A JUMBLE OF GENES Americans should be proud that a woman of Arab - TopicsExpress


A JUMBLE OF GENES Americans should be proud that a woman of Arab descent became Miss America a decade after 9/11 Americans have mistaken brown-skinned people for Arabs much before Nina Davuluri was crowned Miss America or 9/11 shook the US by its roots. I was taken to be an Arabic-speaking man by an American rabbi way back in 1992. I had taken a break from studying economics at a college in Ahmedabad at the time and was living on a kibbutz in Israel, learning Hebrew and a little Judaism to discover my Jewish roots. This particular rabbi, who was travelling in Israel at the time, had given a class on the Torah and tried to impress his audience by saying something in Arabic. Almost simultaneously, he put on display his ignorance as he turned to me and said, “You should know what i just recited…” “No,” i had said, “i am an Indian.” He did not get it and asked, “Don’t you speak Arabic in India?” Nothing the rabbi said after that seemed sublime or erudite even if it was. On the same trip, i had encountered another American. He had heard me talk to friends about my childhood fascination with Star Trek and Captain Kirk and Mr Spock. After staring at me in bafflement for a while, he had asked, “You have electricity in India?” “No,” i had said, “We catch TV signals via telepathy.” This is of course not to say that all Americans are insular and ignorant. I have known some who know more about India than Indians (including me) do, turned Buddhists after living in Japan, speak better Gujarati than many Gujaratis and have given up on motorcycles only after trying to ride cross-country in sub-Saharan Africa. But then i have come across Americans who think Davuluri is an Arab and use ‘Arab’ as a synonym for ‘terrorist’. It has left me wondering what in heaven’s name are American kids taught in school. Had i been an American, I would have been proud to see a woman of Arab descent become Miss America a decade after 9/11. It would be an ideal message to the rest of the world about being a mature society. It is surprising that Americans, many of whom are descendants of migrants themselves, don’t get it – an increasing number of people around the world no longer allow where they live or where they work to define who they are. Consider the case of travel writer Pico Iyer who gave a TED lecture in June on ‘Where is home?’ He told his audience that people often ask him where he comes from and they expect him to say India. Of course, his ancestry is Indian but neither has he ever lived in India nor can he speak any of its ‘22,000 dialects’. He was born, raised and educated in England, but left it as soon as he completed his undergraduate studies. He said that if ‘where you come from’ meant where you paid your taxes and saw your dentist, then he was an American except that he has to carry a card identifying him as a ‘permanent alien’. If ‘where you come from’ meant the place which went deepest inside him, then he was Japanese as he has been living in Japan for the past 25 years. Except that he has been living there on a tourist visa! Iyer says that his background is old-fashioned and straightforward because he feels that the kids in Hong Kong or Sydney or Vancouver are much more international than him. My own thoroughbred Indian sister has married a Frenchman of Polish ancestry and they have two children. So, what should my niece and nephew be called – Indo-French Poles or Franco-Pole Indians? It won’t be long before the geography of one’s genes will be so mixed up that it won’t matter to anyone. Wonder what racists will hate then. -TOI
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 07:53:40 +0000

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