A Good Samaritan witnessed the people of her neighborhood throwing - TopicsExpress


A Good Samaritan witnessed the people of her neighborhood throwing rocks at Douglas, trying to hit him with their cars, and shooting him with BB guns to try to get him to go away, instead of just helping him. It’s really heartbreaking to know that those kind of people exist in this world, but they do. She finally caught him and brought him to Alaqua. Upon arrival at the refuge, Douglas tried to bite everybody. He had zero trust in humans and only knew of how mean and cruel they could be. After just a few days of some TLC, Douglas has already come around. He quickly saw how we just wanted to give him love. Douglas still has a long way to go. He had chronic flea infestation, which we were able to treat immediately, but he has a skin infection that will take time to heal. When a dog scratches non-stop for years, their skin gets tough and their hair falls out. But we have hope that we can get Douglas well. He is only about 4 or 5 years old and still needs to be neutered, which we will do next week. We are all reminded of why Alaqua is such a special place when we watch Douglas play in the yard and then run to us and reach out his front legs to be picked up. Please donate to Douglas. He will be with us until he has healed and learned to be more trusting and social. Tina Gs Post : I am OUTRAGED, WHO WERE THESE POS ????? WHY CANT THEY BE FOIND AND SEVERELY PUNISHED ???? WHO DOES THIS, ARE THEY FROM ANOTHER PLANET, I CANNOT STAND THIS DAILY, EVIL, BRUTAL CRUELTY @@@@@
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:19:57 +0000

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