A Letter to Sri Arvind Kejriwal AAP has reached a dead end, at - TopicsExpress


A Letter to Sri Arvind Kejriwal AAP has reached a dead end, at least for now, about its political ambitions. So what does the AAP leaders and its dedicated party workers do while waiting for the turn around. If you ask me, it is time to introspect, take stock and move forward to build a strong organization to fulfill the aspirations of the people. If you do that, people will vote for you next time on their own. People of India has given Modi a five year mandate to Rule. You should allow him to do his job by playing the role of constructive opposition party. That is you should keep a watch to warn him of any misdoings, with out taking law in to your hand or wasting nations productivity or encouraging indecipline among the masses. In the mean while you should concentrate a on building a strong base for AAP on all India level. I have a blue print which I want to share with you all. AAP was born as a voice to the frustrations of the silently suffering majority. It is a child of turmoil and Suffering. For it to become strong, it needs to spread its roots. Like Google which answers what ever you ask for, AAP should resolve what ever difficulties a common man faces. To do that AAP should create an organization under the banner AAF ( Aam Admi Foundation )which should have branches at every Pooling Booth Area to sort out the local problems, whether Social or Economical or Political or Cultural or Philosophical. While doing this AAP should take a leaf from Christian Missionaries. They, before asking you to convert, try to solve your basic problems like, Health Care and Education. On the contrary, Ramakrishna Mission with better philosophical values which are nearer to Hinduism, and which is well rooted in India over thousands of year, failed to penetrate as their attempt at Educating the Children and providing Health Care Facilities are very limited.The only difference should be, that your Guiding Lights should uphold Human Values above all others including Religious and Casteist aspirations and also you should believe in True Democracy while dealing with all local problems, in all spheres as long as they are not against the guaranteed Constitutional Rights of an Individual. Bureaucracy should be dismantled to such an extent that their interference should be of the nearest minimum. They should be a sort of implementor of the aspirations of the Ward/ Village and not a law into themselves eating away the scarce Resources in the Form of Bribes, Salaries, Perks and Pension. Old Age Pension should be common to all. At least this and in few other things like, Unemployment subsidies, Basic Education and Primary Health Care, Socialism should Prevail. Each ward should take care of its Orphans, Destitutes, Old and Sick people, the Handicapped and the Socially suppressed Classes. To - days, youths are frustrated that the basic education they receive, neither equips them with employable skills nor equip them with trades to become Entrepreneurs in their own right to earn part time and pursue their Higher Studies or take up Trades on Full time basis to earn their livelihood. Till such time AAP comes to power to able to change this, it should provide such opportunity to the youths at ward/ village level through AAF. This can be sustained by production of marketable Trades and Services with Free Labour from the youths being trained. Illiteracy is the bane of India. This should be eradicated with local help and not by Govt. spending on salaries and Vehicles. AAF Should Volunteer to eradicate illiteracy at Ward/ Village level with local Help. AAF branches should act as initiators of Economic Growth at Ward / Village Level by supporting youths and specially House Wives to take up production of locally needed goods at much cheaper prices from their homes or by joining hands in the form of Self Help Groups. AAF branches should act as Super Shops to provide technology and Assistance in form of supply of Raw Materials and in Marketing the Local produce with in and out side its area jurisdiction, including Export. This trading activity should make AAFs self sufficient to take up its Philonthrific works. A welfare Centre at every poling booth area should be the Goal of AAF. This should be the Primary Basic Unit in the Hierarchy of AAF. Each Welfare Centre should strive at Eradicating Illiteracy, Providing Primary Health Care, Improving Social and economic life of individuals and Preaching and Practicing Human Values above any religious Values. It should also take care of Stray Animals, Destitutes and Orphans. It should have Activities for Children to supplement their School Curriculum to make them a wholesome person and become responsible citizens of Society. The political and Religious wings of AAF should consist of persons who practice a very High Code of Principled living in their Daily Life. They can be Married but the Children above Certain Age should not be living with them. While their Religious tenure can lost for the whole Life, their Political Career should not exceed more then two terms in any one capacity. The Institution should run on a Participatory Democratic Principle specially at the basic Unit and each voter of the Jurisdictional Area should have a say in the Matters of that unit, irrespective of the fact that he is a member of the unit or not. Each basic unit will have Three Wings. The Values Wing, The Political Wing And The General Wing. Membership to General Wing is open to all voters of the Poling Booth where the AAF branch exists. This membership is a General Membership open to all Public having Voting rights and they are not expected to support any Political Party or Religious Group are value Group. They are members to get addressed their Social and Economical Problems. Each Basic Unit will have three heads who collectively take decisions for the Good of the Unit. The head of the general wing will be the Chairman of the Board and he will be directly elected by all the members. The Human Values wing and the Political Wing will have Separate membership from among the General Membership and those wings will separately elect their heads to represent them in the Three Member Board. All decisions of the board will be taken by a simple majority. However if the Chairman, differs from the majority opinion of the board, he can take the matter to the General Members, for Rejection or Ratification of the Majority Decision. The other two Board members can take a similar route only Jointly. The decision of the General Body should be Final. Even the General Body decision should have the backing of 51% of the total members.Voting can be in stages till all members vote or as and when 51% have backed the cause one way or another. While the Chairman is directly elected, the elected heads for Value wing and Political wing will be from among the members of those wings.i The Head of the Values wing will be Responsible for building Human Value System, in the unit. He will also take care of all Welfare Activities including Education at the Unit Level. The Head of the Political Wing will address to all the problems of the Voter with Bureaucracy and keeping Corruption under check.The Head of the General Wing will help people sort out all their Economical and Social problems. He will also manage all revenue generation activities of the Basic Trust Unit. The members of Value Wing and Political Wing will have strict moral ethical and life style codes to fallow. All their earnings goes to the Organization and the Organization takes care of their needs with in the moral, ethical and life style code Prescribed. The membership to each of the first two ,.wings should not exceed 1% of the population of the Jurisdictional Area. Till such time such cadre is created at each ward, the Present AAP should continue to exit in the present Form. Once the Objective is achieved at the basic unit, the present existing party at that booth level should be dissolved. The Objective is to hand over power to leaders who can keep the bureaucracy Under cheque, and help the common man get his rights without delay and it should not become a matter of favoritism. A strong cadre of Leaders to be created who act has Philosopher Kings. Such Philosopher Kings should be trained and moulded within in a framework where their activities are monitored, first by the wing and then by the voters in the poling booth. Similarly the members of the Value Wing will have a set of codes to Fallow, and they are to be monitored by the wing and the voters of the booth should have the final say. Complete Democracy should be allowed to, with in a Poling Station and they should be masters of their destiny has long as individuals are allowed to keep their minimum freedom enshrined in the Constitution with in the frame work of Social Justice. These Direct Democratic Institutions should have Jurisdictional powers to meet out Quick Justice which Sticks, with a very limited constitutional Interference.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 06:39:25 +0000

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