A MESSAGE TO THE PATRONS OF ST MARYS PRE MOTHERS DAY CONCERT WITH KELLY PRICE AND HEZEKIAH WALKER. To the Patrons, Fans and Supporters of Kelly Price who purchased tickets for the concert given by St Marys Church in Dix Hills Long Island, NY tonight, we regret that Kelly Price was unable to attend and perform. Unfortunately we (Ms Prices management team) were forced to withdraw her participation today after a series of breaches from the representatives of St Marys Church. The St Marys reps purchased a one way ticket for Ms Price to come into NYC and promised to have the travel for her band and crew purchased and confirmed by the time she arrived in NY. After Ms Prices arrival in NY St Marys reps refused to buy airline tickets for Ms Prices singers and crew members to come in for the concert saying that one of their sponsors pulled out and they had no money for the tickets. St Marys reps then refused to provide her with a return ticket home unless she showed up at the church on Friday and performed first. St Marys reps were also deceitful in that they provided a reservation number for a hotel for Ms Price in NYC only for us to find out after arriving in NY that they did not pay for the room, they only reserved it. We at Sang Girl Management are not accustomed to this type of dealing with promoters and we ourselves do not conduct business this way. We did all we could to work with St Marys to salvage this date believing that a church organization would operate in truth, with integrity and honor their word AND our contract even though they had experienced financial challenges. The St Marys reps had a new excuse for why things werent being done every time we spoke to them to get answers and in the end they went as far as to make threats when we told them that Ms Price would not be in attendance for the concert. In one conversation with a St Marys Church representative it was communicated to us that they would send a portion to Ms Price at her hotel in Manhattan (that they did NOT pay for) and if she got in the car and came to the show in Dix Hills (2 hours away from where Ms Price was staying that they would be willing to pay her the rest of what they owed her so she could get an airline ticket home. When things like this happen the fans never get the truth of the matter they only see that the artist doesnt show up. For weeks the representatives for St Marys Church operated in deceit with full knowledge that they were unable to have this concert yet they continued to advertise the artists and sell tickets to the public. In the end they tried to force the artists to perform knowing that there was never an intention to pay the artists. This has been a horrific experience. Ms Prices youngest sister Sakina Price, who just passed on Easter Sunday was a member of the Upper Room church where the concert was to be held tonight. To perform in the church where her sister was a member was already an overwhelming task to undertake however because Ms Prices name was on this event she moved forward in good faith and on the word of St Marys church representatives that everything would be taken care of by the time she arrived in NY although things looked shaky. We never would have expected to be lied to and treated so poorly by this church organization. After such a blatant breach of contract and intent to defraud we will confer with our attorneys about next steps in this situation. For now we have to purchase flights to get Ms Price home for Mothers Day because in the end St Marys reneged on paying for the hotels, the ground transportation and Ms Prices flight back home. On behalf of Kelly Price and Sang Girl Management please accept our sincerest apologies to everyone who purchased tickets and expected to see a concert this evening. Sincerely, Sang Girl Management
Posted on: Sat, 10 May 2014 04:44:23 +0000

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