A MESSAGE TO YOUNG PEOPLE Indeed the Spirit of God is one! I - TopicsExpress


A MESSAGE TO YOUNG PEOPLE Indeed the Spirit of God is one! I was having a particular topic in mind throughout last week, unknowing to me that that topic is going to be the Sunday school topic in my church for this week. However, the point Im going to emphasize here diverse from that of the Sunday school topic. The point I want to focus on here centers on Dangers of young people. If you are within the range of thirteen to forty years this message is for you. Today, I bring you three things young people need to be warned against. Truly, there are several dangers young people need to be careful of, but for the sake of time I will discuss three major dangers young people need anticipate for. PRIDE- This is the first danger young men and women need to be warned against. I want everyone reading this post to be frank with himself or herself. And I did like everyone to know that the words that will be coming out here is a two edged sword, as it is piercing you so also it is piecing me, but I believe the end result is joy. Pride is the oldest sin in the world. And it is the most valuable tool in the hands of Satan to destroy any lives regardless of he or shes level of spiritual maturity. Satan and his angel fell as a result of pride. Pride threw Adam out of paradise. I want you to know that pride sits in all our heart by nature. It makes us rest content with ourselves. If there is one reason why so many are yet to be saved today, it is as a result of pride. Pride is far more destructive than any atomic bomb. Albert Eienstine boast of postulating a formular of an atomic bomb that can destroy a whole nation, but I tell you, pride is far more destructive than E=MCsquare. My dear fellow young people, be warned against this sin of pride. I have detected this evil sin in my heart numberless times.But I thank God, He would never let it stay. You wont know the time it will creep into your heart, that is why we young people cant afford to introspect ourselves spiritually on daily basis. I wont write more than this on this point. I believe a word is enough for the wise. Be warned of pride! PLEASURE- Everyone desires pleasure, but when the love of pressure is in your heart, making heaven becomes pretty difficult for you. For the benefit of this topic that I am treating here, the love of pleasure can be divided into three part: Love of money, women, and power. If you watch around you today, you will discover that there is nothing more prevalent than the love of pleasure among young people. Even among so called believers. I want to be as brief as possible here, otherwise I would have go into the nitty-gritty of this message, but I know the Holy Spirit wont fail to do His work in the heart of everyone reading this, including me writing this. Examine yourself today as see whether you are still in the faith or the love of pleasure have wipe your feet of the corridors of the Church of God. The love of money is the root of all evil. The love of women is the greatest destiny destroyer. Power corrupt but absolute power corrupt absolutely. But if you see me as someone writing fable, then go and take your fill of earthly pleasures if you will, but know of a surety that you will never be satisfied with them! IGNORANCE- Oh, if there is one ailment that has sent many souls into the abyss of utter destruction, it is this ailment called ignorance. Ignorance is a deadly disease and this is what has murdered several young people since time immemorial. My aunty was asking some crucial questions a day before yesterday concerning heaven and hell, having answered her question, she told me that she used to hear people say, “ Is it not people that are in hell fire, they too are ready to go there.” They say to her, “ Satan too will take care of us in hell” Can you imagine such a statement! Can you now see the level of ignorance of some soul! It was ignorance that made the thief on the left hand side of Jesus to be doomed to hell while the other thief made it to heaven. How ignorant are so many young people today. How foolish are those who pronounce such statement. I pray thee, check yourself and see if there be any iota of ignorance in your heart.If you find any, dont hate yourself, that is the purpose of this message, what you need do is to plead the Blood of Jesus and it will blot it away. None are in more danger of this disease called ignorance than young men. We know little of peril around us, and so we are careless how we walk. How many young men today engage themselves in serious meditation? How many young men think today? Thoughtlessness is looping in the heart of many young people. So many young people hate the trouble of serious, quite thinking, and so make wrong decision and bring upon themselves sorrow. Young Esau had to have his brothers stew and sold his birthright: he never thought how much he would want it in the future. Orpah had to returned to his motherland of idolatry in Moab: she never thought how rewarding it is the serve the living God. My fellow young people let us be wise, this is Gods warning to us today. You will be a notorious lair if you say in your heart that you havent noticed this three dangers in your life, even though they never hold strong ground in your life, you have at one time noticed them. Re-examine yourselves today and see if they havent crept in again. Cleanse yourselves with the Blood of the Lamb,and see how your garment will glow in white. A day will come when you will strongly wish to read this message with all curiosity and eagerness of heart, but the outcome would be of no use. But there is great benefits to all those who read and pray concerning this message today, because today is the day of salvation! I pray God you are already feasting with Christ on the day this message will do no good to anyone. I remain OLATUNJI EMMANUEL
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 10:38:06 +0000

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