A MAJOR cause of DESTRUCTION of a YOUTH! (Must Share!)A student of - TopicsExpress


A MAJOR cause of DESTRUCTION of a YOUTH! (Must Share!)A student of knowledge should not formulate his own opinions without having a precedence of an aalim, as this will cause him to fall into error and deviation, if not immediately, then over a period of time - making oneself independent from the scholars and their fatawa is a cause of destruction of a youth in the early days of his pursuit of knowledge.The Salaf of this Ummah used to give precedence to the elders and more knowledgeable Scholars over the younger mashayikh, even though in both there is virtue. Shaikh al-Fawzaan mentions in his article entitled, Fi fadhil-Ulamaa al-Aamileen wal-Haththi alat-Taallum minhum (The Excellence of the Scholars who Act, and Encouragement to Learn From Them) the statement of Abdullaah bin Masood (radhi Allaahu anhu) who stated:The people will not cease to be upon goodness so long as they take knowledge from their Scholars, their greater ones and their elders. So when they take knowledge from their young ones and their foolish ones, they are destroyed.[Reportedby Ibn Mandah in the Musnad of Ibraaheem bin Adham, pg. 34]Al-Allaamahal-Fawzaan also mentioned the statement of Allaahs Messenger (salallaahu alaihi wassallam) in which he said: salafitalk.n et/st/ viewmessages.cfm ?Forum=9&Topic= 12294[16/07 09:25] Arshiya: Im a doctor in a clinic and with me for 30 years in that clinic is a nurse. Question: Will that nurse become a doctor after being with me for 30 years?This is the predicament of those who are educating their self in matters of religion without the guidance of the real scholars of the Deen. After a while of self-studying, they thought they can come up with a new medicine, invent new procedure of operating people on the table while in reality they are just cutting them and leave them bleeding to death........ # religionUnderSi egeOfIgnorants[16/07 09:31] Arshiya: Read this and send to all those who are opposing Scholars in the case of calamity upon Muslims regarding wars in Muslim countries.When there comes to them some matter concerning (public) safety or fear (which) they spread; if only they referred it back to the Messenger or to those in authority among them, then the ones who can derive the proper conclusions would have known about it. And if it were not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy, you would have all certainly followed Shaytan except for very few.(Surah al-Nisa 4:83)In this case is an instruction to refer back to the people of knowledge in the occurrence of a severe calamity or affliction, and that the rulings related to this event should be sought from them; and judgments should not be sought from others beside them nor should anyone precede them in addressing these issues. Also this verse shows that referring to the people of opinions involves rejection of the command of Allah Subahana wa talaa to return to these affairs to the Scholars who are able to derive the proper rulings. This is because the people of opinion are not people who can derive the proper verdicts. So no one should precede them in producing public statements or public declarations relating to current events. Rather, they should be referred to as this is their right.Abd al-Rahman Ibn Nasir as-Sadi rahimahullah said in his explanation of this noble ayah, This a is piece of disciplinary admonation from Allah to His servants concerning their inappropriate behavior. It is proper when news reaches them of important issues or things that are general benefit (to the Muslims) such as the issues connected to public welfare and the safety of the Believers or fear of calamity befalling them-that they should first verify such news and not be hasty to spread it. Instead, they should refer these issues back to the Messenger and those in authority from amongst them, those who are people of sound opinion, knowledge, sincere advice, intellect and composure, those who understand the affairs and are able to recognize the associated benefits and harms.If they believe that is it beneficial to broadcast these affairs that will increase the spirit of the Believers, bring the tranquility and protect them from their enemies then they (spread the news).On the other hand, if they believe that there is no benefit in this or that there is some benefit but the harms outweigh them, then they do not broadcast the news.This is why Allah said: The ones that can derive the proper conclusions would have known about it.This means that they would extract the ruling through the use of their abilities, sound opinions and correct knowledge. In this is an evidence for the ethical principle which states that if the need arises to research a particular situation, then it is essential that it be left to those best qualified for it, and nobody should precede them in this.This is the most correct and safest approach which minimizes the potential for error.In this ayah there is also the prohibition of being hasty and rushing to spread news upon hearing it, and a command to reflect before speaking and to examine the issue as to whether there is nay benefit in (speaking) which would cause a person to continue to utter it or harm which would cause him to refrain.Then Allah says, And if it were not for the favor of Allah upon you and His mercy.This is referring to the success that he has granted you, the education that He has provided you with and how He taught you things that you did not know.You would have certainly followed Shaytan except for very few.This is because mankind according to his very nature is oppressive and ignorant and his soul only incites him towards evil. But if he returns to his Lord holds firmly to him and struggles in doing this, then Allah will make things easy for him and guide him towards everything good and protect him for the accursed Shaytan.The abandonment of returning to the scholars involves blatant disregard of their rights, and many evil results from this:From them is that this will result in disgrace and humiliation afflicting this nation. This is highlighted in the narration of Ibn Umar radiayllahu anhu who said, I heard the Messenger of Allah say, When you begin to deal in usury, take hold of the tails of cows, become pleased with agriculture and abandon Jihad, then Allah will place upon you humiliation and He will not lift it until you return to your Religion.There is no way for the people to return back to the Religion except by way of the Scholars. If the people were to neglect the rights of the Scholars, and started not to return to them and in fact neglected them, and took ignorant figureheads and ideologues, how could they possibly return to the Religion? Taken from the Book, The Salaf Methodology By Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Umar Bazmool (p. 94-97)Transcribed ByUmm hamam as salafiyyah
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 10:08:29 +0000

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