A LOVE LETTER TO GOD; SHARING MY SECRET WITH YOU ALL; BE SURE TO READ AND SHARE ! Today my heart is filled with great love and joy for the wonder of my creation, as I recall the fact that I, like everyone else, have been made by Love (God) and for Love (God). I therefore give thee praise Almighty Father who has ignited My heart with a love so powerful, so beautiful, so painful and yet so sweet. For once wooing me, and making me fall in love with you, luring my heart to your chambers where you have shown me your face, though veiled, yet shining with great light. For seeking me, walking in mud where I was once buried in my evil, dipping your hands, drawing me and throwing me into the pool of your forgiveness and peace. For calling me to service, for giving me the gift of speech to speak your word, for instructing my heart through your Spirit. I give you thanks for the many nights you have been by me, watching me sleep soundly, keeping me safe in your bosom, and jealously protecting my heart from moving towards evil thoughts. For making me such promises that inspired me when I was called, and for blessing me with the gifts of Spiritual Parents who taught and supported me, Spiritual brethren who encouraged and challenged me, and Spiritual Children who trusted me so much that I was filled with a sense of duty. For revealing to me the grandeur of your Church, showing to me, a reflection of her eternal glory with you, and teaching me to obey her EVERY word without the littlest question/doubt. For giving me brethren here on this page, who though I have no physical contacts with, give me a reason to keep on struggling. For whom I have prayed to you severally, pleading persistently for their good, especially when you are with me in Communion. I thank you for the gift of my Admins, who have given their time to serve you with me here on the page, who have put in their resources to the proclamation of your good news. Today dear Lord, I also recall my many sins against you, the many times I have broken my promises to you and My Mary, the many times I have failed my brethren, the many times I have spoken for myself instead of you. Pardon dear Lord and forgive. I promise to love and love and love and die loving. Help me to keep this promise at least. I do not want to appear before a sad face for judgement, rather I pray, that you welcome me with open arms when you call. That when I come before your throne of judgement, you may look upon me with a beautiful smile that will fill my soul with love and joy for all eternity. Finally, and in a special way, I give you thanks for the gift of Mary, my most beloved Mother whose beautiful name I bear. Who has ravished my heart for years, to whom I totally belong. Whose property I am, whose child I have become, and who has “spoilt” me with her love. I have prayed to you dear Mother, to grant me grace to die loving you; loving your Son. That one day, my heart may explode within me, martyring me for love alone. Dear Mary, dear Love, dear Mother, thank you for the many times you protected me from the sin of the flesh. For the many times you have taught me, and kept me from violent temptations that troubled me. For setting me free from worry and cares, setting my heart upon you, and moving me to pledge eternal love to only one woman: You. Though I have previously gone against this promise, you still did not let me get lost. You came again demanding the heart that rightfully belongs to you. With total submission this heart has been given you again, never to be taken; this heart shall love only you as its Lady, this heart shall think thoughts of your love, rejoice only in your name, speak your name in the morning, think only of you at night. This heart shall bear all your concerns, speak the words you inspire, move towards brethren for love alone, live only for you dear Lady, and die loving you. I have begged you never to appear to me for I shall be frightened to death; now I ask that you never appear because I shall not let you go. One thing is sure: either I die and go with you, or you stay with me and never leave. So in order to avoid creating a scene, please do not come physically, your spiritual presence is enough, my faith sees you clearly, and my love hears the language of your Immaculate heart. Only grant that when I lay on my death bed, you may come to me, to hold my hand and console my weak heart, to wipe the sweat of worry from my cold face, that you may come and speak words of hope to my ears, pleading with your Son to accept a poor sinner like me to that kingdom where all are ablaze with love. Grant that the movements of my heart may not be in vain. Jesus, you know I love you, Mary you know I love you. Only let me love more, more and more and more and more and more, until I die loving. Amen. Your chukwuma Aloysuis
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 08:27:18 +0000

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