++A MAN TO CALL HER OWN++EPISODE 7A++ Linda stared at the tall - TopicsExpress


++A MAN TO CALL HER OWN++EPISODE 7A++ Linda stared at the tall man who had just entered. There was no resemblance whatsoever between him and Henry. Henry, who is he? She asked her husband who pretended not to hear her. She asked him again. for Godsake Linda, forget about him. Lets go home, im cold Henry told her in a dont argue with me voice. Anthony, you are not helping matters at all. Father still cant believe neither you nor Henry invited him to the wedding The man told Anthony Joseph. Henry was adamant, he didnt want you there Anthony interjected. Henry thanked his father, then Jordan and Tara. Pulling Linda to him, he walked into the cold night. His father followed him out. Henry, this is not how to treat your uncle. Your mother wouldnt have tolerated you treating her father and brother this way Anthony told him. Henry laughed bitterly. He glared at his uncle. father, mother wont be here to witness this. All thanks to my maternal family, she is dead and i want nothing to do with them He hurriedly boarded his car and waited for Linda to board. He drove away as soon as she was settled. He drove quietly for a few minutes. Linda waited in vain for him to explain what had happened, he didnt. Care to tell me what had happened back there? she asked him. nope he answered grimly. Linda angrily turned her face straight. They drove home quietly, each with his or her thoughts. As soon as they got home, Linda alight. She quietly climb the stairs to their room. She was surprised to see everything changed. Henry had thoughtfully ordered the room decorated in pink. She smiled at the beauty of the room and walked to the bathroom. It was decorated in blue. She smiled again but stopped herself when she heard her husbands foot steps. He opened the door and brought in their suitcases. She ignored him and walked to the bathroom for a shower. After bathing, she dressed in a pink night dress. you can go get something in the kitchen if you are hungry Henry told her. She walked down the stairs to the kitchen. Oh yes, it was well stocked up. She poured water into the electric kettle and plugged it to boil, after which she made a cup of tea for herself. She drank it up, rinsed the cup and went back to the room. She heard Henry in the bath. Linda quietly slipped into bed and feigned sleep when she heard her husband emerged from the bathroom. She heard him slipped in beside her. He pulled her to him and they both fell into a deep slumber. * * * she worked up early to prepare breakfast for them. No one needed to tell her that although she was angry with her husband, she ought to perform her task as a wife lets another woman offer to do it. She fried irish potatoes and eggs. Boiled water and poured it into the water flask. She was setting the table when Henry walked downstairs. goodmorning sweetypie he told her. morning to you too she replied. wow, whats for breakfast? chips, eggs and tea she told him. They ate in silence. When it was over, Linda packed everything to the kitchen and washed them up. you will need help Linda. We should hire a maid her husband told her. im not complaining Henry, at least not now okay then, we should go get Daisy. And by the way, dont you think she ought to start school? He asked her. you are right. I wanted her to start by september Linda told him. who was that man Henry? stop nagging Linda and be a wife and mother. He walked out leaving a confused Linda. They had a quite drive to the Nicholas mansion. Daisy shrieked in excitement as soon as the nanny in charge of her brought her downstairs. Linda couldnt wait, she ran towards them and retrieved her daughter from the nanny. i missed you so much my little one She told Daisy as she enfolded her in a hug. We should get going Linda Henry announced. but we just got in here Linda told him. this isnt our home. Lets go home Both Linda and Tara watched Henry as he walked out of the door. Soon, a maid appeared to inform Linda that her husband was patiently waiting for her. Tara, please do you know who that man was? who? yesterday, at the station. Henry doesnt want to talk about it Linda told her sister-in-law. Tara sighed. Jordan told me his name is Jerry. He is their late mothers younger brother. He wouldnt tell me more. He said Henry should explain to me Linda sighed, she informed a maid to bring down Daisy suitcase. She bid Tara goodbye and walked out to her husband with a maid at her heels. She managed to smile at him. He ignored her and drove the car away. He stopped at a restaurant and they had a quick lunch after which they headed back home. im gonna start searching for a job tomorrow Linda announced. sweetypie, im more than capable of taking care of you. All i want is for you to be a good wife and mother please, we dont have to argue over this. Daisy will soon start school. What will i be doing at home? be my wife. I wont let you work, atleast not with the likes of Terry in town but i want to earned my own money Linda insisted. If that is the case, i will pay in two hundred thousand naira monthly into your account Linda remained mute. How can Henry be so inconsiderate? She didnt seem to understand him these days. come Linda, i have something to show you She first checked on a sleep Daisy before following him up the stairs. He gave her a box. She unsealed it and found herself staring at a pair of diamond earrings. do you like it? yes he moved towards her and embrace her in a hug. He disengaged himself from her and quickly sealed her lips with his. Linda, you are my wife he told her as he undid the button of her blouse. Linda didnt protest, she welcomed his touch and forgot the world. * * the week went by uneventful. Linda woke up early to prepare breakfast for her husband. As soon as