A Home for Emily Chp15 By Sydney Lucke-Angel on Tuesday, January - TopicsExpress


A Home for Emily Chp15 By Sydney Lucke-Angel on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 10:41pm Erica and Adam Erica and Adam at Brooke and Oliver’s wedding standing at the bar Adam sipping a scotch and Erica brooding Adam: This is house is absolutely stunning! Erica: Yes, it’s very nice (She says haughtily tossing her hair over her shoulder then sipping her sparkling water) Adam: Come on Erica surly you remember this place? It was falling in on itself. Now look at it’s absolutely magnificent. (He says smiling in admiration) Erica: Yes, I said it’s beautiful. (He says enjoying Erica’s increasing inability to contain her jealousy) Adam: And didn’t Brooke look stunning. (He goads) Erica: She looked very pretty. (She says her mouth a clenched in a smile) Adam: Oliver, really out did himself. (He continues barley containing his enjoyment) Erica: Really, Adam you should get a hold of yourself your practically gushing. (She bitterly her annoyance finally showing) Adam: And you’re jealous! (He chuckles triumphantly) Erica: I certainly am not (she whines defensively) Adam: Yes you are you’re jealous. (He chuckles harder) Erica: Of Brooke English? Please! (She says flipping her hair then sips her water) Adam: Yes, of Brooke English correction Sherrigan. From where I’m standing you’re a very lovely shade of green. Erica: Why in the world would I be jealous of Brooke English? (She says turning her back on him trying to gather her composure) Adam: Because one of the riches men in the world is insanely in love with your worst enemy showers her with romance, love and affection, she’s the center of attention and it’s not you. (He says walking behind her) Erica: Don’t be ridiculous Adam (She says turning to face him) I have no interest what’s so ever in Oliver Sherrigan. Adam: More to the point he has no interest in you. (He smiles roguishly) Erica: I could have had Oliver Sherrigan years ago if I had wanted him. (She’s seductively) Adam: The same could be said of him, if he had wanted you that is (He says shrewdly then smiles devilishly) Erica: I’ve had enough of this conversation. (She states flatly then flounces away to join her brother and sister in-law) Mark! Ellen! I’m so glad you could make it in for the Holidays! Mark: And miss Brooke’s wedding especially to this guy? Not on your life! (He says sounding truly impressed) Ellen: And this place looks wonderful! I used to pass this place a lot when Myrtle and I had the shop and I always thought how beautiful it was. I’m so glad some one gave it a truly loving hand. (She says looking around the room) Erica: It is lovely. (She says almost choking on her words) So you didn’t tell me how long are you going to be in town? Ellen: As Oliver said on the invitation for “The Season”! (She laughs) Erica: What’s that supposed to mean? (She says slightly confused) Miriam: Darlings! (She says kissing Erica and Ellen’s cheek then greeting Mark) So good to see you both! Let me explain Erica our friend Oliver has gone completely Victorian in honor of this newly restored Victorian mansion. (She says with a laugh) the “Season” would be the entire Christmas Season till New Year’s. Then they would all retire to the country to wait out the winter. Erica: That’s wonderful! So you will have time to see my beautiful grandsons before you leave. Mark: I can’t wait. Where are Zach and Kendall by the way? (He says looking around the room) Erica: They decided to spend the Christmas Eve with their family. Ellen: How’s that all going by the way? (She says concern edging her voice) Erica: So far so good they’re all trying to settle in and get used to things. Mark: Miriam where’s Stuart tonight I love to say hello? (He says looking around again) Miriam: He’s here over there (She says turning around) talking to Zach Slater’s niece Francessca. Erica: That’s odd I thought Kendall said they were all spending the evening as a family. (She says looking over to where Francessca and Stuart stand talking and laughing) excuse me a moment. (She says leaving the group and walking toward Francessca) Stuart: I was looking at some of your photo’s I really like them a lot you have a real artist’s eye. Francessca: Thank you so much that means a lot to me. I have always enjoyed your work. Stuart: Really? Francessca: Very much so! You have a wonderful eye for color especially in your portraits. Stuart: I would love to hang some of them up in my gallery. Francessca: Mind? I would love that! Thank you so much! Erica: Hello Francessca, Hello Stuart. (She say coming to them) Francessca: Hi Erica. (She says smiling cheerily) Stuart: Hi Erica, have you seen Miriam? (He says glancing about) Erica: Yes she right over there speaking with Mark and Ellen. (She smiles brightly) Stuart: Oh, good I’m going to go over and say hi, don’t forget bring those by on Monday. Francessca: I will thank you again! (She smiles) Erica: Thank you for what? (She asks curious) Francessca: He’s going to hang some of my work in his gallery isn’t that great? (She excitedly) Erica: That’s wonderful honey! I’m so happy for you! Francessca: Thank you. Erica: I’m surprised to see you here tonight. Francessca: Why? (She says confused) Erica: Kendall said you were all going to spend the evening together. Francessca: Oliver asked me to be here to take photos (She says holding out her camera) and I couldn’t say no and I think I have some really good shots. Here let me show you (She says flipping the camera over and proudly showing Erica some of the photo’s she had taken on the digital screen. Erica becomes even more annoyed at the quality of the photos they would be the envy of any bride then smiles inwardly as a plan forms in her head) Erica: This is your father’s first Christmas with his family I would think you would want to be there. (Her voice sodden with sympathy) Francessca: I’ll see everyone in the morning. (She shrugs glancing down proudly at her work) Erica: I just thought perhaps you might want to go be with them tonight being Christmas Eve. (She pushes) Francessca: I’ll be spending the entire day with them tomorrow. Tonight it’s my job to take pictures of this beautiful event. (She smiles hopping that would put and end to Erica’s mothering) Erica: Anyone can take pictures your place is with your family. I’m sure they are really missing you this evening and would love having you there with them. I think you should go and be with them. (She coaxes) Francessca: I think you should mind your own business! (She says slowly becoming annoyed by Erica’s pushing) Erica: Francessca, sweetheart you are a member of my family so that makes you my business. I’m just concerned about you. (She pleads) Francessca: I’m fine Erica. (Annoyed that she is still pushing) Erica: Honey, after all you’ve been through I would think your parents would want you home with them. (She prods pushing Francessca past threshold) Francessca: For your information my parents wanted me to be here. They understand how obligated I feel towards Brooke. She has been nothing but considerate and compassionate about everything we’ve been through and I feel honored and privileged that they asked me to do this. If family is so important to you, why are you here Erica? Shouldn’t you be enjoying family time with your Grandson Grandma? (She spits before walking away at the same moment Adam walks to Erica’s side) Adam: That went well. (He smirks his eyebrows raised knowingly) Erica: That poor girl really should be home where her parents can keep an eye on her. (She says her voice dripping with false sympathy) Adam: Horse hockey Erica! I can see right through your little ploy. Erica: There’s no ploy I’m truly concerned for her. (She says sounding less earnest by the moment) Adam: This is me Erica, you’re trying to get her to go home so Brooke won’t have any photo’s of her big day. Erica: I’m sure she’ll have wonderful photo’s Francessca is very talented. (She states demurely) Adam: I agree whole-heartedly, and so does Stuart but of course you already knew that didn’t you? (He accuses) Erica: You know what Adam you really need to stop projecting your twisted actions on to others. (She chastises her anger starting to build) Adam: I bet that Grandma remark really smarts. (He says smirking devilishly then sips his drink) Erica: Shut up Adam! (She hisses before flipping her hair and stomping off) Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 17:39:05 +0000

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