A MANIFESTO OF HOPE FOR TOTAL REFORMATION, RECONSTRUCTION AND RECONCILIATION PRESENTED BY FATOKI MICHAEL BOLMIC TODAY SUNDAY, 28TH DECEMBER, 2014 AS GENERAL SECRETARY, NAOS NATIONAL LEVEL OMO OYO OOO...!!! GREAT NAOS!!! All gratitude to almighty God for keeping us alive and granting us the privilege to be present at this first ever unique manifesto programme of this great association. I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it NOW! Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again Bill Clinton. It is with utmost humility and a high sense of responsibility with a very high regard for every student of this association that I FATOKI MICHAEL BOLMIC wish to present myself to you as an aspirant for the post of General Secretary, NAOS National Level. To me, it is a VISION and a MISSION, and not an ambition that has motivated me to show my interest to vie for the post. My interest in the secretariat of the association is to rehabilitate the secretariat for effective management of human and material resources of the association. Going down the memory lane, I am not a greenhorn in managing the secretariat of any association. I was once the secretary of a press club during my secondary school days. I have also served as the Secretary of Afijio Progressive Youth Movement Association and host of others. With this pedigree and desire to justify the confidence repose in me, if given the mandate, I shall, in collaboration with other members of executive initiate these programmes: Encouraging regular congress meeting to discuss members welfare and development Regular sourcing of relevant and authentic information needed for a just cause Ensuring the judicious use of funds Establishing rapport with cooperate bodies for welfare of members Good representation Transparent administration Greatest NAOS! With your cooperation and support, all these targets are achievable. Therefore, may I end this presentation by saying The ends you serve that are selfish, will take you no further than yourself but the ends you serve that are for all in common, will take you even into eternity with apology to Marcus Garvey. Also, The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not Thomas Jefferson LONG LIVE NAOS LONG LIVE OYO LONG LIVE OYO STATE LONG LIVE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERA Thanks for listening to me and making up your mind to cast your vote for me. God bless you all. Yours in service delivery. VIVA ALUTAAMALA AWETU!!!
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 19:56:55 +0000

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