A MESSAGE TO EVERYONE WHO KNOWS US FROM ALAN AND SHARON LANCASHIRE We have recently discovered that some people have been criticising the way that we deal with our children. We have two boys, Jerome, aged 13 and Callum, aged 8. Jerome has been diagnosed with Autistic Spectrum Disorder, and Callum is currently undergoing assessment for the same condition. Since the death of our first son, Hayden, in 2004, from a Kidney Tumour, we, with Jerome, have worked with every agency we could, including Child Bereavement, Child Psychology, Speech and Occupational Therapy, Educational Psychology, School Health Services, Social Services and several charities and voluntary groups which deal with Autistic children. We are currently going through the same process with Callum. Both boys are under the care of medical professionals, and are assessed regularly. They are in the opinion of those medical professionals, in good health, apart from the physical consequences of their condition. Over the last nine years,we have tried every system of behaviour management that has ever been designed, always under the oversight of specialists in the care of Autistic children.The consensus of opinion is that the methods we use are the methods which work, effectively and consistently, with Jerome and Callum. The most recent family assessment by Social Services took place earlier this year. The outcome of that assessment was that what we do is entirely appropriate in the circumstances. We work very hard to do the best we can for our boys and have had to fight their corner all the way.If you find our methods unorthodox, or contrary to current general guidance regarding behaviour management in children, consider how you would feel if you had invested all that time,effort and stressOnly to be criticised for doing what has been proved to be the best way for your child. THANK YOU!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Jun 2013 21:35:58 +0000

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