he left for work, she bath and feed her daughter before doing her chores. Henry was a very tidy person, she tried her best to make sure that every part of the house was tidy. She was always available for him in the evenings. She wanted him to not look at any other woman but her. Whenever she tried discussing getting a job he gets upset. One friday, he barged angrily into the kitchen holding a pack of pills. when did we agree we dont need kids anymore? Im not ready for another child Henry. I need time to adjust to... he cut her short I want a child. No more pills Linda No Henry. Im not ready He walked out for work without taking any breakfast. Linda cried herself to sleep. What does Henry wanted of her now? She vowed to continue taking the pills come what. He didnt come back home that night. He returned on sunday for a change of clothes and left soon after. Linda didnt see her husband for two more days and he wouldnt pick her calls. On tuesday, She made Lunch for him. She dressed in a blue skirt and white blouse. She tucked in and picked a pair of white two inches shoes. She dropped Daisy at her grandfathers before driving away. She had been to Henrys office twice. Finding it wasnt difficult at all. His secretary went on her feet as soon as she saw Linda. Good afternoon ma Afternoon Esther she said and hurriedly went to get into his office. ma, wait up, you cant go in yet Linda ignored the secretary and pushed the knob with a smile- a smile that quickly disappeared from her face. Linda stared in horror as Henry and a lady kissed passionately. She must be an employee in the agency because she was putting on their tag. The two were so engrossed in what they were doing they didnt hear her come in. She watched as Henry tried to unbutton her shirt. It wasnt until the lady moaned that Linda let go of the lunch box she was holding. The noise startled the two lovers. Henry turned towards it and found his wife in tears. Sweetypie dont call me that she said before blindly running out of the office. come back here Linda Henry shouted but he might as well be talking to himself because Linda was already gone. He looked at the lady in front of him. The lust he was feeling a few minutes ago was no more. get out of here he told her but my love i... i said you should get the hell out of this place he shouted her. The lady picked her things and walked out. Esther Henry shouted his secretary name. The woman appeared in a few seconds. Im sorry sir, she... Esther for goodness sake send someone to clean up this mess he said as he indicated the food on the rich carpet. He picked his phone and dialled Lindas line. It was ringing in the office. It was at that moment that his secretary saw the clutch bag on the floor. She picked it up and handed it to Henry. He unlocked the bag and found her cellphone inside. cancel all my schedules for the day. Im going home He picked Lindas bag, his laptop and briefcase out. At his car, a thought came to him. He opened Lindas bag and found her car keys. He looked around and sighted her car in the parking lot. Henry drove home with mixed feelings. The security man informed him that his wife wasnt at home. He walked to their room and changed into a casual set of clothes. Where the hell was Daisy? Henry wondered. He drove to his sisters house and confirmed that neither his wife nor daughter was there. He tried his last destination; his fathers house and found Daisy with a maid. His wife was no where to be found. He quietly returned home and await her returned. * * * Linda had ran out of the building into the street. She had forgotten she owned a car. She ran down the street without stopping. It wasnt until she began finding it difficult to breath that she finally stopped. It didnt even mattered that her toes hurt, her heart hurts much more. She walked for over an hour before she found a place to sit down. how can you treat me so Henry, dont you know that i love you to a fault? she sobbed quietly. It began raining heavily. Linda didnt even look for shelter. She didnt care. She was already regretting her marriage to Henry Joseph. She vowed to continue on her pills. She couldnt risk taking in again, not with the way her husband is behaving. It rained for over two hours. Linda sat in the rain. Soon, it was drizzling and she was very cold and shivering. It was getting dark when she began sluggishly walking back home. Home to a cheating husband. It didnt sound like a place to call home again. She knocked on the gate by 8: 15pm feeling alone, cold and betrayed. The security man quietly let her in. She kicked off her shoes and went into the house. Henry quickly went on his feet on seeing her. She walked up the stairs to their room. She was freezing and her teeth were chattering. She stood staring at herself in a mirror. She looked horrible. Her eyes were swollen. She might actually fall ill. Henry walked into the room. He quietly unbuttoned her shirt and helped her out of her skirt. Linda didnt have the strength to protest. He carried her to the bathroom and gently lay her in the bathtub filled with hot water. After a few minutes, he help her out of the tub and into a simple nightie. Henry made a cup of tea for her but Linda couldnt swallow it. He helped her into bed and slipped in beside her. He pulled her to him and whispered quietly in her ears. Im sorry Linda, Im really sorry a tear rolled down her cheeks. She was still shivering. Linda, you are shivering, i need to keep you warm. Please dont protest Henry told her. She felt him remove his clothes. He went for her own nightie, she remembered what she had witness earlia in his office and stiffened. please Linda, you are shivering She didnt care
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:56:18 +0000

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