A LETTER FROM SRI V.GANESAN Pranams. Just as the realm of - TopicsExpress


A LETTER FROM SRI V.GANESAN Pranams. Just as the realm of vices is extremely attractive and mesmerising but will undeniably drown you in nescience of darkness and violence, the realm of true spirituality most assuredly elevates you to heights hitherto unknown and it invariably takes place ONLY within your HEART, which is the storehouse of SILENCE, BLISS, PEACE and HAPPINESS ! Choose to be Happy and eternally LIVE as a resident of this illuminating lustrous Ananda Loka , Amrita Loka ! The Golden Door leading you unmistably to IT is true spirituality and the only Diamond Key to unlock IT is the SAT--GURU [ not, all these chota gurus,known to the world through their own self-advertisements ] ! We are all exceptionally, extremely fortunate that unasked we have readily on our hands BHAGAVAN SRI RAMANA MAHARSHI as our sacred Sat--Guru ! And, he joyously goads us, repeatedly too, in His Direct Teaching of Self--Enquiry to dive WITHIN and BE the SELF ! His holy words are : The only purpose of life is to Realise the SELF. All other activities are waste of time . Guru Solpadi Nadakka Vendum = Abide by the instructions of the Guru ! May be you are a great dheera , my dear brothers or sisters ! You have already done what the Sat--Guru commands you to do ! One minute you could be immersed in GOD,in SELF, in SILENCE ! Every dip you take in the SELF--POND [ of Nectar = Amrita ], within your Heart, you gain spiritual strength ! Again and again, without feeling bored, take the dips and often and often ! Do it : Santhatham Salippara Santhoshamaagavey -- Sri Bhagavan ! His Grace and Blessings are fully on you ! With lots of Love, Ganesan. P.S. Two days back, some earnest aspirants along with their families came to Ananda Ramana , thereby blessing me and giving me the pleasure of having Sat Sangh with them ! It is all Sri Bhagavans Grace ! The usual spiritual problem was raised : We are all family people -- crowded with activities, problems, suffering and disappointments. However, there is no doubt in us that we are all totally devoted and dedicated only to SRI BHAGAVAN and His Teaching. How will you help us experience the Quietude, Peace, Happiness and Bliss, in the midst of such factual distractions ? I told them : Right here and now close your eyes. One minute after, I asked them to open their eyes and instead of asking what was there experience, I guided them : While in the state of closed eyes, did you not get shut off entirely from the outward world, rushing thoughts, pressure of activities, just for that moment ? Did you not feel quietude -- in the form of Silence ? That is the Inner Silence, the Inner Guru which Sri Bhagavan affirms is ones SELF, ones TRUE STATE ! Before they could manufacture doubts -- thus, not allowing them to talk -- I preceded them and spoke : I know what you are going to say ; you would ask, Its all right for mature and well established seekers like you... How about us -- immature, spiritually and ignorant, theoretically, technique-wise -- and, as such would we be able to directly experience it ? For that, please listen to the following story. Along with a few devotees -- which included children -- we went to Rishikesh and stayed at Paramartha Niketan. In the evenings, we would sit in front of the glorious Ganga Mata and have sat sangh. Once, a mother in the group, was pleased to say that we elders were blessed to experience the quietude and peace, inwardly, due to the elevating sat sangh ; but, how about the children ? Could they also experience this inward peace ? I requested her to call for her 7--year old son -- who fortunately is named RAMANA -- who was playing around, joyously. The whole atmosphere was surcharged with religious fervour on both sides of Mother GANGAs shores, as evening pujas with ringing of big, small bells were going on. Also, the noise of horning sound from lorries and buses and other loud distractive sounds did pervade the area ! He came and I spontaneously asked him : Ramana ! Sit down. Look all around you. He did. Hear all the sounds. He did, with joy. Now, Ramana ! Close your eyes. He did. Again, look all around. What do you see ? Ramana : I see nothing, Uncle ! Good ! What do you, hear,Ramana ? Uncle ! I do not hear any sound ! Next, I asked him : Ramana ! How do you feel ? With closed eyes, he answered, I am feeling very happy, Uncle ! His reply was a true revelation for me ! It made me very humble ! I requested him to stay in that state. His face glowed with happiness for seven minutes ! All of us were witnesses for this splendour of spiritual quietude being experienced by a boy of 7 years old ! Then, the playfulness in the boy surfaced and he jumped and ran away, plunging the rest of us in meditative quietness ! There was no indoctrinisation nor spiritual course dictated to the boy and yet, with effortless ease the boy experienced within him, the quietude, peace and happiness ! Did he not prove the definition of TRUTH by given to us Sri Bhagavan : The nature of TRUTH is, that IT is available to all, under all conditions and at all times ! There prevailed silence, on that day also during that blessed morning, at the verandah of my house ! One of those who were present, gave me a gift of a book : After an hour or so, I opened the book and it opened on page 57. The book is a commentary on the Japuji--Saheb of GURU NANAK (almost, sentence by sentence). When I read the following passage, it filled me with ecstasy ! I want to share it with you ! Please read it, with a silenced mind ! Listen with your Heart, please ! May the Lord bless us all ! With warm Regards, Yours Ever, Ganesan. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ HE IS THE ORDAINER AND BY HIS ORDER DOES THE UNIVERSE TURN . -- Guru Nanak This is why Guru Nanak calls Him the Ordainer, for, it is His Order that comes. The Consciousness that is within your Heart, is the instrument that brings His Voice to you. He speaks through your Consciousness. Before doing anything, close your eyes and listen to Him. if you obey His Command, Bliss will shower on your existence. To go against It, is to create your own hell by your own hands. If you turn your back to the Voice, you are taking a dangerous step ! Before deciding anything, before taking any step, close your eyes and ask Him. This is the thread in all meditation -- that, first we shall ask -- seek the Voice, then proceed. We should not take a single step without His permission. We should close our eyes and hear His Voice, and follow His voice -- not ours. Once you acquire this key, it will open infinite doors for you. The key is within you ; each child is born with it. We develop the childs intellect but do nothing to develop its Consciousness. It remains undeveloped, incomplete. We heap so many layers of thoughts over the Voice, It gets hidden so deep that we no long can hear It, though It calls all the same. That art of hearing the Inner Voice is called meditation. It is imperative to know His Command. We must know what He wishes -- what is His Will.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 05:43:58 +0000

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