A Man and His Raccoon. Part II. The kids and I have asked up - TopicsExpress


A Man and His Raccoon. Part II. The kids and I have asked up and down the loop, and there is no further information to be had about the sleeping man or his raccoon -- not even from the loops grand dames. Were in town running errands this afternoon, so we decide to walk over to the fire station to make some inquiries. Right as we are about to cross the street to the station, though, the gate begins to roll up. Two fire trucks speed out, lights ablaze, sirens blaring. There wont be anyone left to talk to, despairs my younger. Lets go see, I say. A single ambulance remains in the fire house, a man standing by it. Smiling my most innocuous smile, I introduce myself and the children. Im Dane, says the fireman. We live over on the loop, I say. One of our neighbors had collapsed on the sidewalk a couple of days ago. We want to make sure he was okay. Oh, I cant tell you anything about him, he replies. Privacy and all. Well, actually we were wondering about the raccoon, I say. Dane chuckles. They told us at first he had bitten the guy. But I called back, I say quickly. To make sure you knew the raccoon was friendly. Yeah, grins Dane, no kidding. By the time we got there, they were darn near cuddling. The raccoon was rubbing his head on the guys leg, trying to wake him up. Turns out he was a pet. Theres a pair of them, a male and a female. Your neighbors been taking care of em, feeding them right out his hand. But what happened when animal control got there? Nothing, he says. The raccoon went up into the tree and didnt come down until they left. You got a pair of friendly neighborhood raccoons. My tomato plants! I say. Thats whos been eating my tomatoes all summer. More than likely, says Dane. Is the guy okay? I ask. My neighbor. Yeah, he shrugs. Lets just say he wasnt quite feeling well. But hes fine now. Good enough for us. We thank Dane and head out, giggling among ourselves.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 06:24:31 +0000

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