A Head for the Headless Beast (PRACTICABLE!) Instant ***TRUE*** - TopicsExpress


A Head for the Headless Beast (PRACTICABLE!) Instant ***TRUE*** Democracy for ALL the World A Perfect Marriage of Freedom & Justice, Rich & Poor, Tradition & Modernity, Woman & Man, Red & Black & White, Palestinian & Jew An Ecological Politics A Middle Way (***HOW TO***) Because it gives an equal chance of winning to not just all parties, but all combinations of programs, Ranked Ballot, “RB”, voters ranking candidates in order of preference, is the only thing that’s simultaneously both most Just & most Free, never mind PLAIN SIMPLE FAIRNESS. Because of the appeal of this great egalitarianism to the poor of the world, & because it always elects the one most in the middle of all voting, RB is top-dead-center counter extremist, & thus more anti-terrorist than all the many recent retrenchments combined. The “ADDITIVE” form of RB is to count the first choices & if no-one has 50%, to add in the next choices, & so on until someone finally does. RB will even disallow the tendency of (effectively two-party) parliamentary systems to give the win to the biggest gang on the block, sometimes with one-man-one-vote-one-time violently extremist results & prevent democratic centralist adventurism, so it will put an end to all war forever. It will allow the possibility of everything from a graduated wage, where the legislature sets a small %, whereby the wage for each additional hour worked is increased above the first hour’s agreed upon rate, so as to end all incentive to make-work, & provide full employment & the maximum utilization of available man hours, all the way to replacing public education with having to prove you can read to vote. RB is the sole unchangeable plank & bylaw of the Preferential Ballot Party, the only practicable third party. We imagine running on the single issue of RB, promising a citizens’ advisory board based on “Organized Communications” (OC) small randomly assigned discussion groups electing reps to higher & higher randomly assigned levels, by means of SECRET RB, til one small group, most in the MIDDLE of all voting, remains to guide us in the rest. Whether used by a citizens’ advisory board, or the highest committee of a Preferentiality Ballot Party, this will inevitably result in the naming of the next winner, by the mere invitation to speak. That’s the INSTANT part. You do the same, from the most local on up. By the power of its example alone, RB will give us instant worldwide TRUE democracy. Virtually no democracy has ever been attacked by another. In a world of only democracies, there would no longer be need of the counter-productive wastefulness of armies, war or the preparation for war. RB will bring us that & all else: a real solution to terror, a perfect marriage of Freedom & Justice, Rich & Poor, Red & Black & White, Tradition & Modernity, Free Market & Community, even Palestinian & Jew, all the fairness, payback & make-up one could wish for, clean to the Cro-Magnons, ecologically sustainable politics, what’s best for ALL workers, instant global women’s liberation, world-wide luxury, a rationalization of the drug war, human unity, the Freedom of JUSTICE & the Justice of FREEDOM, perhaps the only possible solution to the world’s only real problem, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict (once they both are MADE to adopt RB), even an end to corruption. RB is to the two horse & buggy, presidential & parliamentary, effectively two-party systems, as shopping in the Mall of America is to shopping in Soviet Russia. The majority of all problems are due to the heavy-footedness of both. RB lessens the power of the extremes, whether authoritarian, economic or sectarian, except through what they can gain by persuasion, which is only what’s just. RB would be equally useful for both electoral systems (parliaments by choosing their Prime Ministers by RB from among their members, lest they produce yet another pluralistic monster) as well as coops, collective leaderships, tribal groupings, religious confessions, political parties, associations, or even cabals, (though at the risk to all of CHANGING THEIR MINDS). Whoever gets there first wins. For leaders to best represent their country, or district, whether chosen at large, or by a representative body, they must be the perfect COMPROMISE, most exactly in the middle, as is given by RB. Because it gives minorities a real say in which member of the plurality/majority gets chosen, RB is the only thing that will lead minorities to support any plan more than inadequate confederation. RB will result in “PHANTASMAGORIC SUBTLEFACTION”, real-time alternatives to all proposals, from wherever: market/coop/social, or tribal/theological/universal, answering infinitely more questions at a time than the two party systems’ “who is least bad”. Both more LIBERTY & JUSTICE, the bloody antipodes in all history, can be found in RB than in any ideology. With brakes & reverse comes no more need to suppress popular movements around the world. RB will give us subtlety, responsivity, light-footedness, long-sightedness, objectivity, economy, unity, accountability, integrity & victory over extremism. Palestinians & Jews will give up fighting over a sliver of desert & become members of global coops. All the various forms of hegemonism, whether up front, subterranean or unconscious, will be given up, in exchange for LEADING THE WORLD TO THE LIGHT, & America will finally realize the need for an adequate, howsoever minimalistic, safety net as the price & foundation of a free market. Help put this idea, in time, to as many as possible, before “Clockwork Orange” (overpopulation), “1984” (high-tech dictatorship), cosmic collision, tectonic/economic/environmental collapse, or literalist/gangsterist contretemps. The cost of a full page US national ad (sufficient to put RB to virtually all the world) would be repaid in no time, once all that money gets put to actual productive use, at US annual defense spending of ~$10,000 per family. Ten to the power of ten (ten levels of groups of ten) would be sufficient to organize & UNIFY all mankind (although with ALL POWERS TO THEIR LOWEST APPROPRIATE LEVEL). RB is very freeing. Because it always chooses the one most in the middle, all that support it are perfectly top-dead-center, with no more need to fear self-expression. Politics will become a family discussion around the kitchen table, with no more jumping back & forth between extremes, or absence of the economists’ requirement of PREDICTABILITY for growth. All that’s needed is to let go of the nut & get your fist back out of the knothole, so as to free yourself, & to rest in the knowledge that RB will give us perfect FREEDOM & perfect JUSTICE, at one & the same time, even if not necessarily in the form imagined, AS IF ANYONE WOULD THEN CARE. Good enough, in some form, for New Zealand, Australia, “Kerala India”[?], Iraq, London, Ireland, Cambridge Mass, Burlington & 95% of the townships of Vermont, Pierce County Washington, St Paul & Minneapolis Minnesota, the Utah Republican Party, formerly, for the selection of statewide candidates, the platforms of both the Green & Libertarian Parties & ~50 college student bodies across the US with more coming every year, but not good enough for the rest of us? Go to en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranked_voting_systems & fairvote.org/where-instant-runoff-is-used, for a more complete list of the form of RB used around the world, & where it is used in the USA. It’s got to be in somebody’s interest. How can any wish it of others if they do not have it themselves? TAX CONSUMPTION, NOT INVESTMENT, & spread the productivity around. All human evil is due to the out of phase fluctuation of population & food supply. No-one alive is responsible for the mess we find ourselves in, except for what they do now. JUSTICE is the redress of past violence, FREEDOM the current absence of violence & NONVIOLENCE the only basis of all true Morality. IMAGINE the condition the world would be in today, if neither Hitler nor Stalin had come to power, the moronic catastrophe that was WWI had never happened, there was no need, or possibility, of using the fear of the theft of DEMOCRATIC revolutions to suppress DEMOCRACY itself, all the parliaments of the world, as well as the US, had been using RB right along & there had always been PEACE between the Jews & Palestinians. Men do not light a light & set it under a bushel.zoe morgan roman norman sydney christian zpreferentiality@gmail, preferentiality@yahooUSA
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 16:22:46 +0000

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