A Jehovah’s Witness Dilemma Part Three Posted on March 13, - TopicsExpress


A Jehovah’s Witness Dilemma Part Three Posted on March 13, 2010 See the Watchtower crumble to dust under the weight of its own words! This is part three of a three-part article. If you havent done so yet, please read parts one and two first. In this, our final chapter, were going to get serious and determine once and for all who is the liar. If youll stay with me–and put forth a little energy and thought–by the end of this article you will know the answer. It turns out that our task will be pretty easy, because the easiest liars to identify are those who tell lies habitually, or have a long record of writing or speaking falsehoods. You can often catch them contradicting themselves so that you know that at least one of their statements must be false. The Watchtower has made the blanket statement that all those who come to disagree with them are liars. In part two of this series we showed that the evidence they give for this statement is faulty, and in fact proves their blanket statement is itself a lie. For instance, one piece of evidence the Watchtower gave was that Apostates accuse Jehovahs Witnesses of refusing medical care for their children. Since Jehovahs Witnesses do, in fact, refuse to let their children have blood transfusions, apostates are not lying in this regard; they are making a true statement. It is the Watchtower that is lying when it calls apostates liars for stating this truth about them. Now that we have fairly considered the Watchtowers evidence against us, and answered their charges, its time to turn the tables and look at the Watchtowers own record of truthfulness. This is how we follow the Watchtowers own method of truth-finding that we praised in part one: by examining both sides. Below, I have gathered together a sampling of actual statements made by the Watchtower over the years [often paraphrasing their meaning in the table, while giving a reference to the exact citation--just click the question number to view the references.] You be the judge But dont let me influence your decision as to what the record shows: I invite you to be the judge by marking these statements as true or false yourself. And remember: as odd as some of these beliefs may sound, all of them were held as true at one time or another by the Watchtower (as their printed publications prove.) You are not being asked whether its true or false that the Watchtower held (or now holds) these beliefs. No; that they held/hold these beliefs is an established fact not under dispute [please consult the references if you have any doubt.] What you are being asked is whether these beliefs are true or false. Keep in mind that we are holding to the Watchtower standard in determining what is True (as quoted in part one of this series). Heck, it really is such a great quote that Im going to go ahead and quote it again right here: Truth does not contradict itself or deny the facts. It does not go contrary to reality… It does not change because of location or time. The truth is provable by actual fact. The truth endures, persists, because it is genuine, actually existing, in harmony with reality. – Things in Which it is Impossible for God to Lie p. 22 THE FULL STORY OF HOW A FORMER MEMBER LEARNED TO THINK FOR THEMSELVES.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 18:52:09 +0000

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