A Kidney for Victor Raposo, Hi my name Victor Raposo I live in - TopicsExpress


A Kidney for Victor Raposo, Hi my name Victor Raposo I live in Pawtucket Rhode Island .I was born April 28, 1982 ,currently 32 years old . I was born with Congenital Kidney disease, blockage to both kidneys which caused fluid to backup and cause my kidney to flood out and die. Doctors didnt discover the blockage until I was three months old. One Kidney was completely dried out (raisin) and the other was working only 50%. When I was 10 years old doctors removed the dead kidney, due to having too many UTIs. When I was 14 I was put on dialysis, due to the other kidney starting to die out, 15 1/2 I received my first kidney transplant (1996), the doctors only expected the kidney to live 10 years, coming from a deceased donor. I took care of my transplant for 18 years I lived my life to the fullest as a typical teenager would, I played high school soccer, graduated high school. Now the transplanted kidney died out due to age of the kidney, I’m am again on dialysis. Now I need another kidney transplant, being recently married to the girl of my dreams and trying to have a family of my own. I’m very energetic, full of life, high school soccer coach and works as a nursing assistant, and my blood type is A+. I can be matched up with O and A blood types. Now I’m am currently looking for an angel. Any questions private message me my transplant doctors are located at Tufts medical Center, Boston Mass.!
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:44:21 +0000

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