A LOVE STORY It started in the late of the 1st semester of - TopicsExpress


A LOVE STORY It started in the late of the 1st semester of college days when two different person met. They were tasked to do a play for their English subject as part of the final exam. The guy was a hard-headed one and the girl was a kind of woman speaks contemptuously. They don’t even know had a formal conversation in the early part of the semester until the grouping for the final exam. The guy was appointed as the leading role of the play and so was the girl, in short they were partners. During practices the guy usually teases the girl and the girl got irritated to they end up in to quarrel all day. The presentation came and the play was successful, the group got the highest grade during that time. As the group celebrates the success the two had a peaceful conversation and became best of friends. 2nd semester was about to start and the two met on the 1st day of the new semester, they chat and eat together because somehow they had the same break during that semester. They met more often that they did not realize that they were falling for each other. Until one day the guy decided to speak for what he feels for the girl. College day for them really the best part of their lives. As a couple during college days they were perfect but same with other relationship, there were ups and downs in their relationship that sometime they ended up breaking with each other but somehow passes all through the years of their college life. There was one thing that the girl really get mad about the guy. When the guy was communicating with his childhood sweetheart and the girl was really jealous. But somehow the guy ensures that nothing was between them and the only love of his life was the girl she partnered during the play in college. Tears fell down in her chicks and the guy wiped it with his hands gently and saying”I LOVE YOU AND I’LL ALWAYS WILL”. They reconciled and focused on their studies during the rest of their college days. As the registrar of the school posted the names of the lists of graduates for the year the couple was very happy to see both names in the graduates. They talked about their plans after graduation and when to get married. All was well planned until after graduation day when the guy decided to go to the city to look for a job to sustain their future plans. The girl was really depressed and went to the other side of the town for her to think a while. Times passes by and they don’t have any communication or any news from each other even thru with their common friends. The guy had a good job in the city and had to go home for a vacation. As he eats in one of the fast food in town he saw her but hesitated to approach. So he go home and make full of the vacation he had. He was engaged with his childhood sweetheart at that time and it was the main reason for his vacation to have a blessing from his parents. But the moment he saw her long time girlfriend he has this doubt in his heart. After a couple of years the guy got married to his childhood sweetheart. The girl had a good job as well but remained unmarried that time. She was the CFO of the a well-known company in the country. It was a rainy day and the girl felt uncomfortable in going to the office. She had to change her clothes several times for she was about to attend a conference meeting with the top executives of the company and the announcement of the new President and CEO of the company but she had no choice but to attend the conference. Even in the comfort room she had to retouch her make-up several times before the announcement. It was time to introduce the new President and CEO of the company when the emcee of the program named the new President and CEO of company, to her surprise she heard the name of her long lost boyfriend in college(her partner in English play). She was about to go out but one of the board of directors approached her together with the newly appointed President. They were introduced and the President said,” you’re still using you’re maiden name?” and one of the board of directors said,” she’s still single and many of our young colleagues are interested with her but don’t have the guts to tell her because she has a very high standard of choosing one”the board of director added. “Yah, I know,” the president replied.”She was once my classmates in college before”he added. The girl didn’t say anything as she was still surprised about the event. Her hands was shaking and sweating as she offer a handshake with the President. Months passed by and she was really uncomfortable doing business with her new boss, the President because she still love him. So after a year she decided to resign from the company. Years passed by and she had her own business and manage one of the fast growing company of the country. She was married to a businessman as well. One day she had a lunch meeting with a supplier, when he saw her long lost boyfriend in college approaching to their table. The supplier introduced them not knowing that they knew each other a long time ago. The meeting runs the whole afternoon in the business between companies. It was about 6:00 o’clock when they finished the meeting and the guy offer a dinner. The supplier had to go because of some reports he has to accomplish. The girl didn’t hesitate to accept the offer since they were both happily married at that time. They talked about their past, of what happened to them after graduation. It was about 10:00pm when they ended up the conversation. The guy offered the girl a ride home since her husband was still at the office reviewing some reports. Several years passed by when the guy’s wife died in a car accident with him. The accident was published in the newspaper and the girl read it. She was shocked about the incident and the girl went to the wake of the guy’s wife. The guy was still in the wheel-chair during the wake of his wife due to the accident and wounds are still fresh in the guy’s body. She approached the guy and comforted him and said,”I know how you feel, same feeling when I lost my husband.” Several years after the two were seeing each other more often as they spend time remembering their plans before. At the age of 60 both of them retired and left their business to the young generations. And after a month got married both hoping that somehow be able to spend life until their last breath. BY: Partners
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 04:51:50 +0000

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