A Lost Angel and the Blind Soldier An angel was sent to live - TopicsExpress


A Lost Angel and the Blind Soldier An angel was sent to live among the soldiers Torn from her place among the stars Separated and never to return home Thoughts constantly fill her mind. A rogue soldier among men with no conscience Blinded by the authentic warmth Of a hidden jaded breeze Every time she would pass by. After a time, the two meet- Under the least of favorable circumstances One thought to be lost forever tied to fate The other blinded by religious condemnation. Year after year, the light falls for the dark, Blending the two essences Hate changed to love, fear to faith A life presumably saved. Nothing good seems to last forever Mental states and frames of mind Too young to realize, and naive to the bone Free thinking, political freedom never condoned. An angel without a name, a soldier born to die Neither have a chosen path Yet the two are the same How will they live and breathe? Live on the run, their backs against the world Rain beats down, and the sun never sleeps The angel gains a conscience The soldier learns to feel. Survival of the fittest is granted to the victor Which one is that? Kept apart by fate or collectively singled out Happiness fades and the soul bleeds. Things change and people grow The heart stays the same Bleeding can be stopped, prevent the emotional clotting An angel is without fear and soldier’s mission never ends. The soldier returns from his mission Only to find that the angel has conformed The angel feels his presence Yet maintains a sense of urgent distance. Neither of them are the same Yet the war is over The game no longer exists Though the rules are in place. Years go by and despite the inevitable The soldier retired and the angel grew up Memories continue to his mind The angel seemingly appears undaunted by present reality. Their lives finely tuned like a violin Yet so protected by trained responses When will the music stop, a good soldier never quits The mission was never completed, the heart says. Like Romeo and Juliet, their fate was doomed But what if the poison was never taken What if the dagger never was plunged into the heart of the bleeding soul? Their lives would be forever changed and the world’s eyes opened. Herein lies the truth of the matter: Fear must be replaced with faith; hate must be traded for love A soldier dead without hope An angel is lost without a purpose. From time to time their paths may cross And time may allow a brief moment of orderly chaos Their souls still bleed And only they can heal their wounds. The soldier becomes a warrior poet The angel gives to the world of the young He runs to the night to numb the pain She maintains her course hidden from his sight. Life constantly gives second chances Remove the soldier’s blinders And love the angel again For without the two together, the soul still bleeds forever. by Jason Farrer
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:32:13 +0000

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