A HUGE THANK YOU to whoever first posted this,its absolute - TopicsExpress


A HUGE THANK YOU to whoever first posted this,its absolute DYNAMITE and should get through every letterbox in Scotland!! Why the better together campaign are desperate to deceive. The underlying wealth of a nation is based on securities. The securities that you hold as a country will dictate how strong that your currency is and at what rate and how much money that you can borrow against these securities. e.g. .If you own your house outright you can borrow against that security as the bank know that they have your house as collateral Securities for most countries are based on gold reserves held or by oil, if you are lucky enough to have that resource. Forget everything else for a moment and think about this. ONE day after a YES vote everything changes for both Scotland and the RUK. Westminster know this and are absolutely terrified. One day after a YES vote the complete future oil reserves currently under the control of the UK government LEGALLY pass to Scotland and the RUK are left with less than 10% as defined by International maritime borders. The official handover will take longer but the markets will react immediately. The assessment of the future oil reserves held in Scottish waters are valued at anything between 1&4 TRILLION pounds! Maybe never in history have the people of a country had so much power in their own hands. These incredible assets will support any currency that Scotland chooses, will allow the nation to borrow at extremely attractive market rates and support a Scottish Central Bank should this be required at any time in the future. The RUK‘s fiscal position one day after Independence would be nothing short of a disaster. Without a currency Union with Scotland the pound will collapse and the credit rating of the RUK will plummet? The RUK will be forced to go to the markets with current debts of 1.4 Trillion pounds just having lost their greatest ever asset and futures securities against their massive debts. How do you think that they will be perceived? I would put it to better together that it is they, and not Scotland who need a currency Union and that is exactly what will happen in the event of a YES vote. Project fear have every reason to be frightened, losing the Scottish contribution to GDP and future Oil securities must be pretty much how the government of the day felt when they lost the American colonies. This needs to hit the MSM too!!
Posted on: Sun, 04 May 2014 21:39:18 +0000

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