A HARRY STORY PARTS 1-5 (repost) ***Part 1*** A Harry - TopicsExpress


A HARRY STORY PARTS 1-5 (repost) ***Part 1*** A Harry Story I cant believe this summer is over. Harry said grabbing your hands to hold in his. I know, I wish it never had to end. you reply. Your eyes began to swell with tears. Harry noticed a tear falling and he pulled you into a hug. This has honestly been the best summer of my whole existence. I really wish you didnt have to leave... Harry said as you buried your head in his chest, wishing this moment would stay exactly like this forever. You pull away and say as you wipe your falling tears, I know, I wish I didnt have to leave either. Then dont. Stay here with me. Harry begged. Harry... you begin but he cuts you off. Please. I cant imagine you not being here with me. Youre everything to me and I love you so much. Ive never felt this way about anybody else before now. Were meant to be together, I just know it. A smile crept across your face. Youre smiling, Harry said. That’s a good sign. Harry, youre the most amazing person I ever met. How can I not stay here and live my life you? Does that mean youll stay here with me? Yes Harry, you say. That’s exactly what I’m saying. Harry wraps his arms around you. Harry? Yes, darling? Never let go, ok? Dont ever worry about that happening. ****Part 2**** One year later: You open your eyes as the sun shined through the window. You groan loudly as you pulled the blankets over your head and flipped over and flopped an arm over Harrys side. Harry flipped onto his back and opened his eyes. Everything ok babe? He asked in his raspy morning voice. Yes, You say as you re-adjusted around his movement to place your head on his chest. The light through the window woke me up. I thought it was true loves kiss that wakes sleeping beauty, not the sunlight through the window? Harry said smiling. You giggle and say, Well I’m sure sleeping beauty can pretend to sleep so her prince charming can complete her fairy tale. Harrys smile slowly began to fade as he looked into your eyes, tilted your head, and placed a sweet kiss upon your lips. I bet the prince doesnt mind her conscious, it’s nice to be kissed back. Harry said, slowly pulling back. You lay your head back on his chest as he takes a few strands of hair and twirl them between his fingers. I’m going to miss you while you go on tour with the boys. You say as you traced his tattoos on his chest. Sit up for a minute. Harry said as he scooted up to sit up, I’m going to call and text you like crazy every single day Im away. He reassured you. What if you meet someone else? Youre going to be millions of other girls. You say trying to hold in the sniffles and tears. Not a single one of those girls out there can even come close to what I feel for you. Its only a couple of months, then Ill be back right here and in bed with you, like I never left. You have nothing to worry about. Harry said wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. As his arms drop around you, you gently pull him in and kissed him passionately. I love you so much. You whispered as you pulled away. I love you too. More than you will ever know. he whispers back moving a fallen strand of your hair out of your eyes. He kissed you once again, with his breaths deepening, his kisses became more intense and before you knew it you two were falling back beneath the sheets. Later that day: You two arrived at the airport with just enough time say goodbye before he had board the plane. Ill call you as soon as I land. Harry said as he hugged you. As soon as you heard a tiny sniffle escape from him, your tears began to fall and there was no way you could control them. When you step off that plane in two months, I’ll be right here waiting for you. you say in between you sobs. Promise? Harry asked you. You tell he was trying everything within him to be strong. I promise. You say then after one last kiss gave his ticket to the attendant and boarded the plane. ***Part 3*** Your heart was racing as you looked at the clock. You should have heard from Harry by now letting you know when to be at the airport to pick him up. The sun was setting beneath the horizon when your phone rang. Thinking it was Harry you answered. “I thought you were never going to call!” You say. “Well, I do have a list of people to call.” The voice on the other side replied. “Wait! Who is this?” You asked. “I’m Craig with Crazy insurance inc. I was wanting to talk to you about becoming a---“ You hung up the phone, placed in your pocket of your shorts and sighed. “Maybe he just got held up or his phone died”, you thought to yourself. You walked into your bedroom and fell face down onto the bed. You felt like you wanted to scream, but when you opened your mouth no sound came. You sat up, pulled your phone back out and dialed Harry’s number. It went