A LEARNING EXPERIENCE ( FILIPINA WIVES OF JAPANESE NATIONAL) ( PLEASE TAKE NOTE) TODAY DOP assisted VALUED CLIENTS @ CEBUPAC NAGOYA check-in counter. ONE of my client a FILIPINA wife of Japanese national check-in with her son for Nagoya/Manila flight. HER son does not have a dual citizenship status. After checking all their documents the child was not allowed to check-in because the Filipina mother failed to show the KOSEKITOHON of the JAPANESE FATHER or their MARRIAGE CONTRACT. As per information from CEBUPAC NAGOYA check-in counter this documents are required by the bureau of immigration. In view of above and to avoid future problems ALL FILIPINA MOTHERS who are travelling with their JAPANESE children MUST bring all documents needed on their travel . IF the JAPANESE father is not joining their flight PLEASE bring with you the KOSEKITOHON of the father of your child or your MARRIAGE CONTRACT. This is in addtion to other official documents needed on your travel such as your passport , residence certificate and other documents that may be required in relation to your travel . This is a service information from DOP TICKETING
Posted on: Sat, 23 Aug 2014 14:29:20 +0000

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