A Healthier Way of Living and Working There has been a striking - TopicsExpress


A Healthier Way of Living and Working There has been a striking shift in tone in recent years as leaders around the world -- in politics, business and beyond -- have opened up the conversation and renewed the focus on well-being, and its potential to create lasting, tangible gains for productivity, profits and the overall health of societies. But the resulting global exchange of ideas goes beyond the intersection of East and West, shaking up institutions and reversing long-held stigmas across cultures. Taking time off, getting more sleep or practicing contemplation and meditation have often been seen as admissions of weakness; now, the pursuit of mindfulness is touted as essential for success. The statistics around stress and burnout begin to explain the growing appetite -- and need -- for a different, healthier way of living and working. In late 2012, the World Health Organization estimated that more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In the U.S., self-reported levels of stress have increased 18 percent for women and 25 percent for men in the last 30 years. In some cultures, death and suicide related to overwork are common enough that countries have specific words for them -- guolaosi in China, gwarosa in Korea and karoshi in Japan... Read full Article HERE - In A Burned-Out World, Global Leaders Make Room For Well-Being In Their Definition Of Success - Gregory Beyer A Sample of Symptoms that you are Stressed: Weird and/or recurring dreams Chronically tight muscles Twitching Restless, fidgety, unconscious moving Tooth trouble Loss of hair/graying hair Upset stomach Catch colds easily Changes in menstrual cycle Short tempered Yelling at your pets Itchiness Difficulty beginning a task Exhaustion Over-indulgence The best way to reduce and prevent stress is through shifting our inner experience of life. We can problem solve all we want, vent and complain to friends, get angry, become reclusive, over-achieve - the stress will continue. Shifting our perception of life is like changing the glasses we have to see the world. What if nothing ever changed and life was going to stay as is? What would you do? You would have to shift your perception. The only way to change perception is to go beyond the thinking mind. We have to experience observing awareness - that which observes the mind. We have to perceive what it feels like to be fully aware, fully present. Mindfulness Meditation is one of the easiest, most effective, most researched ways of achieving this.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:28:04 +0000

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