A MESSAGE FROM OUR VICE-CHAIRCHAIR: Mr. Chairman, Please read - TopicsExpress


A MESSAGE FROM OUR VICE-CHAIRCHAIR: Mr. Chairman, Please read and pass this on to our membership if you would. As you know I coach my girls’ softball team and this Thursday is a game night. Our game is at 7 pm and I will be coming directly to our meeting post game. After mid-July, most of the summer activities with my children will settle down. I hope everyone that can possibly ATTEND our meeting will do so. PLEASE DO! Having guest speakers is crucial for accurate information and being able to ask certain questions and get accurate answers. First, Mr. Chairman please speak to our membership our shared concerns specifically related to our District Congressman, Markwayne Mullin. You and I have both spoken extensively about how, after elected, our Congressional and State representation is not working through their County Chairs relating to both speaking engagements, as well as, specific issues directly related to our Cities and Counties. During the election process, this did not seem to be a problem as our County hosted every Congressional Candidate I believe, and by no means am I isolating Markwayne or anyone, but I do believe this to be a systemic problem throughout our Country. The County levels are where you generate a broad electorate and that must be built upon. You stepped up as Chair, as you have many times, during the last teleconference and our District Meeting you related to this very issue. It is important for our County to know you received generous support from other Counties such as ours, who are on the outskirts of the District and often forgotten post-election. Politicians seem to know the County Political Organizations when they are running for Office, but seem to forget them after they get elected. As you know, I believe Markwayne should be a guest speaker at our County Meeting informing us directly as to how his Co-Sponsoring the Leave Our Lakes Alone Act on the House Floor with Missouri Congresswoman Vicky Hatrzler (MO-4 ) would give back much of the GRDA issues to State Level control. It is clear our Mayor would rather deal with a Federal agency verse the State! I would much rather fight for the right action with our present Attorney General and directly against GRDA if need be over lake levels and flooding issues. I think Mr. Mullin should come and specifically guide us as to how he feels we will be able to resolve the systemic flooding problem we have faced for the last 20 plus years. Our Mayor seems to think doing what we have been doing for this amount of time will somehow change with new Legal Counsel for the City, however, all he seems to be able to do is ridicule our Congressman, but provide no reason why he does not support him. As you know, and I have explained to our membership, this is right up my alley! I am very comfortable and willing to go out on the limb for local issues. I work best in my own back yard! Second, I would like to add to the comments related to Scott Pruitt and our dinner experience. WOW, this man is definitely the right man for Oklahomans. I don’t think you will find an Attorney General as dedicated as he is to State’s rights and the 10th Amendment! I was in awe when he spoke of his legal actions against the Federal Government. I share with enthusiasm EVERYTHING in the post below. I have two questions to pose. The first, how can we help Scott Prewitt get more States on board? And two, has Markwayne Mullin joined as a supplemental plaintiff. Markwayne campaigned diligently against the AHA, yet his voting record so far is questionable. With 200 plus employees, you would have to think he would have been one of the first businesses in line to work with Scott in this legal course of action. And last, unrelated to the post below, but directed toward our guest speaker. I would like to pose a couple of questions if you would ask Ms. Amanda Emerson on my behalf. 1. Over the last 20 plus years, I have watched the Blitz gas can become a product that by all standards lacks in quality. Their product is unsafe, as well as, unusable. On a reverse note, having been in dentistry for nearly 20 years, and one of the last medical-type professions still operating as an accountable small business, I have watched our dental products become astronomically better. I am tired of hearing that Blitz’s problems were “someone else’s fault”, whether it is ‘frivolous lawsuits’ or the ‘EPA’. My question is this: Prior to, during, or after the EPA regulations or the frivolous lawsuits, did the Blitz company do anything and everything possible in a proactive in any manner, including legal lawsuits against the Federal Government through previous Attorney’s General or the present, to create and maintain a quality product that would be easier to defend in such lawsuits or even prevent the lawsuits entirely? 2. Tell me why the Blitz Corporation was unwilling to stand by their product and go to Court and defend their product, especially if they were within EPA compliance, and let a jury decide? In essence, the company was dissolved through bankruptcy, the CEO’s and owners remained wealthy along with some healthy paychecks to the attorneys I am sure, the employees lost their jobs, and as we have mentioned before, Blitz owes our County taxes in the neighborhood of $250,000 because of terrible leadership and representation at the Ottawa County Commissioners’ Level, of which is legally represented by our elected District Attorney. As I mentioned in my first paragraph, I will be jetting directly to our meeting post softball. Our games are only 50 minutes generally, so I hope to catch or guest speaker before the meeting is adjourned. However, if Ms. Emerson is to have departed before my arrival, I would ask these questions be asked to hear a response. Thank you Mr. Chairman. Dr. Greg Hiebert OCRP Vice-Chair
Posted on: Thu, 06 Jun 2013 14:32:02 +0000

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