A MUST READ article that needs to shared among all Hindus and - TopicsExpress


A MUST READ article that needs to shared among all Hindus and hindu organisations by exposing the latest planned attack on Hinduism and India which could take place under sanctions if backed by the UN as a ‘caste apartheid’ in India being promoted by anti hindu groups in india and outside. .Also weexpose the Hindu organisations in the UK who over the years ignored the warning signs for thousands of pounds in grants and photo opportunities with with British MPs ect..PLEASE SHARE FAR AND WIDE or like to expose what is taking place..Thanks) Extracts : There is a three-stage strategy at work in relation to raising the issue of caste discrimination presently at work: incorporate anti-caste legislation in Equality laws in Britain; get these accepted at the level of the European Union; finally get the United Nations to condemn India as an apartheid state and condemn Hinduism. On Thursday 18 October 2013, the European Parliament, which consists of elected representatives from the 28 member countries of the European Union, passed a resolution that condemned caste-based discrimination as a human rights violation. This is but a prelude to raising the issue with the United Nations. The precedent here is with apartheid in South Africa. Initially the issue of caste discrimination was raised in Britain and laws passed to outlaw it. The long-term strategy is however to isolate India and claim that it is an ‘apartheid’ state due to the caste system. However when one looks at the issue it is one of poverty and marginalisation which cuts across caste boundaries. The real issue of social development, such as unshackling the masses from the reach of an oppressive Orwellian bureaucracy and increasing literacy at the primary level, is rarely raised. That is because the real aim has not been to help Dalits. It has been to target Hindus as some sort of architects of apartheid. In South Africa, laws supported discrimination and segregation. It was the same in large parts of America before 1970, Australia until about the same time, and even Britain before the passing of the Race Discrimination Act in 1968. In other words apartheid was based on laws applied by the state. In India, caste discrimination and violence takes place in spite of the statutory requirements and constitutional processes, not because of them. Rikke Nöhrlind, the coordinator of the International Dalit Solidarity Network, which works to eradicate caste-based discrimination is a vocal supporter of the resolution. Ms. Nöhrlind has been involved in the struggle for Dalit rights since 1999. In an interview with Ind Link, she makes these comments: “Caste needs to be recognized alongside other grounds of discrimination, like race, gender. It affects more than 260 million people. Caste discrimination is a global phenomenon. The highest number of people affected by this particular form of discrimination may live in India, but caste discrimination is practiced in other countries as well. It exists in Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Japan, and probably also exists in other countries in South Asia – but this is less researched.” Nohrland is adamant that its “roots” are in Hinduism and it only “permeates” other religious groups. She is also insistent on linking it to race by claiming it is like apartheid. This is a sad epitaph to a country which under occupation by the Germans refused to cooperate with Nazi racial policies. Eschewing Teutonic racial solidarity brave Danes risked life and limb to smuggle Jews out of the country so that they would escape the gas chambers. Politics such as this makes strange bedfellows. The anti-caste groups with their fake concern for Dalits would not have even got serious attention had Hindu organisations tackled the issue head on. But they did not. As usual they ignored it. Just as they did with the persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Kerala, Fiji, Guyana and other places. Why was this? Because there is no financial gain in raising such issues of human rights. You cannot appeal to the conscience of someone who lacks it in the first place. HHR warned Hindu organisations back in 2005 that groups claiming to speak for Dalits were going to make the issue of caste national, then on a European level and finally to the UN. This warning was backed by Dilip Lakhani of the Vivekananda Centre, who resigned his participation immediately in the Hindu Christian Forum, which was being used by hardcore Christian fundamentalists to start a hate campaign against Hindus. Yet no notice was taken. Indeed HHR was banned from even speaking about the issue by Hasmukh Shah, a prominent leader of the VHP (UK) who was once sought out as a potential ally by Nick Griffin of the British National Party. Now the VHP controls National Hindu Students Forum UK, and through this proxy ensures that organisations such as HHR which raise ‘inconvenient facts’ are denied a platform. At the same time the VHP was very keen that HHR hand over its hard work and in depth research on anti-caste campaigners so that they could use it to their advantage. Are these guys really that stupid as well as intolerant? In any case they seem self-destructive raising issues of scant relevance to Hindus. Lakhani’s withdrawal from the Hindu Christian Forum left that body defunct and rudderless. Until the VHP, Hindu Forum and one of the Hindu Councils (there are quite a few now carrying that mantle) decided to revive it so that they could get their photographs taken by leaders of a church which is going into rapid decline and irrelevance itself and commands scant respect in Britain today. But when you hanker for fame and money that much, and lack even basic ethics and self-respect, you accept being pimped out by the very people who want to destroy you. How ‘Hindu’ Groups Gag Free Speech The dire experience of Lakhani and HHR at the hands of Sangh Parivar groups in UK was not unique. The VHP-HSS-NHSF combine went after anyone who dared to rock their cosy relationship with the British government as willing Gunga Din types. No less a personality than Dr Gautam Sen was the human sacrifice of its wrath. Dr Sen has lectured at the London School of Economics, and also served as an Informal Adviser to the Government of India (Prime Minister, Law Commission and Ministry of External Affairs) on issues of economic liberalisation and relations with Nepal, while lecturing at various universities throughout his career. Yet he dared walk the wild taboo, repeatedly warning Hindu organisations that that legislation against alleged caste discrimination in the UK (already legislated) would be followed by similar measures at the EU level, followed by church groups sponsoring condemnation of Hinduism at the level of the United Nations, in order to condemn it as nothing but caste-based racism in international forums. For his efforts Dr Sen was treated with the same sort of boycott that Dalit, Christian fundamentalist and unreconstructed Marxists want to use against India. Now like Lakhani, Sen has authority and deep knowledge Hindu issues. But this does not matter. Indeed to VHP, HSS and NHSF it does not even matter what your beliefs and personal habits are. What matters is your usefulness to the ‘tribe’, in other words the group. Can you bring in money and connections? Can you make them famous? READ MORE @ hinduhumanrights.info/assault-on-hinduism-reaches-the-european-parliament/
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 16:57:16 +0000

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