A Guide to Leading Exceptional Success in the Daunting New Sales - TopicsExpress


A Guide to Leading Exceptional Success in the Daunting New Sales 2.0 World FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Irene Majuk 212-903-8087/*protected email* SMART SALES MANAGER The Ultimate Playbook for Building and Running a High-Performance Inside Sales Team Inside sales is exploding—it’s one of the fastest-growing profit-driving segments of businesses across the board. Companies now rely on inside sales teams—business-to-business professionals working remotely and virtually—to generate up to half of their total revenue. But with the demand for inside sales leadership exploding, top-ranked reps with outdated skills are being thrust into management roles without formal training or without expert guidance. These newly minted sales managers under are intense pressure to produce . . . fast! They scramble to create an outstanding inside sales team, but they find themselves woefully unprepared and in way over their heads. “It’s time for managers to ramp themselves up or manage at their own risk,” says Josiane Chriqui Feigon, a widely sought out authority on inside sales development. In SMART SALES MANAGER: The Ultimate Playbook for Building and Running a High-Performance Inside Sales Team (AMACOM; July 9, 2013; $24.95 Hardcover), Feigon covers everything fledgling inside sales managers need—the skills, tools, strategies, tactics, and insights—to get up to speed fast and move themselves, their team, and their organization up to the next level of excellence. SMART SALES MANAGER tackles the entire Sales 2.0 ecosystem, combining cutting-edge knowledge with practical action steps. Takeaways include real-world managers’ secrets and stories, and quick reference management “cheat sheets” packed with how-to tips, checklists, and innovative, ready-to-implement ideas for motivational contests, spiffs, and incentives. With Feigon as their personal inside sales management trainer and coach, readers will swiftly learn how to: Help teams members get inside the mindset of the new independent, elusive buyer and sell effectively. Harness the talent pool of multitasking, technically savvy Millennials to create a winning team of disruptive sales superheroes. Raise their Tool IQ, choosing the best tools—social, mobile, and video—for their sales team. Recruit, hire, and retain inside sales superheroes, using integrated training and trust-based coaching to create a sustainable sales culture. Create and maintain strong sales team communication, collaboration, and camaraderie, even when members rarely or never physically work together. Take charge of their management role by modeling the behavior they want to see, motivating with fun, reinvigorating sales meetings, being in an always-be-recruiting mode, recognizing and creating top talent . . . plus much more. “Inside sales is a complex and delicate operation,” says Josiane Feigon, “and managers need to be prepared to succeed.” SMART SALES MANAGER gives managers the skills they need to create an outstanding inside sales team and lead it to success.. About the Author JOSIANE CHRIQUI FEIGON is President and Founder of TeleSmart Communications, a global leader in developing inside sales teams and managers. She has provided consulting, coaching, and training solutions for hundreds of Fortune 1000 companies, including Cisco, Oracle, and Hewlett-Packard. A prolific writer of articles on sales trends and talent, she is also the author of the popular book, Smart Selling on the Phone and Online (AMACOM, 2010), and maintains a top-ranked sales blog, Inside Sales Thought Leadership. She lives in San Francisco, California. You can find more information about Josiane at bit.ly/Z0XVqw and you can follow her on twitter @JosianeFeigon. Title: SMART SALES MANAGER: The Ultimate Playbook for Building and Running a High-Performance Inside Sales Team Author: Josiane Chriqui Feigon Pub. Date: July 9, 2013 Price: $24.95 Hardcover Pages: 268 ISBN: 978-0-8144-3283-9 For a review copy, call 212-903-8087 / fax 212-903-8083 / email *protected email* Visit AMACOM online at bit.ly/JezSad Find book covers and author photos online at bit.ly/16Esn6Z The post A Guide to Leading Exceptional Success in the Daunting New Sales 2.0 World appeared first on TeleSmart Communications. bit.ly/10WGXIa
Posted on: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 17:53:51 +0000

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