A Love Initiative - Day 73 “Strong” What’s in a roar? On a - TopicsExpress


A Love Initiative - Day 73 “Strong” What’s in a roar? On a good day, the roar of a male lion can be heard at a distance of 5 miles. A male gorilla pounds its chest and bellows a roar that equals that of the lion. Tigers, bears, elephants even alligators roar. In the animal kingdom the roar is used as a form of communication. It establishes authority, domain, courtship and when necessary, aggression. Simply put, its a display of strength and power. Paul Robeson, William Warfield, James Earl Jones, Ossie Davis, Geoffrey Holder, Avery Brooks, Dennis Haysbert, Dave “the Voice” Fennoy, Michael Dorn, Barry White, James Avery, Keith David, Michael Clarke Duncan, Billy D Williams, Isaac Hayes, Melvin Franklin, Teddy Pendergrass, Larry Graham, Lawrence Fishburn, Idris Elba all have in common the unmistakable roar. Their vocal presence, articulation and intellect demand attention and respect and like the lion their voices exude strength, masculinity and power. Here’s where I get in trouble. I often reflect on the impression made on me by strong popular figures as I developed into manhood. I can only wonder now what effect the absence of such figures has on a young male population. There are times when I think there is a conscious, intentional effort to emasculate or feminize our male public images both subtly and overtly. Who decides to dress our men as women on their ascent to success? Who decides to make some of our most popular recorded voices more like a meow than a roar? I know I’m in trouble now! No problem... Bring it! LOL! So as not to confuse my point; I love our tenors too but its their cool, suave demeanor coupled with so much passion and intensity in their voices that the power was inescapable. Al Greene, Eddie Kendricks, Ronnie Isley and Phillip Bailey, Prince, Michael to name a few, got their messages across with no absence of fervor or zeal. The Godfather said we need “Soul Power.” “Hooh!” LOL! Thank you James! Now, if you’re still tripping on who I forgot to include on the list you may still be missing my point entirely. We have our ballers, who are increasingly theatrical, rich celebrities and not the gladiators that I used to equate with sports. I get it.. its a business; right Mr. Sterling? Here’s the deal! When it comes to soul we don’t need Soul Lite, Soft Soul, Easy Soul we need Soul POWER. Look what they did to our Jazz! If you want to make me Happy then stop playing games and bring back the soul Power. Y’all act like we’re gonna break momma’s lamp or something. Just Bring It! LOL! I never want to be so educated, sophisticated and indoctrinated that I forget how and when to break a sweat; nor will you ever remove the baritone, passion and power from my voice. NEVER! Some young brothers may be listening and watching! My bass ain’t for sale, rent or lease! Thank you! Keep it moving! So what’s the point? Well I’ll ask you! In a relationship, how important is it to establish roles? Is there any value left in the traditional man/woman thing? What if the woman broke out into a Michael Clark Duncan baritone? Yikes! I’m out! LMBO! Um jus’ sayin’! Bottom line; be watchful and vigilant because your homes and communities are under siege and it all begins with dismantling fundamental values and principles upon which we build our relationships. Wanna make ‘em angry! Be HAPPY! :-) Peace, love and Grrrrrr! LOL! M
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 02:50:05 +0000

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