A LOUIS TALE PARTS 1-5 Repost. ***A LOUIS TALE*** Louis - TopicsExpress


A LOUIS TALE PARTS 1-5 Repost. ***A LOUIS TALE*** Louis where are we going? you asked him after he shows up to your house in the middle of the night and tells you to get in his car. I havent the slightest idea. I just couldnt wait till tomorrow to see you. he smiled as he took one hand off the wheel, grabbed your hand and pressed it to his lips. He was such a sweetheart you thought. Then you say, This is just so random. I figured I would surprise you. he said, Ive missed you so much while the band and I was touring. I feel bad I couldnt call or see you every day. Baby, its fine. I told you before you left that everything was going to be ok. That I was ok with it all. All that matters is youre back here right now and with me. You smiled and he returned that smile and your heart just melted. ** 1 Hour Later** Darling, I need to tell you something. Louis said. Your mind immediately thinks Uh Oh. What is it You asked I think were lost. He said, I really dont recognize any of this. You try to hide your laughter. This was just like him. Always trying to get us lost. Well, You say pointing to a sign as it passed, We can stop at that hotel just up the road and see where we are. Or, Louis said grinning ear to ear. We can just stay the night there. Really? you asked. Yeah, weve been apart an awfully long time, and I think I just really want to fall asleep holding you, babe. Louis, are we really lost or did you plan this whole thing? You asked smiling. What do you think? he smiled. Louis Tomlinson, youre horrible. you say laughing. But you love me right? He asked Yes, of course I love you. You say as he pulled into the parking lot. LOUIS TALE PT2 The next morning... You can feel yourself coming out of being in a deep sleep. You open your eyes to find Louis inches away from your facing staring at you. Well morning to you too Mr. Creepy. You say as a smile slid across your face. Sorry, Louis whispered stroking a strand of hair away from your face. I dont remember you being so beautiful. I cant help but stare at your beauty. He smiled at you and your heart raced faster. Im glad your back. Ive been dreaming of this moment for a while. Youre so warm. you say scooting your body closer to him. He wrapped his arms around you as he laughed. What time is it? you asked. Its nearly 2pm. he replied. You were supposed to meet the boys an hour ago for lunch. Why didnt you wake me up? you asked him wiggling out of his hold to get out of bed. I texted them earlier and explained what was going on. Louis said, Just come back and lay down for a little longer. Louis, you know how Niall gets when food plans get rearranged. You said ignoring the last part. I told them you were still asleep and I didnt want to wake you. Niall was very understanding. What did you tell him exactly? You asked getting suspicious. A huge smile crept across Louis face. Louis you didnt tell them what I think you told them did you? You exclaimed. What is it that you think I told them? He asked. You gave him your did you really just ask that look. OH! he said, You think I gave them details of last night. You stared at him. He laughed, Darling, all I told them was that I wanted to spend this morning with you. You let out a long sigh of relief. Well I feel dumb now. you say to him sitting down on the edge of the bed. Well you’re not. Louis said crawling over next to you. The boys did tell me to bring you to dinner if you want to go. Really? you asked him. Yeah, they want to meet the girl I cant stop talking about. he smiled. Alright Ill go, but answer one question for me. you tell him Anything sweetheart. Are you ever going to tell the world were together? Louis wrapped an arm around your shoulders. Yes. he says to you. I dont want to hide you anymore, but do you think can handle this crazy world Im apart of? Yeah I think I can. you say smiling at him. Then well let everyone know really soon, ok? he says to you. Louis caress your cheek as he kisses you. As he pulled away he says, Let’s go so I can get you home to get ready for dinner. You stand up to collect your things from around the room. As youre collecting you cant help but smile because everything was perfect. ***Part 3*** One by one you threw articles of clothing out from your closet. “I can never find anything to wear” you muttered under your breath. It wasn’t until you started throwing stuff out of the drawer that finally found something. You grabbed the clothes and headed towards the bathroom. You sat your cloths next to the stack of towels on the counter and then pulled back to shower curtain. You turned the knob and the water rushed out. It ran for a couple of seconds before you adjusted