to voicemail. You’ve waiting for this day for two months… To even consider waiting even just one day more would be unbearable. That’s when you heard a car door shut outside. Being curious, you rolled off the bed and went back into the living room. As you were getting ready to open the door and peak outside the door flew open and in walked Harry. “Harry!” You screamed. He dropped his bags and rushed over to you with open arms. He hugged you with such force he knocks the both of you over the side of the couch making you land on it with him on top of you. “You moved the furniture.” He laughed, “I like it.” “I’m glad.” You say trying to catch your breath from being toppled. Before you can another word he pressed his lips to yours. His kiss was sweet and it nearly made you re-lose your breath. You’ve waited a very long time for this moment. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said laying his head on your chest. “When we weren’t talking or texting, you were still all I could think about. It feels amazing just to hold you again.” You twiddled strands of his curls between your fingers and said, “That was the longest two months of my life. The whole time I felt like there was a huge piece of me missing.” Harry rolled to where he was no longer right on top of you but on his side between you and the couch. He propped up his head on this hand. “Tell me what I missed while I was gone.” He said smiling. “It’s all very boring.” You said. “You wouldn’t want to hear it.” “I asked, so even if it’s boring I still want to hear it. Plus, I’ve missed hearing your voice. Being on the phone isn’t the same as talking to you now.” Harry said wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you even closer to him on the narrow couch. “Well I couldn’t go into town without being followed by cameras anymore. It was a little nerve racking. They kept asking me all kinds of questions. Some were actually pretty funny. I didn’t answer them because I don’t know—Harry?” you say as your heart’s beating when into overdrive. “What are you doing?” “Nothing, just keep talking.” He said smiling while tracing invisible shapes on your inner thigh. You start talking again. “Well…Iike I was saying. I don’t know how you want me to answer the questions…” your voice trails off. Your heart felt like it was going to beat out of your chest. “Just be honest with them. I have nothing to hide.” Harry whispered as he continued the tracing, but as he continued to trace his fingers began slowly moving up. “Have you decided if you’re accompanying me to the premiere next month? “Yeah…I’ll go with you.” You say very distractedly. “Good, ‘cause I don’t know who I would take if you weren’t going.” “Harry?” You say. “Yes?” “Either you stop or I stop. I can’t talk while you are doing that.” You tell him. “Ok… then just remember what you were saying so you can finish talking later.” Harry said then he kissed you passionately and pulling you even closer to him. ____________End of part 3_________ ****Part 4***** You heard the front do slam as you were getting ready in your room. “When did being gone for 20 minutes turn into being gone for 2 hours?” You asked loudly. “You barely have any time to get ready for the premier.” “Sorry!” He yelled back. “I got caught up at the animal shelter? “Animal shelter?” You asked confused. “What were you doing there? I thought you were going to your mum’s house?” “I did. Then I went to the animal shelter.” He said walking into the room. “I adopted Clover.” “Clover?” you asked raising an eyebrow. Harry unfolded the small towel that was bundled up and out popped a tiny and fuzzy black and white kitten. A tiny “mew” escaped as the kitten attempted to jump out of Harry’s grasp. “A cat up there had kittens and they’ve been trying to find homes for them. I couldn’t resist. She’s so cute and fuzzy.” He smiled. “I named her Clover because a couple of markings look like clovers. If you don’t like it we can change it. After all, she is both of ours.” Your heart melted at the sight of this tiny creature. You hold your hands out and Harry hands her over. You sit her on your lap as you petted her. Clover immediately starts purring. “Well she likes her mummy.” He said as he bent down and kissed your cheek. “Do you like her?” Your heart felt like it was going to explode with emotions. The kitten was absolutely adorable but what really got you was Harry calling you the cats mum. “I love her.” You tell him as you lifted Clover up and gave her little kisses. Harry’s smile grew bigger. “She’ll be fine running around the house when we go. Are you ready?” He asked you. “Nearly, I just have a few touch ups, but the car will be here in 30 minutes.” “That’s enough time.” Harry said lifting his shirt off over his head and tossing it in clothes hamper before heading into the bathroom to shower. 