A MUST READ FOR EVERY SINGLE Its a story of one beautiful - TopicsExpress


A MUST READ FOR EVERY SINGLE Its a story of one beautiful babe,pls: I wonder what would be happening to me now if i married that wolf in human skin. He was a brother in church, we were in same believers class. He was vast in the bible scriptures and given to the service of the Lord full time. He looked quiet, handsome, very hairy, fair skinned and tall. He approached me, asked my hand in marriage, an offer every desperate young lady will jump at. I responded I dont know you, so we will have to be friends first as I will love to marry my friend. He agreed and then we became friends. We exchanged christian books and tapes, we got close like we had known ourselves forever. Then I started exploring our friendship by asking so very personal questions like; youre asking me to marry you how would you foot my bills before and after marriage, how would you arrange for the weddings (traditional & church) since youre given to the work of the Lord full time? Where would you live because you dont have an accommodation of your own as youre being accommodated presently? You have no education nor craft to at least support yourself or will you continue depending on charity and for how long? Guess what his response was? He mentioned a few prominent names in the church he was looking up to for support as one of them promised to help him travel abroad to any country of his choice. I gave him a benefit of doubt as I was still in school and hoped things will work itself out before graduation. In the course of exploration, we talked about owning property and to my amazement, he said I can never make my wife a next of kin when my cousins are there I asked his reasons, he said thats how he has planned his life not to allow his wife be attached to whatever hell own. I gulped that and was hoping it was only a joke. He said women are breeders. During another conversation, he mentioned his wife will give him nine children since he is an only son with an elder sister who is seventeen years older than him. I was bewildered. In this age, what would you have yourself do with nine children? He bluntly said otherwise he would have a second wife. I silently gulped that too. I was in my second year. One day he called me while I was at school (The first and only time he ever called me. His reasons were that he doesnt want to distract me plus he doesnt have much to call me as he would love to have a lengthy conversation with me.) that I should come back to Lagos before the weekend because he wants to come see my parents that weekend. Though our friendship had matured for three years before I gained admission. So I had agreed to marry him on his fourth approach concerning marriage. Note: I never prayed o! I believed since he was a believer, all will fly. So I took the next bus back to Lagos on a thursday, visited him on a friday evening at his place (still squatting)to find out what his plans were and at what time he was coming to see my parents. I tried making sure before I would tell my parents anything. To my utter most disappointment, he said he had changed his mind not to see my parents again until I got pregnant. I asked so where is the place of God in this relationship, what happens to sanctity, the bed un-defiled? Besides how do you know I will get pregnant? He said as I am looking at you, there are children all over your body. So one try will hit the egg. I stayed calm, because we were alone in the house and he had the keys to the door. I asked again, so when I get pregnant after one try, where will I be staying? He responded Of course with your parents until the pregnancy is five or six months then I will send my people to come see your parents because Id have been out of the country before then. I said okay lets get started, but before then Ill like to use the ladies so Ill wash off and smell clean. He foolishly agreed and then unlocked the door. He pointed where the ladies was, thank goodness, it was an excluded place outside the apartment by the corner. So I walked down, stopped turned back noticed he had gone inside, I removed my slippers and ran as fast as my legs could carry me until I saw a bike that carried me to the bus stop. I could tell that day, I ran faster than USAIN BOLT. I got back home as though everythings fine. The next morning packed my bag and went back to school. Two weeks later got a call from one of my dads mentee, we call him Uncle. Uncle knew I was with the suitor guy at that time. Uncle scolded me for being promiscuous and then ordered me to come see him as soon as I returned from school otherwise hed forward the report to my dad. Uncle dint let me say a word, he hung up. I wasnt perturbed a bit because I was sure it was a mistaken identity. One month later, school vacated and I got back home. I went to see Uncle at his office, Uncle vented his anger and disappointment. I allowed him finish his talking then I asked, where did u get all this from because Im sure its a mistaken identity. Only for him to say Mr. Suitor came to his house one Saturday morning to report me. I laughed till my stomach hurt and tears flew down my cheeks. I then calmed him and told him my own side of the story. He got mad at suitor, tried everything he could to bring us one on one so we would each repeat what wed told him, but suitor, I think got the tricks and never showed up till recently when he sent a friend request to me on facebook severally. I kept deleting his request till it occurred to me that I could block this suitor guy. I learnt to pray about the littlest plans and intentions, learnt to hold God by his words because at a point in my life, I had to ask myself why do I go to church, why am I serving God, why do I profess a believer? When I could convincingly answer those questions without a single doubt in my heart, then I knew I had become very accountable for every action I took and not because I was born into it and see it as an obligation to my parents, God or anyone else. Today am happily married to my best friend from secondary school for three years and nine months and still counting by the Grace of God. Dear single readers, pray, watch and study every road signs that leads to marriage, do not take unpalatable words, attitudes for granted. All that glitters (morally, materially, financially) aint Gold!!!
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 10:35:39 +0000

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