A Lesson In Economics and Energy Prices For those who keep - TopicsExpress


A Lesson In Economics and Energy Prices For those who keep supporting the Left to block energy expansion, oil, gas and coal, who support $5 - $6 per gallon for gas as the Democratic Leadership does, here is an economics lesson. From 2006 to 2008 the Democrats took over Congress and Nancy Pelosi openly stated that we need to pay $6 a gallon for gas in order to save the planet as she invested in oil companies whos profits soared on higher prices. In December 2005 gas was about $2.10 per gallon. By mid 2008, just before the economic crash, gas soared to as high as $5.50 per gallon. The Democrats are against making America energy independent. They continue to block more oil pipelines while supporting transporting millions of gallons of oil by rail. It happens that the people who control our rail roads are bribing the Democrats via political monies. This has hurt everyone. Fracking, which Democrats want to stop has caused very high efficiency oil production where America is now producing more oil than ever before. However, the Democrats are blocking building any modern oil refineries since 1974. Lower oil prices is GOOD for the US Economy. Wall Street has increased its economic growth estimate from 2.3% to now 3.0% for 2015 based on lower oil prices. This means more jobs, and higher tax revenues to balance the budget. If we expand oil drilling, pipelines, clean coal, and nuclear power then gas would drop to about $1.40 per gallon. The Democrats are against this. Wall Street has increased its economic growth outlook from 2.3% to 3.0% in 2015 due to lower oil prices. Lower energy prices is good for about 80% of the US economy and bad for about 20% of the economy. Overall, it is a win win for all of America that the Left will never admit. It is funny how Democrats are spinning the lower cost of gas as income redistribution while even telling us how lower oil prices is bad for the US economy. A stronger economy with lower taxes and regulations increases an individuals personal savings and wealth so they do not have to depend on a Socialist Government. A weaker economy creates higher poverty and forces people to vote for the government to take care of them. The above is called a free market system. A Free America vs a Socialist State Government system. So a Republican Congress is GOOD to make America energy independent. Now e need a Republican President to sign off on this vs Obama blocking it.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 12:48:00 +0000

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