A Memorial to our Children: “…for of such is the kingdom of - TopicsExpress


A Memorial to our Children: “…for of such is the kingdom of Heaven…” Condition: The voluntary or involuntary lost of new life. Thank God that His Mercy and Grace endure to all for ever… Until the age of accountability, children are gifted with Innocence which equates with God’s Righteousness! (God’s Mercy is defined as sins’ consequence, eternal death, which we DO deserve but, He keeps from us; God’s Grace is defined as His Love available to all, although we DON’T deserve it) Cause: Webster defines sin as: “The voluntary departure of a moral agent [we,] from a known rule of rectitude or duty, prescribed by God …” Because of Adam’s initial sin of disobedience we the progeny have been cursed, we are heirs to sin and its outcome, death (Genesis 3:17-19); the curse is in our genes! Human births are impoverished (bankrupt) from the beginning, born with a sentence to die. Pregnancy brings forth life, but temporal life is not a guarantee… God’s original desire for all of His creation was an idyllic world. The Apostle Paul tells us in 1Co 2:9 "…Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart [mind] of man, the things which God has [had] prepared for those who love Him." Humanly speaking we cannot imagine what it was except to say, a peace and joy and eternal life surpassing our understanding; total satisfaction, absent all ills and maladies, a life in constant communion with God, for He desires our fellowship. But, by choice, ecstasy was forfeited by our first parents’ defiance of God’s command. Upshot? We human are cursed together with all of creation: beast, fowl, sea creatures, creepers, every green plant, the Earth and the Universe—all that God made, and said …“it was very good”…—all given up for an insolent moment. The first sin removed man from paradise into a chaotic world in which myriad diseases effect both body and soul, unto death… Cure: Concerning our children that never got to live this temporal life? The good news is that their innocence is virtue, so God has instilled His Righteousness in them, and they live on… They left, to be with our Creator, as evidenced in Mathew 19:14, “... Jesus said, ‘Allow the little children to come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.’” They are fine! HALLELUJAH! The real question is how are you? Are you fine? Let me tell you a story. As children grow, we parents know that they quickly learn to say no, mine, etc. and correction is needed almost constantly in order to curb the negative (sin) that is inbred. Soon children develop the capacity to distinguish right from wrong (free moral agency), and as this happens they loose the gift of innocence. Our sin (iniquity) keeps us from a relationship with God because He is righteous—but, God, His Mercy and Grace endures forever, and is available to all, if we would avail ourselves of it. God’s Love provides His Mercy and Grace which in turn offers us His Salvation (Eternal Life) which is in the finished work of His Son Jesus. I may sound redundant but this point is so important that it needs repeating. Eternal Life (the avoidance of the second death) becomes ours when we recognize and accept God’s provision for us which is found in His Son, Jesus Christ (John 3:16). Now, God desires our unfettered love and relationship (Gen 3:8), this is known as worship. So, instead of robots, God created us humans, like you and me, with the ability to make free moral choices (distinguishing right from wrong, truth from falsehood), so that we may freely choose to give Him all our sin which otherwise separates us from a relationship with Him. In turn God gives us Eternal Life. In the Book of Genesis, God made Adam and Eve loin cloths of animal skins to cover thier nakedness (Genesis 3:21). This, thier nakedness symbolizes Sin, their sin, and the sin we have inherited (and the iniquitous lives we’ve chosen to live apart from Him). God performs the first Biblical animal sacrifice and the skins He better cloths our first parents’ nakedness. This, God’s first animal sacrifice would be repeated down through the millennia by men, until God’s last and perfect sacrifice, accomplished in the form of His Son, Jesus Christ on Calvary’s Cross. God, Jesus suffered once, and for all (Hebrews 7:27) the sins of humanity, including yours and mine nailed to the Cross, because He loves us. At this moment, if you’re desirous to know Jesus, more, I suggest that you respond to His knock (this desire is His knocking) at your heart’s door. There is no better way to get to know someone than to have dinner with that someone; so He invites you to do the same, Revelation 3:20 “…I [Jesus] stand at [your heart’s] door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him and he with Me.” Having “opened the door” you will experience God’s forgiveness for all of your sins; you’ll come to know His peace in all that you do, a peace that surpasses our understanding (Phi 4:7); yours will be His free gift of Eternal Life, and when you are called home to be with the Lord, you’ll have family waiting for you as well… Please exercise, right now, the measure of faith that He has given you (Rom 12:3), by whispering in the privacy of your heart God’s Word back to Him. Read to Him (not for His benefit but for your own assurance) Ephesians 2:8, 9 and Rom 10:9, 10. (I’ve Inserted in brackets personalize pronouns, for ease…) “For by grace [I am] saved through faith, and that not of [myself], [it is] the gift of God [to me], (9) not of [my] works, lest [I] should boast.” Romans 10:9, 10 “Because if [I] confess the Lord Jesus, and believe in [my] heart that God has raised Him from [the] dead, [I am] saved. (10) For with [my] heart [I] believes unto righteousness, and with [my] mouth [I] confess unto salvation.” Now, in this intimacy with God, don’t be ashamed to let Him know, in your own words, the remorse you feel for all your sins that He brings to your mind (and even in the coming days as you grow with Him…); and finish, whenever you talk with your Father by adding, “In the name of Jesus I pray (talk); Amen.” (“so be it…”). This way you are responding to God’s reminder to us found in John 14:13 “And whatever [I] may ask in [Jesus’] name, that [He] will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” If you’ve done this I congratulate you and praise God for this step of faith He has led you to take. Paul’s prompting to us in 2Corinthians 5:7 “…for we walk by faith, not by sight…” this is a walk of faith and I look forward to meeting you, if not here, then in Heaven. Two last things, please find yourself a Bible believing church to attend so that you may grow in your new faith. Don’t join those who say, “O’ Jesus? He’s just another Prophet.” Avoid them. Jesus is the only begotten Son of God! (John 3:16) Second, as the Spirit, Holy Spirit, of God guides you take the occasion to let someone know —you may know or not this person but God will guide you to the one in need of your words—about the step of faith that you have taken. Mathew 10:32 “...everyone who shall confess Me [Jesus] before men, I will confess him before My Father who is in Heaven.” God richly bless you in your walk with Him, I pray! The Message Maranatha!
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 23:21:47 +0000

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