A Home for Emily Chp18 By Sydney Lucke-Angel on Tuesday, January - TopicsExpress


A Home for Emily Chp18 By Sydney Lucke-Angel on Tuesday, January 24, 2012 at 10:47pm Jesse and Angie Angie: Congratulations you two! (She says hugging Brooke and then Oliver) Jesse: Best wishes to you both. (He says kissing Brooke’s cheek then shaking Oliver’s hand) Brooke: Angie, Jesse thank you both so much for coming! (She says smiling brilliantly) Jesse: Thank you for inviting us. Oliver: I hope you’re both enjoying yourselves. Jesse: Are you kidding? This is great! Angie: This is absolutely fabulous! (She says looking around admiringly) Jesse: Yeah, you don’t play around! Brooke: I’m glad you’re both enjoying it as much as we are. Angie: I saw Jamie and Laura before it must be great having them back home Brooke: I didn’t realize how much I missed them till I saw them. Angie: I know that feeling very well. (They both laugh) Jesse: And the other young fellow standing with Jamie that’s your son Rego Oliver: Yes it is. (He says proudly) Angie: Very handsome young man. Oliver: Like father like son (He says jovially and puffs out his chest and they all laugh) Jesse: Hey listen I wanted to ask you something? Oliver: Sure, go ahead. Jesse: Well I promised my wife that I would remodel the loft so what I would like to do is to get a crew together. Oliver: You want me to be apart of a home improvement project? You just tell me where and when. (He blurts out excitedly) I have been wanting to do such a thing for sometime. Angie Oh, lord! (She says rolling her eyes then laughing) Jesse: Come on baby it will be fun. Angie: It’s not the fun part I’m worried about! I’m worried about not having a bathroom for weeks on end. (She quips) Brooke: It will put all those skills Oliver’s been getting from all those home improvement shows he makes me watch on Sunday mornings. (She laughs) Jesse: Oh see baby, Oliver knows what I’m talking about. Angie: He may know what he’s talking about but does he know what he’s doing? Oliver: I will have you know I am a very good foreman! (He says with mock seriousness then laughs) Brooke: I have to side with my new husband on that just look at the wonderful job he did on this house. Angie: And I will give him that because this place is absolutely gorgeous. Tad: Congratulations you two (He says walking up and kissing Brooke’s cheek and shaking Oliver’s hand) you had better take good care of this lady she is very special. Oliver: Rest assured as long as I’m breathing she will want for nothing. Tad: I’m going to hold you to that. (He says smiling) Angie: Where’s Taylor? Tad: She stopped to talk to Randi and Frankie. Brooke: Speaking of Frankie and Randi I hear through the grapevine that you’re going to be Grandparents twice over. Angie: Yes, Randi is having twins. I can’t wait! I’m so excited. (She says with a squeal as Francessca walks over to take a picture) Francessca: Ok everyone hold it and smile…got it thank you. (She says checking the photo quality screen at the same moment Jesse give a silent facial signal to Angie) Brooke: Would you all excuse us a moment there’s someone I would like Oliver to meet. Tad: Sure you two go ahead. Angie: Baby, do you want to go grab a plate? Jesse: I’ll be right there I want to talk to Francessca a moment. Angie: Ok, how about you Tad? Tad: Sure I’m starving let’s go! (As tad and Angie walk to the dinning room Jesse approaches Francessca) Jesse: Hey Francessca! Francessca: Hey Jesse. She says turning to greet him) Jesse: So how are you doing? Francessca: I’m ok, How are you? (She says with a weak smile) Jesse: I’m good. Natalia told me what happened in Hungary. Francessca: She did? (She says sounding relived at not having to maintain her façade) Jesse: Yeah she did. And I know how you’re feeling right now. Francessca: I’ve been trying to put it all out of mind but.. (She admits looking down at the floor) Jesse: but you can’t it comes back to you when you least expect it. (He finishes for her) Francessca: Sometime I can still hear him. (She mumbles guiltily then looks back at him her eyes filled with tears) Jesse: I wish I could tell you it will just suddenly stop or that the guilt you feel will go away tomorrow but I would be lying. Francessca: Jesse, how do you get past taking a man’s life even if he was the devil incarnate? (He says drawing her close and kissing her forehead) Jesse: All I can tell you that is does get easier with time. Just remember what you did saved your family and you. When you start feeling badly think about that. Think about what would have happened if you hadn’t done what you did. At that moment protecting your family was the most important thing. What you did was a good thing that man would have killed all of you. Francessca: I know but I still feel guilty. (she says as her tears spill down her cheeks causing Jesse to put his arm around her shoulder and walk her toward the row of chairs and sitting with her) Jesse: Here, (He says handing her his handkerchief) And it’s ok to feel that way. Just don’t let it overwhelm you. Alexander put himself in that position by his own actions not you. You did what was necessary to survive remember that, and, if you need someone to talk to I want you to come talk to me. I’ve been where you’re at right now and I know what you’re going through. (He says drawing her close and kissing her forehead) Francessca: Natalia and Frankie are very lucky to have you and so am I. (She says feeling comfort from his words) Jesse: Sweetheart, your family, speaking of family how’s your mom doing? Francessca: She’s adjusting. We all are. Jesse: Yeah, trust me it’aint easy. (He says nodding in agreement) Francessca: It’s weird having a father you’ve never known step back into your life. Jesse: It’s just as hard to have a father you did know step back into it, just ask Frankie. (He chuckles) Francessca: That’s what Frankie said. He and Natalia have been a really big help through all of this I’m really glad to have them in my life. (She smiles back at him) Jesse: They’re just as lucky to have you. If you need me you call me ok? (He says with a smile then stands) Francessca: Thank you so much I will. (She says standing with him) Jesse: Just remember you’re a hero not a killer. Ok? Francessca: Ok, (She smiles for real this time, feeling better than she has felt in days) Copyright Takeitish Pine Valley Chronicles
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:03:01 +0000

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