it to the perfect temperature. With one press of a button the shower head began pouring out water. You removed your cloths and stepped in. The water was warm against your skin. As you started lathering your hair with shampoo the bathroom door opened. “Hey how much longer do you think you’ll be?” said a voice. You screamed. “Hey darling chill. It’s just me.” Louis said loudly over your screams. “Louis! What the hell? How did you get in?” You yelled at him pulling back the curtain a little to stare him down. “I found your spare key…” “Well you nearly gave me a heart attack. You can’t just walk in here while I’m showering.” You say to him, your voice was hoarse from the screaming. “Why not? Do you not remember that one time we-” Louis began but you cut him off. “Yes, yes I do and that’s not what I’m saying. I thought you were a robber.” “Oh, baby I’m sorry.” He said, “I thought I would just pop in and surprise you. I didn’t mean to scare you.” “It’s ok; I’ll only be a couple more minutes in here.” You tell him. “All right then. Just so you know the boys are already at my house. Well all except Zayn. He and his girlfriend had previous arrangements. We decided to grill though. But anyways continue your shower lovely and I’ll be out here.” Louis shut the door. Your heart was pounding fast. You quickly finished washing the soap out of your hair and turned off the water. You were just about done getting ready, when there was a tiny knock on the door. “Louis you can come. I promise I won’t scream.” He cracked the door, “Are you sure?” he asked. “Yes.” You laughed. The door opened wider and Louis walked in. “Wow who all are you trying to impress?” he asked smiling. “Is it too much?” “No, not at all. You look very beautiful.” Louis said walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Are you nervous?” “Just a little.” You tell him “Well don’t be. They’re very excited to meet you.” He said grinning. “I’m happy I finally get to show you off a little.” You laughed and then say, “Well better not keep them waiting.” It wasn’t a long drive his house, but the closer you two got the more nervous you became. He pulled in the driveway, parked, and rushed around to your side and opened the door. “After you darling.” He said smiling. You’re pretty sure he hadn’t stopped smiling since you left your house. You walk through the door to his house and you immediately heard yelling from the back yard. “Yay he’s back!” “Can we starting cooking now? I feel like I’m going to die.” You heard a voice yell. You instantly knew it was Niall’s. You followed Louis to the backyard. “Well either he was lying and managed to find this pretty girl in a short amount of time, or he was actually telling the truth.” Liam said once he saw you. “Guys I want you to meet (Y/N).” “Hi (Y/N)!” Liam, Niall, and Harry said. “Hi.” Was all you managed to say. You were a little star struck. Harry got up from his chair and walked up to you and then around you, looking you up and down. “Harry what the hell are you doing?” Louis asked him. “Just checking out the competition. Harry said then Louis raised an eyebrow.“I’m joking. Can I not just check out your girlfriend without having a reason?” You blushed. You can’t believe Harry just said that. Niall stood up, “I’m off to the kitchen to get things ready.” “Harry and I will come help too.” Liam said standing up. “Why do I have too?” Harry asked. “So they can have minute to themselves.” Liam explained. Harry sighed and followed them into the kitchen. “Well that was interesting.” Louis said once they were alone. “I imagined that going little differently.” You say. “Imagine how things will go, when the whole world finds out.” “Let’s face that when we come to it.” You laughed. “Do they know what they’re doing in there?” “I really don’t know. You can go check on it while I get the grill going if you want?” Louis said smiling. You stand up and walk back through the sliding glass door and into the kitchen. “Where did the other two go?” You say to Niall after you notice he was alone in the kitchen. “Back to the store.” Niall said, while taking ingredients out of the fridge and freezer. “Would you like some help?” “I would love you forever.” Niall laughed. *2 hours later: The food was done and the five of you sat around the table outside. It no longer was awkward or weird and everything was going amazingly. It was sad that this evening was almost over. Once dinner was done it didn’t take long to clean everything up and before you knew everyone was getting ready to leave. “I’m sorry about earlier if I made you feel uncomfortable. I like to give Louis a hard time about things. It was really nice to meet you and I haven’t seen him this happy in a while. So you better stick