30 minutes later: “Is the car here yet?” Harry asked walking out fully ready in his usual tighter than normal jeans and a halfway button upped shirt. “Not yet, but it should be any second.” You tell him as you played with Clover while sitting on the couch. A few minutes later your ride appeared in the drive way and you were on your way to the movie premier. As soon as you and Harry stepped out of the car thousands of cameras began flashing repeatedly and yelling at Harry to look “this way”. This was a very crazy moment for you. Once the fans saw him they began screaming to get his attention. Same thing happened to the other boys when they got out of their cars. You stood a bit back from Harry so he can do his thing with the fans. You didn’t want to intrude, because this was special for them. A few cameras flashed in your direction as they yelled your name. You smiled and gave a little wave. This was all still pretty weird for you. Maybe you should have asked Harry for some more pointers you thought to yourself. When Harry and the other boys could do all that he could for the fans, he made his way back to you and wrapped an arm around your waist as he led you down the red carpet and into the theatre and sat down. It took only a few minutes for the theatre to get completely full. The lights dimmed and the beginning credits started to roll. Harry grabbed your hand and smiled. Everyone in the theatre began to whoop and holler. With every emotion on screen it seemed to wash over everyone in the theatre. At some points you could feel Harry squeeze your hand a little tighter. It was crazy to see how he was when he was away on tour. Even though you and Harry have been dating for awhile this movie seemed to show a whole other side to him. A million times he would try to explain what was going on while he’s away and sometimes it was hard for you to understand, but this started opening your eyes a little more from his perspective. By the time the movie was over you couldn’t wait till you guys got back to the house so you could talk him about everything, and of course to see Clover. *****PART 5***** You walk into your bedroom after getting home from going to the grocery store and lying in bed was a shirtless, passed out Harry. Next to him Clover was curled up in a ball. You smile as you walk to the bed, quietly climbed in and snuggled up next to him putting your arm over his side. He grabbed your hand and held it close to him and said while still half asleep, “You’re back.” “And you’re home.” You say as you kissed the back of his shoulders. “How did the meet and greet go today?” “Busy. I got 30 proposals today, kissed a couple hundred cheeks, and gave an uncountable number of hugs. I’m exhausted.” Harry muttered. You laugh and say, “So how many girls are you going to marry now?” “I’ve lost count ages ago. There’s just so many of you.” He said, and then he drifted back off to sleep. You gently get up trying not to wake him. He’s had a long morning so you thought he should sleep, but no sooner had you walked out and sat down the couch, Harry comes out of the bedroom with the comforter wrapped around him with Clover not too far behind him. He comes over to you, lies down and then he rests his head on your lap. “You would be more comfortable on the bed.” You say to him. “I’m more comfortable lying here by you.” He said, “I’ve been asleep since I’ve gotten home. It’s time for me to be up anyways. Plus we have that party at my mum’s house later and we can’t miss it everyone is going to be there, even your family.” “Tonight is going to be one interesting night having both of our families under one roof. What person in their right mind would come up with an idea like that?” You say as you started to laugh. Harry smiled, it was his idea. Harry ended up falling back to sleep for just a little bit longer before jumping up asking what time it was and scaring Clover. For some reason he’s been acting weird lately, but you figured it was from all the stress from his band activities over the last few months. It was nearly time for you two to leave and now Harry was just plain acting odd. You didn’t know what to say or how to act around him. He just seemed really nervous and every time you would ask if he was ok he would just smile, nod his head and kiss you, then go about acting weird again. You eventually just gave up. The both of you arrived at the party right on time. Harry parked the car and helped you out of it. “I think tonight is going to be really special.” He said as you two walked up to the front door. All you did was smile. His mom opened the door and before she hugged Harry she wrapped her arms around you and squeezed tightly and said, “Tonight is looking amazing. Everyone’s already here. Even Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn made it.” She then let go of you and hugged