A Message from Dr. Kamermans Dr. Kamermans and Mary would like to - TopicsExpress


A Message from Dr. Kamermans Dr. Kamermans and Mary would like to pass along a Thank You to all his supporters. It means so much to Dr. Kamermans and his wife Mary that there are people out there that care, have interest in, and support them during these trying times. It gives them the strength to continue their fight for what is right. Below is a piece written by Dr. Kamermans regarding the situation that they are facing. Crime rates are the lowest they have been for years. When you take away the crimes committed around marijuana defined as the “low hanging fruit” by McLean’s magazine that could well drop “crime” by another fifty percent. What we have now in North America is Big Pharma, Agribusiness for produce, Wal Mart superstore, and the Crime business, all huge consortiums that have an appetite for more business, in fact for them to exist they need to expand. Much like the federal government. The Crime business directly employs the police, jail guards, lawyers, judges, and indirectly a great number of ancillary professions, and needs to constantly define or determine new areas of crime. So, too many lawyers and police and not enough crime. This crime business or crime machine has a voracious appetite and needs to constantly define more crime to make more criminals to feed the system. They have found the perfect candidate, a small town doctor involved in helping patients or supporting their need for extremely safe and effective pain medication. He says he is doing it to help people. No, they say he is doing it to help himself to the money. Crime business is always looking for new markets, especially in the highly contentious medical marijuana arena. He is a doctor and it’s about time that doctors were prosecuted, they have for too long been “above the law”, because of “high end”, representation, and then only reprimanded by their regulatory agencies. Now that they have a body of 29 O.P.P. officers at the ready to find OHIP fraud, I am sure they will find something. Ditto for forgery. And of course doctors make entirely too much money, so let’s add money laundering. Also the doctor is not from this country, I think he went to school in Mexico [actually New Mexico], and isn’t that where “reefer madness comes from”. Not only does he fit the bill in terms of opening new fields of crime, now he can also be the scapegoat for all the agencies that have not delivered according to their “mantras”. OPP “to serve and protect” Ha CPSO “watchdog for the public” another joke CMA “Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil.” Health Canada accessible medication for those in need Really!!!!! My Colleagues “physician do no harm” What? choose Oxy’s over marijuana And what puts the “icing on the cake” so to speak he now does not have legal counsel due to financial limitations So now he can quickly and quietly be led to “the gallows”, as so many of his fellow Americans and Canadians who do not have enough money for representation. Thanks Rob J. Kamermans MD
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 23:55:31 +0000

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