around.” Harry said as he pulled you into a good bye hug. “Ok me next!” Niall yelled. “I want to hug the pretty girl. You burst out laughing as Niall bear hugged you. “Dinner wouldn’t be as amazing as it was if you didn’t come tonight!” Niall said once he released you. “Louis, this girl is a keeper. You better hang on to her tight cause if you don’t I might just have to work my Irish charm on her.” Niall added. Louis smiled. Liam walked up to you. He smiles and says “Don’t be stranger to us. For our next public event you should come. I think the fans will love you. Louis needs to stop hiding you from everyone.” “Awe Liam. You’re so sweet.” You say to him and then you surprised yourself by wrapping you arms around him in a hug. Louis closed the door behind them once they left. “So what did you think?” he asked. “Tonight was unbelievable. I’m speechless.” You say to him. “Liam is right, our next public event I want you come. It’s time I stop hiding you.” Louis said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pressed his forehead to yours. “When is the next event?” “Two days from now.” “That’s really soon.” You say to him, you could tell he caught the unsure tone in your voice. “It will be ok. Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of everything.” Louis said, “Do you want to stay here for the night?” “Yeah sure.” You say to him smiling. He then leaned down to kiss you. ****Part 4***** You sat in front of the mirror going through the motions of brushing your hair. Your mind was off in another world imagining how it would be once everyone knew about your relationship with Louis. You couldn’t help but to feel accomplished that you two have managed to keep it quiet for so long though. You were sure people would have found out ages ago about the two of you. For the last two days there has been major brainstorming sessions between you and Louis on how this was going to work exactly. He was afraid that if it wasn’t done properly the fans might react badly to it, but eventually a decision was made. The boys were going to do an interview on a radio show to promote their next album and they all agreed that Louis could make the announcement about his and your relationship then. They also agreed that you should come along. Deep down you knew it was time to do this. It wasn’t fair to hide it from his fans; after all they meant the world to him. Louis softly knocked on the door and walked in. You scooted over a little to make room for him to sit next to you on the tiny bench in front of your mirror. He watches you as you continued running the brush throughout your hair. You could tell he was getting nervous and you were sure he could tell the same about you. “How are you?” Louis asked you. “I’m good. I’m ready for this.” You tell him, attempting to hide your nervousness. “You know if you change your mind anytime between now and then its fine. You just need to tell me. You don’t have to go into that room.” He says stopping your hand from continuing to brush your overly brushed hair. “I just need you to understand that once this is done. It can’t be undone.” “I understand. It’s all we’ve talked about the last 48 hours.” You say to him as you placed the hairbrush on the desk. “I want the world to know about us. Don’t you?” “Of course I do. It’s hard not being able to share your feelings with people, but in the beginning we both agreed it was for the best. Nothing makes me happier than getting to tell the world about us, but I want it to be on your terms. Your life is going to change a bit. I just want you to be ready.” Louis said staring into your eyes. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a hug and said, “Louis, I’ve thought a lot about it and I’ve decided that this is something I’m ready for. I want this. I want them to know who I am. Even more, I want them to know just how important you are to me.” Louis squeezed you tighter and you began to smile. You two arrive at the radio station with just a few minutes to spare. You were immediately hugged and given words of encouragement from the other boys while Louis went to talk to the radio show’s host. Louis poked his head of out the door and called everyone in. “You’re going to sit next to me. We’re going to talk about the album first, and then we’ll tell them. The host of the show doesn’t know who you are still, and he’s not allowed to ask. Its part of the ‘what not to ask’ thing they have to agree too.” Louis whispered to you. You shook your head in to let him know that you understood then you guys take your seat. All through the first part of the interview you kept your head down because you knew the host kept looking in your direction. You knew it must be killing him not to be able to ask who you