A Great message from Sec. of State Kris - TopicsExpress


A Great message from Sec. of State Kris Kobach Friends, First, I want to thank you for supporting my campaign with your thoughtful consideration of the issues, your hard earned dollars, prayers and encouragement. I write to you today to ask for one more thing... in fact the most important thing of all in our country... your vote and the votes of every one of your friends and family that you can personally contact and get to the polls on election day. You already know how important I believe your vote is because of my efforts to protect it and make sure your vote is not nullified by someone who is not a Kansan or even a citizen. Weve all heard election contests that went down to only a handful of votes deciding the winner. Imagine it was your vote that was nullified by someone who had no business casting a vote. This Tuesday, Kansas will stand in the spotlight with the entire nation watching. What will Kansans do in the face of an America whose founding principles are under siege. An America where the rule of law and the will of the people are continuously under assault by the very courts meant to enforce them. As you know, my opponent gets not only a free ride but wholehearted encouragement from the liberal media. This is a huge advantage. Now we find in the closing days of this race that out of state money has started to pour in. These outside interests want to stop the example we Kansans have set to support and defend the Constitution. They want to crush out what we have accomplished that so many other states have found worthy of repeating. My friends there is a time for everything. Today, I am not asking you for more money. Today, I am asking you for your vote and the vote of those you know need a bit of encouragement or maybe a ride to the polls. Every vote you bring with you to the polls means that Kansas wins. As the nation watches Kansas Tuesday what will that message be? Will the media announce that Kansans stood up to preserve the Constitution, or that Kansas has fallen to the Obama Democratic party and policies? This choice is truly yours. It is up to you and everyone you know that might otherwise sit a home. Please join me on election day and lets show America that Kansas stands strong for the Constitution, for liberty and for freedom. Yours, Kris W. Kobach
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 19:27:40 +0000

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