A Marlow Christmas Short; Christmas Music was playing on the - TopicsExpress


A Marlow Christmas Short; Christmas Music was playing on the sound system when Marlow entered the Hogs Breath. The place was surprisingly empty of patrons. Not surprising given it was Christmas Eve. Becca was behind the bar and she filled up a mug with Miller Genuine Draft for him, sliding a coaster across the burn-scarred bar. Surprised to see you tonight, Marlow. Im surprised to be here myself. I was shocked you were even open, Marlow replied. Im not happy about it either, but Im the only one that doesnt have kids so I volunteered. My way of contributing to my co-workers holiday cheer. Its a good thing to do. I just couldnt stand staring at eh walls of my apartment any longer. Tinas out of town for the holiday. You didnt go with her? Obviously. No Ive been tracking down a deadbeat dad. Just the kind of case you want to be working at Christmas, Marlow shrugged. I dont know how they do that sort of thing. I mean, not taking care of your own kids, Becca shook her head. Guys name is Larry Blake. I know Larry. Know where I can find him? Hes over there in the corner, Becca nodded. Thanks, Marlow stood and carried his beer over to the only occupied table in the bar. Hi Larry, he said as dropped into the chair across from him. Go away. Whoever you are, just go away, Blake replied. He looked like he had been crying. I cant do that Larry, Marlow took a drink of his beer. Why not? Because you have a little girl that desperately needs her father. How do you know about Janie? Her mother hired me to find you for her. Shes better off without me, Blake shook his head. They both are. Not your daughter. She needs you and you are the only one that can help her. What the hell are you talking about? Janie needs a kidney transplant. Her mother isnt compatible. If you wont help her, your daughter is going to die, Marlows voice was quiet. Oh my God, Blake whispered. So see, she isnt better off without you, Marlow told him. Where is she? Atlanta. There is a police car outside waiting to take you to the airport, another police car will be waiting there for you. Thank you, Blake extended his hand, standing. Marlow shook it. An officer stepped in and Blake followed him out. Marlow carried his drink back to the bar. That was a good thing you did there, Marlow. Merry Christmas, Marlow toasted her.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 22:12:39 +0000

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