A MUST READ (takes about 3 minutes) - TopicsExpress


A MUST READ (takes about 3 minutes) I was asking God throughout my day what he would have me to post that would benefit those who would be reading this. Ive been in much early morning prayer and my heart is heavy for those of you feeling HOPELESS and those in DESPAIR. John 5:1-15 (read in comments). In Jerusalem there was a pool called Bethesda (house of mercy/grace) having five porches. Hundreds of sick people-blind, crippled, withered and paralyzed hung out waiting for the moving of the waters. From what I understand an angel would stir the waters at different times and the wounded would receive healing. One guy had been laying by that pool for 38 years waiting for somebody to help him. Jesus ask him if he would like to be made whole?? After complaining he was made whole instantly! People are wounded and walking into some of our churches at large every week wounded and leaving wounded. God wants to turn our church altars at large into pools of Bethesda! Church we need to know what to do with the wounded, the unsaved and the addicted! They are coming!!!! Hopelessness and even suicide is rampant! We must not be weak in reaching outside our little corner of our world. There is an anointing out there in the marketplace! The altars are about to be full! Is the water stirring in our homes. Are they stirring at our altars? Our homes and churches must look different than the world! We must provide a place for the hurting, the broken, the blind and sick to come to. If we dont Provide a place where Jesus resides and the water is stirring for the hurting Satan will and they will keep running to the world and false comforts for relief!! I did this for years myself when i was in the world and a Christian. Oh people want to be made whole and do not know what us Christans know. Prayer and community is what people need as we love them back to life and disciple them. They have a ministry and gift too. I was loved back to life so I know and understand what people must be going through. Jesus went AFTER the ONE!! Church folks, we must be different (I am talking to ME too). We must be free from our programs and religion cycles!! When people see us do they see Jesus? We need each other. Its not about what can we get-but what do we have to give and who can we touch. Everybody needs a somebody! Thank you for hearing my heart! Oh and I hope you find peace, love and safety when you park on my fb page!! Please talk to someone if you are hurting and find a good church my sweet friends and get plugged in. The God of hope is waiting for you with his arms stretched out! He wants to fill you with joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with HOPE by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13 Lord, you know who needs to stumble across this post. Feel free as always to private fb and Ill pray with you! You are in my prayers daily. If you are in the area i am in i can hook you up to my Church or several good Churches in the area! Love you~ PRAYER. Help us all to do what you have called us to do. Let nobody get left behind. Oh let us be the answer to someones prayer. Let us be ready in and out of season. Touch the one who is reading this with tears streaming down their face. Hook them up with another mature Christian to help set them on the right path. Forgive us Lord for missing it a time or two. I know there has been a shift in the spirit and revival is heading our way. We have not been in preparation for no reason. Raise us up for such a time. amen
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 02:14:55 +0000

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