A HUMAN CHAIN IN HONOUR OF MADIBA Anglican Archbishop Thabo - TopicsExpress


A HUMAN CHAIN IN HONOUR OF MADIBA Anglican Archbishop Thabo Makgoba today called on churches, mosques and synagogues to join him in forming a human chain on Thursday to commit to the Mandela dream of a united South Africa free from poverty. He also called on all young people of the Cape to come forward and commit to take up the baton that Madiba’s generation is handing over to them. “This is a time that we must continue to sow the seeds of love and not destruction so that we can give hope to all in our beautiful country,” he said. “It requires us all to roll up our sleeves and conduct ourselves in a dignified way,” he added. The Human Chain for Madiba will snake its way from Gugulethu through Athlone to Rondebosch on Mandela Day between 1p.m and 2p.m. The organising team convened by Bush Radio this week is made up of a team of youth from a host of organisations including individuals committed to finding a way to demonstrate their love to Madiba as he lies ill in hospital. Some of these organisations include the Western Cape Religious Leaders Forum, The Cape Cultural Collective, the Claremont Main Road Mosque, the Gugulethu Advice Office, the Athlone Advice Office and a number of community radio stations. A logistics meeting will take place with the City on Monday to wrap up the organisational process. Marshalls are needed to manage the chain and organisers are calling on volunteers to come forward. Members of the public can call community radio stations lobbying for public participation to volunteer their help. A Facebook page (facebook/HumanChainMandelaDay) and twitter account will go live today. “We want this to be a major community effort including all who wish to participate,” the Archbishop said. “If you are too far from Klipfontein Road, make your chain around your school or your factory or your church.” The committee is drafting a pledge which will be released to the public on Monday. “We have in Madiba one of the world’s greatest leaders,” said Makgoba. “It is not always in the life of a people that they are so blessed with inspirational and visionary leadership. It will be a shame if we squander his legacy.” OPEN LETTER HUMAN CHAIN TO HONOUR MADIBA “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” – Nelson Mandela To Whom it may concern, Nelson Mandela is one of the world’s most beloved and respected leaders. In recent weeks he has been on the minds of the world as news of poor health circulated. To honour Nelson Mandela and to pay tribute to all that he symbolises we will join hands and form a human chain on his birthday, Thursday 18th July – Mandela Day. We would like to invite your organisation/school to participate in this event. The proposal is to create a human chain down Klipfontein Road, spanning from Rondebosch Common to the Gugulethu Police Station on July 18th, Madiba’s birthday. This human chain will link together the hands of all those committed to realising Madiba’s dream, of a united, democratic, non-racial South Africa. Young and old will stand together in peace between 1 and 2 p.m on Thursday and reflect on the qualities Madiba espoused and commit to building a country based on the values expressed in our constitution. The event is being organised by ordinary members of civil society, with the support of local radio stations and the Cape Town Inter-faith forum, it not affliated to any particluar organisation or political party. The event is open to everyone, and creates a platform for people to come together to celebrate Madiba and reignite our commitment to building an inclusive, properous nation. So come let us join hands for Madiba. Kind regards Ruschka Jaffer (Co-ordinator) 0729640811 Vanessa November Mettler (Chief Marshall) 0846221903
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 10:04:46 +0000

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