A LETTER TO AFRICA Poverty, famine, crime, genocides and - TopicsExpress


A LETTER TO AFRICA Poverty, famine, crime, genocides and Aids are words which plague Mother Africas name. Demons which bring shame to our Motherland Africa. That’s what they say; some think you full of heathens with no sense of Religion and a home to animals and animism a land of savages. That s what they think they say you cannot judge a book by its cover. They have colored you dark, painted you dark. Others say 8you the continent of the 5Ds Debt, Disease, Drought, Dependency and Desertification .They have painted you with a paint of poverty placed perception. Dr.J.E.K Aggrey said My people of Africa, we were created in the image of God, but men have made us think that we are chickens and still think we are, but we are Eagles. Stretch forth your wings and fly do not be content with the food of chickens’’. Patrice Lumumba said The day will come when history will speak Africa will write its own history it will be a history of glory and dignity. AFRICA you have already written your history you are the home of great leaders, ideas and minds. Like Dr.J.E.K Aggrey father of African education, Dr.Kwame Nkurumah PAN AFRICANIST, NELSON MANDELA who was a symbol of AFRICA imprisoned for over27 years his magnanimous personality helped to heal the rift between white and black people ,Haile selassie an inspirational figure in the movement for African independence ,Dr Christian Barnard who performed the first heart transplant , Martin Luther king Jr,Patrice Lumumba,Julias Nyerere, Dr.Ellen Sirleaf Johnson Africas first female President, Kofi Anan former Secretary General UN, Dr.Mazru,Dr Philip Emegwali said to be the father of internet by CNN, Dr Kenneth Kaunda ,Julius Nyerere , Robert Mugabe and Thabo Mbeki. Going back into time Shaka ZULU military genius ,Mzilikazi ,Bishop Samuel Ajavi Crowther of NIGERIA first African Bishop of the church of ENGLAND .Tertullian ,Origen ,Clement, and AUGUSTINE some of the greatest minds and Influential leaders of the early church, Queen Cleopatra V11 (47BC)she formed an alliance with Julius Caesar ,Olaudah Equiano the first black person to write about his experience as a slave. Biblical characters Simon of Cyrene who helped carry the cross of Christ, The treasure of Queen Candice of Ethiopia of ACTS 8 who brought the gospel to Sudan, Robert Moffat, and the first to translate the whole Bible into AFRICAN language. The Africa I know is kind, does not envy, is not provoked, thinks no evil and bears all things. Your culture exceed the GREEK, you the AFRICA of Amorous populates, Africa of patriotic men and woman, Africa of shelter and vintage hospitality, AFRICA OF proud warriors in ancestral savannahs, Africa of whom my grandmother sings on sings in the banks of the river. Africa full of untold treasures from the ancient temples, pyramids in Egypt to the great Zimbabwe ruins not forgetting the stunning natural wonders and wildlife in Kenya ,Tanzania ,Botswana ,Namibia and Zambia before they colonised you comprised of 10000 different states and autonomous groups with distinct languages and customs. You are the life filled with the noise of natural things. The pounding of grain like thunder in many rural communities in Africa. Roosters crowing at every mood of the sun fires crackling with ancient memories children laughing and disappearing in the tall grass. You need to have the mindset of Christ and fly like Eagles. .God is leading you Africa to a place of greater service and usefulness. Africa you can prepare yourself for unexpected opportunities to by getting to know more about GOD. No one understands you better than God who created you. Look for the areas where GOD has gifted you and seek opportunities to allow God to use your gifts. Take time yourself to express thanks both to God and to others who have helped and blessed you. God is your refuge even in the midst of total destruction. He is not merely a temporary retreat he is your eternal refuge and can provide strength in any circumstance. As you persist in prayer, you will grow even in character, faith and hope. Maintain your composure in the face of unjustified criticism can be a trying experience and an emotional drain, but if you cannot stop criticism, it is best just to ignore it. Remember that God knows what you are enduring and will honor you if you are in the right. You experienced colonization and hardships. You prayed God welcomed your honest prayers, but be careful not to overlook the love, strength and rescue that God provided you in that situation. When a cry of despair goes up around you, consider the larger perspective before you join in. You better use your energy well than complain. Look forward to a fuller and more meaningful life because of your hope in Christ. RICH ISAAC richisaac1@gmail
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:22:47 +0000

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