Peter he been on the opposing side of the board and been here. Peter was killed sometime ago in a fight against an extremist ideology that has taken the lives of a good number of exceptional and unique people that I called friend. I have for sometime exercised patients and reserved judgment for the adherents of this lifestyle. Now that are President and Attorney General somehow feel that issuing statements that blaspheme against the prophet, word or Deity of the Muslim Faith can in someway be considered a crime, well such protective favoritism confirms the criminal intent of this administration. The Administration who believes that not only are they somehow above the United States Constitution but so too is the ideology called Islam. All of you can kiss my rosy henna butt! I quote: “The Supreme Court plays an important role in interpreting the Constitution. States have constitutions of their own, but the case of Marbury v. Madison (1803) firmly established the power of the Supreme Court to strike down federal statutes it found unconstitutional, making the Supreme Court the final arbiter of constitutional interpretation. The "equal rights" provision of the 14th Amendment established that the rights in the first ten amendments ("Bill of Rights") applied to state governments. The Constitution establishes the three branches of the federal government and enumerates their powers.” This means in situations where disputes of state versus Federal Law, State versus other state law or in rulings by the Supreme Court, the final Law of the Land will, in all cases, be the United States Constitution. As Sharia Law is mentioned no where within neither body of the text, studies of its origin or even historic interpretations, then Sharia Law has no business being used in any court by any federal, state, district or regional court. Further more Presidential and administrative pressure applied to any state to coerce the inclusion of Sharia Law into their jurisprudence is not only a gross over reach of the Executive Branch of the Government it is a violation of the Bill of Rights under the First Amendment that prohibits the “making of any law respecting an establishment of religion”. Essentially, I am asking on behalf of the Constitution for Islam to declare its ideology as a Political, Religious, or Legal System. This breech will require those who immigrate or seek to that they each must do so. I have no issue to it being a Faith within this Nation but if you want to practice the other two points espoused within the ideology, I suggest you exit the United States of America immediately. In just the above point it clearly defines the conundrum for both President and AG as to how they expect to enforce their anti-Islamic Blaspheme Law because however attempts to enforce this farcical fable of a law. Will need to define what Islam is and if it even has any Rights under the United States Constitution, let alone exclusive ones protecting it ALONE ABOVE ALL OTHER FAITHS. Therefore, when I say clearly screw the Moors! Those words intended to include Mohammad, Allah, and their damn book! I do not accept United Nations views on this subject and I do not accept the current administrations views either nor will I comply with this or any other illegal Executive Orders written by a fraudulent administration. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God with Liberty and Justice for all! In that pledge I don’t see one mention of Obama, Holder, Jarret, Pelosi or Soros and a bunch more that feel loyalty to any of these or the others. You know who you are I just want you to be aware I am of the mind: SCREW YOU TOO; just like the Moors! Dare I say that everything that has passed thus far may be the death of us all? Would it matter, does it matter and will it matter? Within the question is the correct answer revealed. The only answer has to be a resounding and formidable YES! Because the Lord willed creation, because a woman willed each child born out of love but mostly because Hell or high water I will it to matter. In each person, there is a vast untapped potential for courage and strength regardless that the years behind us are in greater number than those yet before. That time is just as precious, just as meaningful and just as important to each who reads these words. I refuse to give it up to any other than my Lord and Creator and that is the sum of my crime. If nothing else, we can at least annoy them to tears and piss them off. Be of good cheer in this fight because so absurd our enemy is that history will know those who stand as heroes, always. Surrender is not an option! The point is, like the words Dylan Thomas said: "I will not go gentle in to that good night." That poet’s silly words have kept me going in darker days and I intend to keep myself going no matter how dark it becomes. So one more time for good measure: Screw the Moors, screw Obama and the little poo called Holder too!"
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 08:13:33 +0000

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