were and why were you in there. Before you knew it Louis slightly nudged your arm. You make eye contact him and nodded to him. It was his way asking if you still wanted to go through with it. “Before we cut out, I do have a personal announcement to make.” Louis says to the radio host, whose eyes lit up with excitement. “For the last year and a half I’ve been keeping a secret from everyone. This secret was a mutual agreement and we both feel like it’s time to make it public.” Louis paused and took a deep breath but continued. “I’m in love with a beautiful girl. She’s one of the best things that has ever happen to me. It pained me to hide it, but I didn’t want to throw her into this world until she was ready. It makes me extremely happy to share this with you today. I hope you all grow to love her like I have done.” Louis turned and smiled at you. You smile back. A huge weight felt like it was lifted from your shoulders. You couldn’t imagine how Louis felt right now. Hopefully he felt like you did if not better. The phone lines started blowing up with fans calling in who heard the news, but the boys declined to answer questions from them. Instead everyone thought it was best to leave. Once you guys got back to Louis’ house he sent out a tweet saying: “Yes, I’m in love with (Y/N). She’s my world. Thx for your support.” To confirm what everyone was hearing on the media. “I don’t think you should get on your twitter for a while.” Louis mentions to you. When you try to ask why, all he says is, “Just trust me, sweetheart.” But all it did was make you more curious. You waited until Louis fell asleep while you two watched a movie, then you slipped into the bathroom with your phone. You logged into your twitter account to see a large amount of new followers and tweets from people you never knew. You sat down on the edge of the bathtub as you scrolled through the tweets. Tears started to flood your eyes as you read through some of them. Louis was right. You shouldn’t have gotten on. While there were a few people who wrote nice things, most were mean, cruel and harsh. It just wasn’t you getting them, Louis was too. Your heart felt like it was breaking. He didn’t deserve these tweets. Liam was wrong at the cookout when he said “the fans will love you”. It was obvious by all the tweets that the fans hated you for stealing Louis heart and making him hide it from them. You couldn’t contain your tears. They consumed you. You slide off the edge of the bathtub and onto the floor sobbing and all you could think about was if this was worth it. Was any of this going to be worth it? End of part 4. *****Part 5****** “Darling, you have to leave the house at some point. You can’t hide under the blankets forever.” Louis said as he sat at the edge of the bed. “Everyone hates me Louis. I regret everything. I wish we never said anything.” You muffled into the pillow. “Just give them time…They don’t understand that’s all.” He said trying to pull the blanket off your head, but you clung to it to keep yourself hidden. “Please just come out.” “It’s been nearly 2 months. Nothing has changed. They still treat me like shit. I’ve tried being nice. I don’t know what do anymore. I can’t even go back to my house because they found out where I live. Every little move I make it gets broadcast across the globe. How do you do it?” You asked, peeking out from beneath the blanket. “I try not to let them see that it bothers me. We just need to go out there and face the haters and show them they can’t hurt us. Let’s go out for dinner tonight.” Louis suggested with a smile. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea Louis…” You say in an unsure tone. “It’s a wonderful idea. Let’s go show the world that our love is real and that they can’t break us down. Please, can we do it just this once for me?” He begged. You gave in. You still didn’t think it was a very good idea, but you could tell that all this was hurting him inside, regardless if he admitted it or not. You finally removed yourself from your cave under the blankets and Louis smiled. