A Message before Sunday Services Message to everyone: Woooow, I - TopicsExpress


A Message before Sunday Services Message to everyone: Woooow, I have NEVER seen Matthew 11:28-30 this way before. Christ in verse 28 is talking to many persons and telling them that anyone that is laden with loads that they can not possibly continue to carry and is weary from being yoked and plowing/working tirelessly unconsciously tilling the soil of evil in their lives from Satan...that they can come to him and find rest. He says to them in verse 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me.... then in verse 30 He ends with for my yoke is easy and my burden is light....ok, lets examine this thing. Many times we hear and are taught that when we are carrying burdens and if we are yoked (controlled by a power that drives us)...that we are to come to Christ and surrender them...which is correct....but I just realized that there is part that many people miss. When we lay down our burdens and yokes that were given us by Satan to depress and oppress us, at the feet of Jesus.....many of us actually leave burden and yoke free....but that is not the way it is supposed to be according to the scripture. Once we come to Him and He lifts the burden from the enemy that we once carried, and breaks the yoke from Satan off of our necks that drove and controlled us...we are supposed to remain with Him to rest in Him and allow Him to strengthen us again....and once we have become strong in the Lord... we FINISH the transaction. There is an exchange that is supposed to happen! Once He takes those things from us....we in turn allow God to place a burden on us that we are responsible for carrying and a yoke from God that is to control and drive us in tilling the soil of righteousness in our lives is to be put on us! That burden could be for anything ( a person(s), country, situations...etc) and the yoke of the Lord will drive you to work the ground of the area of your burden until the field is ready and a harvest is reached....so when I look around and many people that are in Christ and are burdenless, having no divinely inspired passion for a certain thing, and having no divine force driving them to work the works of God......I now understand why that is! Many of us simply rejoiced and moved too quickly. The moment we felt the weight of the world come off of us....we said Thank you Jesus and just went walking off! We told the world how He delivered us and set us free but; many of you out there need to go back to the place where Christ removed your burdens and yokes....because Hes still standing there.....waiting to finish the transaction. There is a load that is light enough for you to manage and power that will drive and enable you to do the work! Let us return and receive ALL that He has for us today! In doing this, we will see God work in our lives in way that we could never even imagine! Be blessed and happy Sunday!!
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 14:26:08 +0000

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