A HEART OF FLESH!!!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen today’s reading - TopicsExpress


A HEART OF FLESH!!!!!!! Ladies and gentlemen today’s reading comes from the book of Ezekiel 11,19- I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them. I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Then they will be my people and I will be their God . Contrary to what we know, a heart is the first thing that determines whether you are alive or not. U will notice that when a pregnant woman goes to hospital for a baby scan, they check the heart beat and not the brain or your other body parts. When you want to determine whether someone is dead or alive, you check the heart beat and not whether they are breathing or not. What am I talking about?? The heart is the most important part of your body, without question it’s the only part of your body that listens and receives from GOD. Your heart know the voice of God, your heart is the only part of your body that can tap from the spirit. Your heart talks, listens and hears . Your heart in the spirit is like a big and empty cave that has doors, it opens and closes at your own remote control. Your heart is wired to receive from God and not any other source but it can also be a recipient of anything you give it. Just because your vehicle takes in petrol does not it will not accept diesel, not at all!!! It will take but it’s the engine which will have a problem. Now having said that I want to believe that what I am about to say will change someone’s life. You know anybody who is not born again is dead in the spirit, you are a corpse. Your heart is basically dead. Now we have to realize that we have two kingdoms fighting for you, the kingdom of God and kingdom of darkness. The choice is totally yours. Anything dead stinks ,am I right and basically that is the devils specialty. It’s no wonder when the people of this world do crazy things because their hearts are dead. IT IS NOT A WONDER,WHY DO WE WONDER AT ALL. The devil has basically invaded their hearts ,that is why their character stinks, they are dead in their conscience, those human beings heart are dead and the devil has occupied their bodies, but their hearts are dead. You will not believe, the other day, I talked about the power of love. Love heals, restores and perfects. God’s love restored the world to Him. Love conquers all. Such people are to be loved and not condemned, they are to be welcome in church the way they are, stop piling laws and rules on such people. They are to be given to God for a serious cleansing, and IT’S A PROCESS.DO I HAVE PASTORS OUT THERE. My worry is to you all who call themselves Christians yet their hearts are dead to the owner. You hear nothing from God, you are rebellious and you care less about prayer or reading the word of God. You are busy fornicating in darkness thinking you are doing yourself a favor. Put it in your mind, nothing you do under the spirit goes by chance. Every decision you make has a consequence and you will pay dearly. We are living in a dispensation of grace I don’t refuse but Gods word never returns void, but must accomplish the purpose for which it was sent and must prosper wherever it goes. The bible says that, you will reap what you sow, so don’t expect to reap oranges if you planted lemons. As much as we have systems to adhere to hear on earth, the spirit world is no different, if anything its more accountable than the physical. Thank God for the blood of Jesus, nobody under the sun could make it, thank God for the grace, because every day of our lives is by the grace of God. Now when you rebel and do not obey the word of God, you should know that your heart is a stone. I mean how do you fornicate on the altar and still feel nothing, you are dead. You don’t even know where you are, are you in the world or in church? the bible calls you lukewarm. Most of the time we waste time talking to the devil rather than decreeing the word of God, calling those things that were not as though they were. That is what the heart is wired to do. Not to listen to the devil but to decree the word of God. Most of the time, when a mother has a small baby, she speaks to this baby so that the brain of this baby develops, the baby becomes active and etc. If you are a Christian who does not receive anything from the maker, then you are retarded in the spirit. Such a spirit needs to be broken in Jesus name. Most of the time, the church is retarded, nobody wants to walk that difficult path anymore. Everyone expects somebody else to do something for them. Seriously speaking if you are that kind of person, who looks for people to pray for you and yourself do nothing, then you are headed nowhere. You have to wake up and do it yourself. Look forward to doing it yourself other than seeking people to do it for you. You have to understand that people are limited and have an end, its only Jesus who can carry you in His arms. He wants you to call Him God, not only by mouth but by obeying His word. You can only obey God’s word if your heart is right. God Himself has promised to give us a heart of flesh. Seek Him and tell Him to remove a stony heart and give you a fleshy heart . Tell God to create in you a clean heart and a pure spirit. Bless yo’all…. Shalom…..
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:57:29 +0000

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