A Holy Spirit Moment In Sarasota... The Holy Spirit...out of - TopicsExpress


A Holy Spirit Moment In Sarasota... The Holy Spirit...out of nowhere! Rich stopped down at Publix to pick a few groceries when he noticed the Bologna was two for one. Loaded shopping cart up with twenty five pounds and as I continued shopping a woman walked over to my cart and asked: May I ask if that Bologna is for you. I said: No it is not, the Bologna is for a ministry that I and some Christian friends are part of, the ministry is called the Sandwich Ministry and we provide sandwiches for the homeless and people in need. What a wonderful thing to do, she said. A conversation developed and she said her name was Charlotte and that she was a retired teacher from New England and that she is Catholic and attends St. Marthas Church. I asked her if she believed that she was going to Heaven and she responded by saying: I hope so, I pray to the saints and to the blessed Virgin Mary and not long ago I visited Lourdes in France and as I walked up there I felt myself feeling so much better. I mentioned that the Bible teaches that we are not to honor man but God and although a person may admire people, including the mother of Jesus, that they are just people and our praise and worship should be to God alone. I asked Charlotte if she ever told a lie, did she ever steal anything, ever been disobedient to her mother and father and did she ever take Gods name in vain. She responded by saying I dont remember ever being disobedient to my parents but I am guilty of the others. She was then asked if God were to judge her by His law did she believe that she would be innocent or guilty. Charlotte said that she would be guilty and then it was said to her that the Bible teaches that we all have sinned and did she know that there is nothing that she or I or anyone can do to wash our sins away and Jesus himself said that no one comes to the Father except through Him and that unless a person is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Charlotte asked: How can I be born again? It was said to her that the Bible teaches that the sinner must repent of their sins before God and believe that Gods Son Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for a their sins and believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Charlotte moved her shopping cart over to be out of peoples way and said: Can I pray now? Then Scripture was quoted to Charlotte that says If you confess with you mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart the God raised Him from the dead you will be saved. Charlotte was asked: Would you like for me to lead you in prayer so that you can be born again? And she responded: Yes, I want to do this now. We both bowed our heads and in the Publix shopping aisle Charlotte followed out loud this prayer from her heart: O God I am a sinner, I ask that you forgive my sins, and God I want to share with you that I believe your Son Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty for my sins and I believe that Jesus rose from the dead. I now place my trust in Jesus and receive Him as my Savior and Lord. Amen. Tears filled Charlottes eyes and you could see that she was broken, she was thankful and wanted to know my name and said: It would be nice to have your group speak at my church. We said good bye and I promised that our body of Christ would be praying for her and she was reminded to pray to God that God would fill her with His Holy Spirit and His truth. As I continued on a couple walked over and the gentleman gave the thumbs up and smiled. When events like this occur in the lives of believers it is a testimony to truth that we are truly living in the last days. God is drawing as many as He can into His kingdom. Wont you all please pray for Charlotte and pray for more laborers in the harvest fields. Then He said to his disciples, The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest. Matthew 9:37
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 20:30:32 +0000

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