A MOST READ! Helsinki is the most honest city in the world, - TopicsExpress


A MOST READ! Helsinki is the most honest city in the world, according to a new study carried out by Reader’s Digest. The magazine dropped 192 wallets around the world in 16 different cities to see what would happen. Each wallet contained the equivalent of $50, plus a telephone number, a family photo, coupons and business cards. The city to return the most? Helsinki. Finland’s capital city brought back 11 of the 12 “lost” wallets, which were left in parks, near shopping centres and on pavements. Mumbai came in close second with 9 of the 12 wallets returned, ahead of Budapest in Hungary, where 8 of 12 were returned. New York also returned 8 out of 12 wallets, followed by Moscow and Amsterdam (7) and Berlin and Ljubljana (6). Londoners returned 5 of the 12 wallets, alongside Warsaw in Poland. The least honest city was Lisbon, which returned only 1 of the 12 wallets, just behind Madrid, where 2 were returned. The one wallet that was returned was not even returned by locals: they were a couple visiting from Holland. In total, 47 per cent were returned. The surprising conclusions include that there is no set pattern to those who return lost wallets. “Age is no predictor of whether a person is going to be honest or dishonest. If this should be in NIGERIA how many of this wallets would have been returned?
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 13:22:49 +0000

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