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you. “Thank you.” He says. You began to get ready, but you glance over at your phone sitting on the nightstand. It was weird how a device that small could pretty much destroy your life. You’ve been really good about not getting on it most days, but then there were some days that the power of it had its hold on you and sucked you in. Those days you ended up locking yourself into the bathroom to cry your heart out. You walk into the restaurant with your hand interlocked with Louis’. You could feel him tighten his grip as you two stood waiting to be taken to a table. “See this isn’t so bad is?” He said once you guys were seated into a booth. “Well it’s not like this place is filled with teenage girls.” You laughed before taking a sip of water. “It won’t be long.” Louis whispered. “What do you mean? You asked him suspiciously staring him down. “I might have sent out a tweet to a few people…It won’t be a problem.” He said focusing to undo his silverware instead of looking at you. “Louis, thousands of girls could show up here. The restaurant staff is not going to be pleased with you.” You whispered angrily. “It won’t get out of hand.” “Louis, you don’t know that.” “I know, but I am putting a lot of faith in my fans not to embarrass me.” “I think we better leave.” You say standing up, but Louis grabs your hand. “Please don’t leave. You need to see this.” He said. “See what?” “Some of the fans want to tell you something.” “Oh this should be great. Really Louis? You’re just going to throw me in the line of fire like that?” You say as you started to panic. “Sweetheart, please clam down…people are starting to stare. Let me explain.” Louis pleaded. “Do you not think they’re going stare when their dinner gets ruined by thousands of screaming girls? Louis, you do off the wall stuff all the time and I usually just let it go, but this is too much. I don’t think I can handle this anymore.” You say as you start to cry. “When you say you can’t handle this anymore…What are you referring to exactly?” Louis asked softly. “I think you know, Louis.” You whispered not making eye contact as you gathered your items. “Bye, Louis” You say before you walked out of the restaurant. As soon as you walk through the door of your house you throw yourself onto the couch crying. Everything was going so fast, and you just needed to be alone. Hours passed as you laid there on the couch with tears rolling down your cheeks. Every few minutes you heard a “beep” from your phone. You didn’t have to look at it to know Louis was trying to get a hold of you. You eventually turned it off and feel asleep. You wake up the next with your makeup smeared everywhere across your face. You turn your phone back on to find a million calls and text messages from Louis freaking out. “Please, (y/n). I swear we can get through this. Just answer the phone. I don’t want to lose you. Just give me a chance to talk to you.” One of his messages read. You read a few more but just ended up clutching the phone to your chest as you began to cry more. You felt so hurt by everything over the last few months, but this defiantly raised the bar on the pain you felt. The thing that bugged you the most was that you didn’t know if you just made the worst mistake of your life or not. Feeling like fresh air might do some good you go to open your front door and step out, but instead Louis falls into the entry way nearly tripping you. “Louis! What are you doing here?” You say helping him to his feet. “Trying to talk to you. I’ve been calling and texting you all night, but you wouldn’t answer.” He said rubbing his eyes. “You didn’t sleep on the doorstep did you?” You asked as you notice that he was out of it a little. “I figured it was my best chance to talk to you.” He mumbled to himself. “But I think you should look out at your yard before you say anything else.” Curiously you peek out the door and your jaw drops. Scattered in your yard were couple thousand posters and a few girls passed out in chairs. “Louis, what’s going?” “Last night, I sent a tweet out asking for everyone who supported us to make posters with words of encouragement for you since you haven’t been feeling the love from them and that it was hurting you and us. I notified the restaurant and security before I even did it. So they were prepared, but you left before I could explain. I understand if you still want to walk away, but I wanted you know about everything before doing so. There are fans out there who adore you because they can see that you make me happy and that makes them happy. I know it’s easier to see all the bad things and over look the good, but I thought this would be easier for you.” Louis explained. You scanned your yard again reading the posters. All of this was for you. Louis planned all of this to show you that people did care. Water filled your eyes, but this time it wasn’t because you were sad, but because you were happy. You turn back to Louis and pulled him into a hug. “Louis, I am so sorry!” You apologized while crying into his chest. “I don’t want to lose you.” “You won’t ever have too.” He said as he kissed the top of your head. The end of Part 5 =D TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! BTW LIAMs will be next. -tabby
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 17:13:37 +0000

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