A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council October 9, - TopicsExpress


A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council October 9, 2014 Greetings, I am Mira. I am pleased to be with you today. I understand that some of you would like more definitive information from us. First, I would like to tell you everything about what is going on with our work with the Earth Council and all of the comings and goings on and around your planet. We are well aware of your desire for information as well as the need for support during these times of chaos and uncertainty. There is only so much that I can reveal because changes are happening constantly and the situation is complex. We work at the request of the Creator. We all have our jobs to do and so do you. We can only reveal what we are allowed to at the time. Please be patient as the divine plan unfolds. Take a look at your earth’s governments. Do you think for a minute that you are being given all of the information that you need to go about your daily lives? Of course not, they only tell you what they want you to know and most of it is false. There is the intention of instilling control and fear amongst the populace. This is not our intention. We are charged with making contact and spreading our love. We want you to know that we welcome the opportunity to become a part of your daily lives, to live and learn from each other in the oneness of life. This is our future. We have been around throughout eons of time. We are here on the planet along with other beings from other planets, galaxies and universes. Some of you may notice us or feel our energies to be “different.” We have to fit in like you do for many of our ground crew have felt they have had do to this all of their lives. You know that we monitor all conditions on the planet. We focus our energies where they are most needed. We are extremely busy right now and have called in additional help. We are employed where there are wars and fighting. We would end all conflict on the planet if this would be allowed. We cannot do this since humanity created this discordance it must learn its lessons to make the necessary changes. If necessary and things become so unstable that they are a threat to the survival of the earth, drastic measures will be taken. We have put various perpetrators on notice. We work with various beings all around the planet. We know what is going on and we are aware of their devious plans. On the more positive side, we celebrate with you every success, new wisdom, and healing that occurs on all levels. Each one gains a star and reward when peace, love and higher consciousness occur. When upliftment happens and people come to realize they are one and that they need to work together cooperatively we celebrate. You are making good progress. Right now it might appear that you are stuck in the mud but this is not so. You are just preparing to be spring-loaded into a higher way of living on beloved Mother Earth. I am Mira sending you love from the Earth Council and the Pleiadian High Council. Remember we are masters of the ascension process on numerous planets in creation. We are with you!
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 14:33:50 +0000

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