A LONG status just with some suggested uses of the benefits of our - TopicsExpress


A LONG status just with some suggested uses of the benefits of our Original lotion concentrate (cleaner for the home) OLC The many uses of this incredible & environmentally friendly versatile product have been compiled by one of my Nutri friends. * I love to use this product firstly for washing myself and all the family. It is perfectly balanced to the ph mantel of our skin and does not dry or irritate plus it cleans the skin beautifully, and feels great. It is great also to bathe the children, making the best bubble bath, plus it soaks off the dirt without much trouble. It will not cause urinary tract infections in small girls (as will other bubble baths). Should your family suffer from dermatitis or psoriasis it will calm and soothe the skin and often be the only product that they can wash with. * Shampoo the familys hair - especially good for the men - for us it is suggested that with the perms, colour etc, that we use our Hair Care Range of products. Childrens hair responds well, also very beneficial for people suffering from psoriasis. * It is the best product to wash new born infants in - it is the gift that I give to all new mums and will eliminate cradle cap. * Fantastic for washing the pets - it will calm itchy skin on dogs and gives the best result when washing horses. The coat of the animal, whether dog or cat will be extremely soft (does not kill fleas). * Cleans your whole house - I use it for everything in the Kitchen, Bathroom and all windows, and I live in a home which is full of glass from floor to ceiling!! I break the O.L.C. down and put it in a spray bottle (approx. 1 teaspoon to 500 mls. of water) to clean the kitchen bench tops and wipe down tables, furniture (wet dust) bathroom vanity tops, walls, tiles, fans, cupboard doors and everything else that you need to wipe clean. * The floor is my favourite area that I clean with O.L.C. because I like using a naturally sourced product to apply where my familys feet will be walking, as we absorb through the soles of our feet what we are walking on, so I like to ensure that I do not put chemicals underneath my feet. * Washing glassware will result in super sparkling results - you will be delighted. * Washing dishes, will give you a detergent free residue on your plates, cups etc. that will enhance your health and well being plus remove the effect of harsh detergents on hands. *You can use in spas for a bit of safe bubble, it cleans while it works so you dont get that yuckky scum/oil line on side of your spa. * If you are interested in keeping chemicals away from your mouth you can use it to clean your teeth - I found this information in some literature from the boating world as they try to keep a minimum of products being taken onto a boat when they are motoring or sailing, so they started to clean their teeth and found it worked really well, it also cleans the whole mouth at the same time!! I found it took me a least a week to get used to the taste (or should I say lack of taste - no mint flavour) Plus the amount to use, when I first attempted it I was foaming at the mouth with bubbles escaping everywhere - just use 1 drop and that is sufficient, so for an economic toothpaste you cant beat this product. * I also read from a British Publication that it was found that following oil spills in the Atlantic Ocean O.L.C. was able to clean the feathers of the bird life that was affected by the spill, as is the case when detergents are used the birds die from the product used and not necessarily the oil. I have a wonderful story about such an event that I will relate, my friend Mike runs a nursery and has lots of birds who live in the area. One morning he found a Kingfisher struggling for survival after falling into a can of sump oil from a car - the bird had managed to struggle out but was a limp mess covered in oil at the base of the can. Mike remembered me telling him the story of the birds in the Atlantic Ocean and washed the bird in O.L.C., it recovered and flew away after a while. He was fortunate to have the product to hand, the reason being as I mentioned he runs a nursery and washes the concrete paths throughout the nursery with O.L.C. to clean them plus as he lives in Far North Queensland he needs to wash the mould from the plants before he sends them to market, and her uses O.L.C. to do that as well. * Talking about markets, I have a lot of growers of Paw Paws and Mangoes that wash their fruit in O.L.C. before they send them to market to obtain a better price. The workers who pick and pack are grateful that these growers choose to use O.L.C. on their fruit, as it is extremely kind to their hands, and they therefore dont suffer from dermatitis unlike other products in use!!! * Originally designed to wash the spray and chemicals from our fruit and vegetables, we have just added all the other cleaning duties we do - but this exercise is the most beneficial to our familys health and well-being. Our fruit and vegies are sprayed during their growth cycle and these sprays are waxed based so they adhere to the produce and are not readily washed away, that is where O.L.C. shines as it removes the unwanted spray residuals and returns our food back to its original natural healthy self, ready for us to ingest with confidence. You can taste the difference from the original fruit by testing it yourself, bite into an apple you have purchased from the supermarket and then wash the same piece of fruit with water and then bite into it again - you will note the difference in taste and texture, however when you wash the same apple in O.L.C. and take a third bite you will not recognise the apple as the same one that you started with. The feel in the mouth is altered and the taste is wonderful. Try testing broccoli and grapes and will be amazed with the results. I like to return from shopping and fill the kitchen sink with water and about 1/2 teaspoon of O.L.C. and wash all the fruit and vegies I have brought so that when any of the family want to eat anything it is already washed. I then just drain them off and then later put them in the fridge to store. * You can use it to refill the toilet cleaner - the ones on the side of the bowl that usually cost about $3 each time you refill - what a great saving (Hevi Clean can also be used for this as well) Ingredients are derived from Coconut & Yucca plants CLC Gentle Laundry Concentrate * A fantastic product for washing all the familys clothes, especially if there is any sensitivity (itchy skin and redness) to the washing powder products found on the supermarket shelves. You will find that almost everyone is able to use this product. * An added advantage is that I have found your clothes wear better and last longer due to the fact that there are no fillers to deteriorate the fabric. * Your washing machine will not need to be cleaned, as frequently as there is no residue left behind and your pipe work will remain clean as there is no powder build up. * Should you live a an area where there is a shortage of water you can run the water from your washing machine directly onto your garden, to enhance the growth of your plants. * You do not need to use a fabric softener, thereby reducing the cost of the products used to wash with. Ingredients are derived from Coconut & Yucca plants HEVI CLEAN * This is a remarkable product - and I use it do all the jobs that the above two can not do, * Firstly I break the product down 50 - 50 with water and put it into a spray bottle to spray on the bathroom tiles and leave for a hour or so and that ensures my bathroom tiles remain clean without any scrubbing. * I use this same break down to spray my clothes as their pre-wash stain remover - you may note that on the bottle it does state not to use on the laundry - but over the seventeen years I have used this I have never encountered a problem, and that is even on the most delicate garments. I use it to soak stains out and even use it to wash my husband’s filthy clothes and they come up much cleaner. * Again using the same strength I use it as an oven cleaner - just spray it on and leave for around half an hour and then just wipe out. If you should have a really dirty oven the first time you try this you will need some elbow grease and scrub, but following this application you will find it an easy job to keep the oven clean. * I have an area with sails and when I water blasted them they came up okay, but I decided to spray them with the 50 - 50 Hevi Clean and water and then cleaned them again and they came up as good as new. A very satisfying result, I was delighted. It also works superbly on all outdoor furniture and for cleaning the outside of your home. The trick is to leave the product on for about half an hour before removing, this gives you the best result. * I use it to clean my rugs - just spray, leave and then water blast; make sure you have a good area to dry the rug thoroughly, before replacing inside. Again these are just a few of the uses I am sure you will find many more uses to put them to the test!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 11:02:40 +0000

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