A KEY document that lay unidentified for a decade reveals that the - TopicsExpress


A KEY document that lay unidentified for a decade reveals that the Howard government plotted the 1998 confrontation on Australias waterfront, says a leading researcher. The document urges an interventionist approach, in which the government would provoke a strike on the nations docks, allowing stevedores to replace unionised workers with non-union labour. Ten years ago today, security officers accompanied by guard dogs charged into 17 ports owned by the stevedores Patrick, after its chief executive, Chris Corrigan, sacked his workers, sparking a month-long lockout that ended when the High Court ordered the reinstatement of the wharfies. While the document, Waterfront Strategy, was released in mid-1998, the University of NSW historian Christopher Shiel has identified it as the first of two papers written by the consulting firm ACIL in 1997 and supposedly kept confidential. All the evidence points to this being, at the very least, the officials summary of ACIL No. 1, Dr Shiel told the Herald. The document was initially mistaken as advice from bureaucrats in the Department of Workplace Relations. But Dr Shiel, who has analysed the report for a book to be released this year, said its content had not been generated by public servants. One of the co-authors of ACIL I, the consultant Paul Houlihan, told the Herald he could neither confirm nor deny that he wrote key elements of the paper that officials later rebadged as Waterfront Strategy. All I can say is that I was engaged to do a consultancy by the government, he said. Dr Shiel said: ACIL I defines the terms of the activist strategy that the cabinet signed off on. It canvassed the prospect of industrial action that would give the stevedores the option of dismissing their employees. That means cabinet approved provoking a national strike and that is sensational. He said the only way to disprove his findings was for the government to release the ACIL reports. Last week the Workplace Relations Minister, Julia Gillard, rejected demands from the Maritime Union of Australia to release both ACIL reports, and a third report by the consultant Stephen Webster, which were prepared in 1996-1997 for the Howard government. She said she would not lift the Howard governments restriction on access to material surrounding the dispute. But Mr Houlihan is happy for the Rudd Government to release his report on waterfront reform. It would not worry me at all if it were to surface, he said. The Maritime Unions national secretary, Paddy Crumlin, said the reports would expose the conspiracy between the Howard government and Patricks that the High Court found was probable. Dr Shiel said the language in Waterfront Strategy was feisty, partisan and well written. Not at all like a bureaucrats writing, he said.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:34:12 +0000

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