A LIGHTWORKER IS : A Lightworker is a person who is defined by - TopicsExpress


A LIGHTWORKER IS : A Lightworker is a person who is defined by their mission. That mission is to share light and love with others on this planet, empowering them toward their own paradigm shift and spiritual awakening. The Lightworkers goal is to help show others that they have a unique spiritual energy and that they are free to explore and connect with the unlimited universal life force energy available to us all. As people awaken to their true nature and connect with their higher selves, they too may choose to perform lightwork by manifesting unconditional love into the physical world around them. This goal of manifesting the Christ consciousness onto the earth plane, also known as creating heaven on earth, is a key component of a lightworkers mission. All life exists for a sacred purpose. A Lightworker, that is a being, aware of their true presence, their inner awareness and non-dual nature then becomes a vehicle for divine activation. This role is a very simple and a natural one. When the illusionary self is dissolved into the true sense of being, the I AM presence, a being begins to shine and resonate this mandala field of pure state bliss. The transition starts from Lightworker to Light Being. This activation can occur anywhere, in any situation, in all places,roles and demographics, from the mother at home to the soldier in the military, even in the depths of the darkest regions of human nature this blossoming occurs. It can be slow or instant. It has been this way for eternity. For all the people, all the time. All for one and one for all. This is the effortless state of being, devoid of all grasping and all seeking. This is existence, exposing all to the life giving energies of our divine source. Lightworking is to walk upon the face of the planet lightly, light in spirit and bearing, and shine love, happiness, tranquillity and peace into the world. To calm the inner turmoil, to just be and be at one with who you truly are, to love and honor life as an expression of divinity, to love all that is, that power some call God, and of course to love one another unconditionally. In being true to the divine presense within all beings and releasing all false thought forms, all masks and illusions, is the essence of lightworking. In this lightworking emanates love, happiness, joy, faith, hope and inspiration into the inner and outer world. This not only helps to awaken the lightworker, but also to awaken others to their own natural state. What can be called enlightenment, what may be called ascension. A Lightworkers divine mission then comes to life, as one enters the flow of creation and maintains the presence of awareness without being caught up in the turmoil of the creation. This is done in the service for all beings, all the time.... Demonstrating the confidence to take a stand for your own sense of rightness is truly empowering to others because, in doing so, you give them permission to do the same. When you center yourself in your heart and lovingly make it clear that in choosing to do something other than meet their expectation, you are simply doing what is right and healthy for you, you liberate everyone else involved as well. - Deavon Di Prima
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 17:19:05 +0000

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