Harry. You didn’t think she was ever going to let him go. You notice once she managed to let Harry go there was a tear drop falling down her cheek. She smiled and quickly pulled herself together and all you could think about was “What the hell is going on with everyone?” The main part of the party was being held in the backyard. There were decorations and flowers hung from everything. Everything was done so nicely for what was supposed to be just a small family party. It was nice getting to see your family again though. You haven’t got to see them since before you met Harry because that was the summer you went on a little trip and never came back. Your family wasn’t too happy about that, but you hoped for tonight that they have put it behind them. You and Harry mixed and mingle with everyone as you walked through the house. Your family, while still cold about everything, didn’t treat Harry like crap when you finally found them which made you gleam with happiness. You lost Harry for just a short moment, when he disappeared in the crowd of family and friends, but he turned with two wine glasses in hand. “Let’s go back outside for a moment.” Harry said as he grabbed your hand and steered you to the back of the house. Once you two got outside, Harry looked at you then smiled, and then he pulled out a spoon out of this pocket. Out if the corner of your eye you saw Liam flinch at the sight of the spoon. Harry took the spoon and tapped a few times against his glass to get everyone attention. Everything immediately got quiet. “Hello!” He said loudly. “I want to thank all of you for coming out tonight. This means a lot to (Y/N) and I. There’s a reason I flew most of you at here though and I’ll get to that in a bit, but first I want to share a story with you.” You looked at Harry confused. Was this the right time to tell everyone a story? But he continued. “Two years ago, is when I laid eyes on the lovely girl that stands next to me now. Not many of you know of how we meet, but I’m going to share it with you now.” You covered your eyes in embarrassment. You couldn’t believe he was going to tell everyone this now. “I still remember to this day exactly what she was wearing when she was walking out of that museum.” “Oh god” you thought to yourself. “He’s going to tell this story.” “Just as she was about the step down on those last few steps she trips. Luckily I was there to catch her. It was from that moment I knew she was something special and I just had to get to know her better. So, I tried everything I could to get her to have coffee with me that next morning. She finally said yes after a few minutes of convincing. Because of my fame normally it would take no time to convince a girl to have coffee with me. I loved how she was different from all the other girls I’ve ever met. But that next morning when I woke to get ready I was actually afraid that I would get there and she would never show. But she did, and just after that one coffee with her I knew I could never let her go. Everything was amazing, until the summer had ended and she had to go back home. I refused to let her turn into just another summer love. She meant more to me than that. So once again I took on the challenge of convincing this amazing girl to stay here with a guy she has known for only a few months. I honestly didn’t think she would, because that would mean she would be leaving her family behind to come live here with me. But she said yes and I couldn’t believe it. The first time I told her I loved her was just about a month after we met. Even though I felt like I loved her from the very beginning I waited to make sure. We were the house watching a movie; she had just laid her head on my shoulder. I was so nervous, but not even close to how nervous I am tonight. I’ve been planning this night for a long time.” Harry then turns to Niall and say, “Please hold this.” He gives Niall the glass and spoon then digs into his pocket and brings out a box. He takes your hands in his and gets down on one knee. “(Y/N) I knew from the first moment we met that I wanted to make you my future. Will you do the honor of becoming my wife?” Harry opens the little box he was holding. Inside was a ring. You covered your mouth in shock and tears started falling from your eyes, but you nod and say yes. Harry smiles and stands up. You could see tears in his eyes. He takes the ring out of the box and slips it on your figure. Without any hesitation you pull him into a kiss that made your families go wild with happiness. It was nice to know you wouldn’t have to wait much longer till you could call yourself Mrs. Styles. End of part 5! =D Next and lastly is A Tale Of Niall So what do you think of the story? -tabby
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 18:00:13 +0000

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