A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM: An Open Letter - TopicsExpress


A LONG WALK TO FREEDOM: An Open Letter to NIGERIANS,most especially to the youths. We have been wasteing our time slavering under some People waiting for them to lead us to build a new nigeria, full of Justice, devoid of corruption and unemployement. This is just a dream which will never come true. We have been Lobbying the Likes of,thugery,robb ery,bribe(popul ary known as short cut). while insecurity Joined recently and many others.. At the momemt when hundreds of students killed, Villages razed and burnt, villagers killed,with this! The president still invite some of this currupt people to Participate in what he called CENTENARY. What do you think,if the child of any of them was among the victims of such a Massacre? Would he attend the centenary?,woul d he Recieve any Honourary certificate from GEJ? Obviously the answer is NO! My respective brothers and sisters we must match with a clear vision to rebuild Nigeria. Lets measure our fate! And you should therefore be constanty reminded that the biggest enemy of Success is FEAR and its best friend is CONFIDENCE.MAY THE SOULS OF ALL MURDERED REST IN PEACE!! Finally I want to remind you that *DO OR DIE* is an old saying now its *DO BEFORE YOU DIE*
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 09:57:34 +0000

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