A MESSAGE OF THANKS.... Dear Kaigorotan, Thank you all very - TopicsExpress


A MESSAGE OF THANKS.... Dear Kaigorotan, Thank you all very much for your support for our 19th Foundation Day via the Miss IGOROT UK 2014. Your presence made such a difference as so many of you turned up to cheer on your respective Ms Igorot UK candidate and cheer on your Mother Organisation. The huge turn out was proof enough that we have the support and loyalty of each and everyone and that the sub groups have been true to their word about supporting the event. Top of the list are our beautiful ladies who accepted the challenge and were proud to represent their respective provinces, Johanna Allibang, Juliet Diwayan, Lenny Abanag and Crystal Chetwood. youve surpassed all expectations. The quality of your talents is outstanding and youve made us so proud to showcase these to our audience. Words cannot express our admiration for your courage, your beauty and your values. Your mother org says an endless thank you to you, our beautiful ladies. We wont have the inspiration to raise enormous amounts of funds, we wont have the motivation to make the FB posts viral, and we wont have an activity. Father Steven Saxby, who could ever forget your inspiring message. Youve spelled it out for the world to hear who and what we are. Youve put IGOROT in everyones vocabulary that night and we will be remembering your words for the rest of our lives. Your support for and promotion of the Igorot community is admirable and commendable. Thank you very much for embracing us and our culture and always welcoming us in your Parish and treating us like family. Our sponsors gave us the best support and made it possible for us to strive our very best. Byahe Pinoy was generous with their sponsorship and guidance. No words can describe our thanks for your generosity to the Igorot community. May you be blessed tenfold- so tara na mag Byahe Pinoy- congratulations to William Longan of UKAN and Ms Igorot UK for winning the return tickets home. The Pooten Forwarding Inc (PFI) is such a pride and a blessing to the Igorots, they inspire each of us to carry on and they’ve embraced us all as a family. Mainetti shapes fashion and has been equally generous, Miss Igorot UK won her personalised hangers and a crystal chain from the world leading hanger manufacturer, Mainetti. Wils Lights Photography has been artistic, patient and understanding, Thank you very much Wils for your artistic qualities and your big-heartedness. Beads and Needles via Fredelyn Denna it is such a priviledge to experience your talents first hand. Our Media Partners Hello Philippines and One Philippines, who once again journeyed with us,thank you very much. To our judges and adjudicators, we feel so privileged that you have taken the time to be with us during the night, to share with our celebrations and for handling a much anticipated task for us. We cannot thank you enough. We hope that in your eyes, this event would have done its job of promoting our culture and also in celebrating our 19th year. We would love to see you and work with you again in our future events. Of course, we would like to apologise for the blunders in announcing the winners during the night. We didnt want to blight your hard work with announcement mistakes but be rest assured that they were honest mistakes partly brought about by the pressure from the venue to hasten up the event whos barking in our ears. And thank you very much for your patience, your understanding and your huge support. We can only promise to make things a lot better for the future events and we would like to invite you to witness our future events that would showcase our rich culture. To our talented guests, power performer Ela Hidalgo and company who brought the house down with such powerful vocals; Jan Vincent Manzano whos so young and so talented, thank you very much. Our local Igorot talents, whos always available, beautiful and helpful, Carol Mitas, Godfrey Astudillo, Maya Rae Macay, Hammersmith Spurs, the Sweet 16, the free believers and the Solid Rock Ministries, thank you so much. Our past leaders who graced the event with their presence and support, ag yaman kami Amin, without your leadership, we will not be celebrating 19 years of IGOROT UK, 19 years of being united in promoting our goals and 19 years of fun, camaraderie and celebrations. We dedicate everything that we do to all of you as a tribute for your sacrifices and unending support and for paving the way for us and for carrying the Igorot banner for us. We celebrate your achievements and milestones. Please continue to guide us and to support us as we continue our journey. To the committees, youve done an incredible job for the short period of time you were given to prepare, thank you for working extra hard to meet deadlines. To the handlers, the make up artists whove sacrificed time and effort and did such an enormous multi tasking job for the candidates, your passion and your enthusiasm will never go unnoticed. Thank you very much. The hosts Norben and RoseMarie, you are both stars, unending thanks to you both. To all of us Kaigorotan, your defeaning cheers distinguished your respective sub groups and your respective unity resounded in the 4 corners of the hall. There has been a competition, and there emerged a winner, Ms Benguet Lenny Abanag, our title holder for 2014. We take pride in your achievement and we take pride in your qualities and talents.we will support you all the way as you hold the title and the Igorot UK banner. There has been a lot of issues from members whos emotions were heightened with the aftermath of the event. such emotions were released thru their FB posts and comments and some of them have deviated from what is objective and constructive to outright senseless, nasty and personal. But the good thing is, the Kaigorotan sat down, deliberated and all issues are now resolved. All posts and comments and queries have been answered sensibly and with the support of minutes of previous meetings. We apologise if the event has struck a chord with some members, we can only learn and improve. As our Miss IGOROT UK 2014 appropriately said, one value that shes proud of with the Igorot culture is Unity , even though we represent different provinces, in our hearts, we are one, we are IGOROTs. Thank you once again and let us be one on our stand- unity for the Kaigorotan in the UK.
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 20:26:24 +0000

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